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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2015年 9月 22日 (火) 14:39:17 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?News_20150913_1
TITLE       = News (2015-09-13 No.1)
KEYWORD     = 
= News (2015-09-13)
== Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.2 has been released!

It is a compatibility improvement release of 3.0.1.

=== Changes

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Improvements
    * Supported void pointer.
      [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
    * Added (({GObjectIntrospection::Loader.instantiate_gobject_pointer})).

==== Ruby/GDK3

  * Improvements
    * Supported (({Gdk::Window#user_data})).
      [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
    * compatibility: (({Cairo::Context#set_source_rgba})) accepts
      (({nil})) as alpha value.
      [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * Windows: Added hicolor-icon-theme as fallback theme.

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Improvements
    * compatibility: (({Gtk::Window#icon=})) accepts icon file name.
      [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
    * compatibility: (({Gtk::Dialog#add_button})) accepts (({Symbol}))
      as response ID.
      [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
    * Deprecated (({Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog})).
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
      (({Gtk::TextBuffer#insert(iter, target, *tags)})) usage.
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Supported creating an empty image by
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
      (({Gtk::ImageMenuItem.new})) usage.
    * Supported (({Gtk::TreeIter#next!})).
    * Supported (({Gtk::TreeModel#get_value})).
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * Windows: Added missing Ruby/RSVG2 dependency.
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * Supported (({nil})) as (({size})) for (({Gtk::Image.new})).
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
    * Supported Rubyish (({Gtk::CheckMenuItem.new})).
  * Fixes
    * Fixed samples.
      [GitHub#536][GitHub#541] [Patch by cedlemo]
      [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
    * Fixed a bug that (({Gtk::Calendar#date})) returns (({0-11}))
      range month value.

==== Ruby/RSVG2

  * Improvements
    * Windows: Added missing Ruby/Pango dependency.
    * Windows: Updated loaders.cache for gdk-pixbuf automatically.

==== Ruby/GStreamer

  * Improvements
    * compatibility: (({Gst::TypeFindFactory#extensions})) always
      returns (({Array})).

=== Thanks

  * cedlemo
  * Abby Archer

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