论坛: ヘルプ (Thread #26090)

Export only seems to generate sRGB TIF (2010-04-23 02:03 by Jonathan #50221)

Having done a separate+ (Gimp 2.6), which generated the four grey-scale layered image separate->export was prepared to generate a TIF, but it said that it was a singe layered RGB TIF, even though I selected CMYK profile. It loads into the Gimp (on another machine on the network) as a perfectly normal RGB colour TIF. How do I get a CMYK TIF to save?

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RE: Export only seems to generate sRGB TIF (2010-04-23 05:05 by yamma-ma #50224)

Preinstalled TIFF file plug-in doesn't support CMYK file. If you try to open CMYK TIFF file with the GIMP, it accesses as if file is RGB.
We provide a small CMYK TIFF import plug-in named "separate_import". This plug-in imports CMYK TIFF file (JPEG/PSD files are not supported) and generates a pseudo-composite document.
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RE: Export only seems to generate sRGB TIF (2010-04-23 15:32 by Jonathan #50229)

[Follow up Message #50224]

> Preinstalled TIFF file plug-in doesn't support CMYK file. If you try to open
> CMYK TIFF file with the GIMP, it accesses as if file is RGB.

So you are saying that the export does produce a real CMYK file, but that the
'standard' GIMP accesses it as if it is RGB?

> We provide a small CMYK TIFF import plug-in named "separate_import". This
> plug-in imports CMYK TIFF file (JPEG/PSD files are not supported) and
> generates a pseudo-composite document.

Where is this in the package? I couldn't find it ...

Thank you for your work!

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RE: Export only seems to generate sRGB TIF (2010-04-23 16:47 by yamma-ma #50235)

[メッセージ#50229 へのフォロー]

> [Follow up Message #50224]
> > Preinstalled TIFF file plug-in doesn't support CMYK file. If you try to open
> > CMYK TIFF file with the GIMP, it accesses as if file is RGB.
> So you are saying that the export does produce a real CMYK file, but that the
> 'standard' GIMP accesses it as if it is RGB?

GIMP cannot load the CMYK TIFF file correctly, but no error (or warning) messages are displayed.

> > We provide a small CMYK TIFF import plug-in named "separate_import". This
> > plug-in imports CMYK TIFF file (JPEG/PSD files are not supported) and
> > generates a pseudo-composite document.
> Where is this in the package? I couldn't find it ...

What OS do you use and how do you install Separate+?
If you installed Separate+ correctly, you can call the separate_import plug-in via "File -> Create -> From CMYK TIFF".
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RE: Export only seems to generate sRGB TIF (2010-12-07 13:31 by SmittyJones #54644)

I installed Separate 0.5.8 for Gimp 2.4.
I works, but when I select Separate-> Separate from the Image menu, it does not show any choices for the Destination Color Space
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