[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] create - tut-gtk2-txtw-scrolledwin

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2009年 2月 3日 (火) 09:01:01 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-txtw-scrolledwin
TITLE       = tut-gtk2-txtw-scrolledwin
KEYWORD     = 
= The Text View Widget
{{link "tut-gtk2-txtw", "tut-gtk2-txtw", "tut-gtk", "tut-gtk2-txtw-textview"}}

== Scrolled Windows

Before you can learn about the Gtk::TextView widget, you need to learn about two container widgets called Gtk::ScrolledWindow and Gtk::Viewport. The scrollbars allow a widget to take more space than is visible on the screen. A widget that allows a Gtk::TextView widget to contain documents larger than the screen view is called Gtk::ScrolledWindow. As you know it contains two scrollbars, both ow which have associated an Gtk::Adjustment object. The adjustment objects are used to track the current position and range of a scroll bar. Adjustments work "magically" behind the scene and in most situations one does not need to access adjustments directly.

A scrollbar's adjustment holds information about scroll bounds, steps, and its current position.

--- Gtk::Adjustment.new(value, lower, upper, step_inc, page_inc, page_size)

    Creates a new Gtk::Adjustment. All argument types are Float. 
    * value: the initial value. Value is the current position of the scrollbar between the bonds. This value must always be between the ((*lower*)) and ((*upper*)) values, which are the bounds of the adjustment.
    * lower: the minimum value (Lower bound of the adjustment). 
    * upper: the maximum value (Upper bound of the adjustment). 
    * step_increment: the increment to use to make minor changes to the value. In a Gtk::Scrollbar this increment is used when the mouse is clicked on the arrows at the top and bottom of the scrollbar, to scroll by a small amount.  
    * page_increment: the increment to use to make major changes to the value. In a Gtk::Scrollbar this increment is used when the mouse is clicked in the trough, to scroll by a large amount.  
    * page_size: the page size. In a Gtk::Scrollbar this is the size of the area which is currently visible.

The following listing demonstrates how to use use scrolled windows and viewports. As the scrollbar is moved, the viewport will scroll as well because adjustments are synchronized. New scrolled windows are created with:   Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new(hadjustment = nil, vadjustment = nil), where the two arguments are the scrolled window's adjustments; these will be shared with the scrollbars and the child widget to keep the bars in sync with the child. Though you could supply adjustments you previously created, usually you do not specify any arguments, hence using the default nil(s) instead, which causes the scrolled window to create them for you. In our example the adjustments are used when viewport is created with Gtk::Viewport.new(horizontal, vertical). The viewport adjustments are initialized from with those from the scrolled window, ensuring that both containers will be scrolled at the same time.

One of the decisions you have to make when setting up a scrolled window is to specify when the scrollbars will be visible. This is done with the policy arguments, which take one of the values defined in ((<GtkPolicyType|Gtk#GtkPolicyType>)). Though unlikely, another thing you may wish to set is the placement of the scrollbars. For that you have Gtk::Scrollbar#window_placement=(window_placement) method at your disposal. Lok for the correct argument values at ((<GtkCornerType|Gtk#GtkCornerType>)).

After you have setup a scrolled window you should add a child widget which you intend to move around with your scrollbars. If a widget has native scrolling abilities (such widgets are: Gtk::TextView, Gtk::TreeView, Gtk::IconView, or Gtk::Layout), it can be added to the Gtk::ScrolledWindow with Gtk::Container#add. If it does not, you must first add the widget to a Gtk::Viewport, then add the Gtk::Viewport to the scrolled window. The convenience method Gtk::ScrolledWindow#add_with_viewport does exactly this, so you can ignore the presence of the viewport. 


 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
 require 'gtk2'

 def button_clicked(b)
   puts "Button (#{b.label}) pressed"
 window = Gtk::Window.new(Gtk::Window::TOPLEVEL)
 window.resizable = true
 window.title = "Scrolled Windows & Viewports"
 window.border_width = 10
 window.signal_connect('delete_event') { Gtk.main_quit }
 window.set_size_request(350, 300)
 table1 = Gtk::Table.new(10, 10, true)
 table2 = Gtk::Table.new(10, 10, true)
 table1.row_spacings = 5
 table2.row_spacings = 5
 table1.column_spacings = 5
 table2.column_spacings = 5

 options = Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL
 x = 10; y = 10
 # Pack each table with 100 buttons. */
 x.times do |i|
   y.times do |j|
     b1 = Gtk::Button.new("V:%2d,%2d" % [i,j])
     b2 = Gtk::Button.new("S:%2d,%2d" % [i,j])
     b1.signal_connect('clicked') { |w| button_clicked(w) }
     b2.signal_connect('clicked') { |w| button_clicked(w) }
              # child, x1,    x2, y1,    y2, x-opt,   y-opt, xpad, ypad
     table1.attach(b1,  i, i + 1,  j, j + 1, options, options, 0, 0)
     table2.attach(b2,  i, i + 1,  j, j + 1, options, options, 0, 0)
 # Create a scrolled window and a viewport, each with one table.
 # Use the adjustments in the scrolled window to synchronize
 # both containers.
 swin       = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new
 horizontal = swin.hadjustment
 vertical   = swin.vadjustment
 viewport   = Gtk::Viewport.new(horizontal, vertical)

 swin.border_width = 5
 viewport.border_width = 5
 swin.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS)


 # Pack the widgets into a GtkVBox and then into the window.
 vbox = Gtk::VBox.new(true, 5)


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