[Scim-imengine-dev 145] Fw: Patch for scim-anthy's conversion table

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Hiroyuki Ikezoe poinc****@ikezo*****
2005年 1月 28日 (金) 20:49:22 JST



Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:47:26 +0100
From: David Oftedal <david****@start*****>
To: poinc****@ikezo*****
Subject: Patch for scim-anthy's conversion table

Dear Hiroyuki,

Please find enclosed a trivial patch for scim-anthy's conversion table. 
It assigns the key combination \. to the middle dot ・ . I picked the 
combination at random, but I figure there's some logic to it. I hope 
you'll consider it for inclusion in scim-anthy.

Best regards

David J. Oftedal

-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: convtable.diff
型:         text/x-patch
サイズ:     305 バイト
説明:       無し

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