[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-dancr

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2013年 3月 19日 (火) 02:28:31 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-dancr
@@ -47,4 +47,8 @@
 In this chapter I will attempt to highlight both of these two environments, point out how they cooperate, as well as discuss the circumstances when it looks that either one may be a better choice over the other, and even when due to some, as of yet, unexplained limitations of Ruby GTK/Cairo marriage we need to resort to some peculiar tricks not needed in straight C, or C++ (gtkmm) environments.
-Most of those familiar with GTK+ 2D graphics know that Cairo 2D library is preferable over the original GTK solutions utilizing Gdk::Drawable. Also the emphasis in this chapter will be on ((*Cairo,*)) however, the two, especially in Ruby are tightly related, in fact some of what can be considered stand alone Cairo features in native C GTK+ are not available in Ruby. Most often when some native GTK/Cairo functionality is missing, we should be able to find another 'Ruby-GTK way' of accomplishing those things. As the matter of fact, at the beginning, when I started to learn how to manage 2D graphics in Ruby, I often studied examples native C GTK, only to discover that there were no Cairo or GTK primitives available in Ruby, when trying to port the examples from those tutorials in other programming languages to Ruby. It took me a lot of time to figure out 'the Ruby ways in GTK+/Cairo'.
+Most of those familiar with GTK+ 2D graphics know that Cairo 2D library is preferable over the original GTK solutions utilizing Gdk::Drawable. Also the emphasis in this chapter will be on ((*Cairo,*)) however, the two, especially in Ruby are tightly related, in fact some of what can be considered stand alone Cairo features in native C GTK+ are not available in Ruby. Most often when some native GTK/Cairo functionality is missing, one believes, we should be able to find another 'Ruby-GTK way' of accomplishing those things. As the matter of fact, at the beginning, when I started to learn how to manage 2D graphics in Ruby, I often studied examples native C GTK, only to discover that there were no Cairo or GTK primitives available in Ruby, when trying to port the examples from those tutorials in other programming languages to Ruby. 
+For some reason, not all nonessential parts of Cairo Graphics library are ported to Ruby in its entirety. Unfortunately, almost all reasonably complete Cairo tutorials to date, including the tutorials found on the official Cairo documentation site (http://cairographics.org/tutorial/), begin explaining the library using these parts inexplicable and almost 'devilishly' missing from the Ruby incarnation of Cairo library. The good news is, that all the essential Cairo functionality in Ruby, nevertheless, is there. However, unless you are proficient in GTK/Cairo, you will have hard time ever coming to such a conclusion, never mind, getting sufficiently comfortable with Ruby graphics libraries for any serious GUI programming. It is, as if by omitting the simplest console related Cairo features used in all the Cairo tutorials, should keep many potential Ruby-graphic programmers away, not only from embracing the Cairo but also from using Ruby/GTK in general.
+By expanding this Ruby/Gtk tutorial and, here, in particular attempting to convert all the examples from currently prominent Cairo Graphics tutorial wherever possible, I wish to brake through the 'devilish' barrier, preventing the flourishing of Ruby graphics program development and healthy growth of Ruby GUI community. 

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