[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - FrontPage

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 8月 11日 (月) 01:19:21 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/fr?FrontPage
- = Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website
+ = Bienvenue sur le site du projet Ruby-GNOME2
- Ruby-GNOME2 is a set of Ruby language bindings for the GNOME 2.0 development environment. This is the next generation of Ruby-GNOME. 
+ Ruby-GNOME2 est une suite d'extensions Ruby pour l'environement de d騅eloppement GNOME2.  Il s'agit de la nouvelle g駭駻ation du projet Ruby-GNOME.
- Ruby-GNOME2 now includes the libraries below:
+ Ruby-GNOME2 supporte les biblioth鑷ues suivantes (sous forme de paquetage):
- * ruby-gtk package: Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GdkPixbuf2, Ruby/Pango, Ruby/GTK2
- * ruby-gnome-all package: ruby-gtk, Ruby/GnomeCanvas2, Ruby/Libart2, Ruby/Libglade2, Ruby/GConf2, Ruby/GnomeVFS, Ruby/GStreamer, Ruby/GtkHtml2
- * ruby-gstreamer package: Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GStreamer
+ * ruby-gtk: Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GdkPixbuf2, Ruby/Pango, Ruby/GTK2
+ * ruby-gnome-all: ruby-gtk, Ruby/GnomeCanvas2, Ruby/Libart2, Ruby/Libglade2, Ruby/GConf2, Ruby/GnomeVFS, Ruby/GStreamer, Ruby/GtkHtml2
+ * ruby-gstreamer: Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GStreamer
  * ruby-gtksourceview: Ruby/GtkSourceView
- * rbbr: Ruby Class Browser
- == Contents
- * ((<API Reference|Ruby-GNOME2 API Reference>))
- * ((<Tutorials|Ruby-GNOME2 Tutorials>))
- * ((<Install Guide>))
- * ((<Tips|Ruby-GNOME2 Tips>))
- * ((<Samples>))
- * ((<rbbr>))
- * ((<Icons>))
- * ((<Links>))
+ Ruby-GNOME2 dispose 馮alement des programmes suivants:
- == For Developers
- * ((<How to Implement Ruby-GNOME2>))
- * ((<Naming and Conversion Rules>))
+ * ((<rbbr|URL:../hiki.cgi?rbbr>)): Un navigateur de classes Ruby
+ == Note
+ Le site est toujours en cours de traduction.  Veuillez consulter ((<la version anglaise|URL:../hiki.cgi>)) en attendant :)
+ == Contenu du site
+ * ((<R馭駻ence API|URL:../hiki.cgi?Ruby-GNOME2+API+Reference>)) (en anglais)
+ * ((<Exemples de programmes|URL:../hiki.cgi?Samples>)) (en anglais)
+ * ((<Tutoriels|Ruby-GNOME2 Tutoriels>))
+ * ((<Guides d'installation|Guides Installation>))
+ * ((<Astuces|Ruby-GNOME2 Astuces>))
+ * ((<Icones>))
+ * ((<Liens>))
+ == Pour les d騅eloppeurs
+ * ((<Comment impl駑enter Ruby-GNOME2>))
+ * ((<Conventions et r鑒les de nommage>))
  * ((<Status>))
- == Misc
- * ((<History>))
- * ((<Access Ranking of this site>))
+ == Divers
+ * ((<Historique>))
+ * ((<Taux d'acc鑚 du site|URL:../hiki.cgi?Access+Ranking+of+this+site>)) (en anglais)
  * ((<googleplot|URL:/googleplot/>))
- * ((<"Copyright/License information"|License>))
- * ((<How to write this site>))
- * ((<"About Hiki/RD+">))
- * ((<Authors>))
+ * ((<License>))
+ * ((<Comment construire ce site>))
+ * ((<"A propos de Hiki/RD+">))
+ * ((<Auteurs>))
- Total: {{totalpages}} pages
+ Au total: {{totalpages}} pages!

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