CouchDB4CF is a set of ColdFusion facade objects that encapsulate the easy to use CouchDB4J project written by Marcus R. Breese ( This project's purpose is to simplify access to CouchDB databases.
Latest 5 files |
名称 | 大小 | 日期 | 下载总数 | | 3.6 MB | 2010-09-01 14:28 | 12 |
couchdb4cf-1.0.0-src.tar.gz | 3.5 MB | 2010-09-01 14:26 | 4 | | 1.5 MB | 2010-09-01 14:26 | 12 |
couchdb4cf-1.0.0-release.tar.gz | 1.5 MB | 2010-09-01 14:26 | 4 |
json-lib-2.2.3-MODIFIED-jdk15.jar | 124.9 KB | 2010-09-01 14:18 | 41 |
全文件 |
||| | 3.6 MB | 2010-09-01 14:28 | 12 |
couchdb4cf-1.0.0-src.tar.gz | 3.5 MB | 2010-09-01 14:26 | 4 | | 1.5 MB | 2010-09-01 14:26 | 12 |
couchdb4cf-1.0.0-release.tar.gz | 1.5 MB | 2010-09-01 14:26 | 4 |
com | |||
adampresley | |||
couchdb | |||
lib | |||
json-lib-2.2.3-MODIFIED-jdk15.jar | 124.9 KB | 2010-09-01 14:18 | 41 |
httpcore-4.0-beta2.jar | 167.2 KB | 2010-09-01 14:18 | 47 |
httpclient-4.0-beta2.jar | 269.7 KB | 2010-09-01 14:18 | 64 |
ezmorph-1.0.3.jar | 76.0 KB | 2010-09-01 14:18 | 39 |
couchdb4j.jar | 20.5 KB | 2010-09-01 14:18 | 341 |
commons-logging-1.1.jar | 51.7 KB | 2010-09-01 14:18 | 32 |
commons-lang.jar | 202.9 KB | 2010-09-01 14:17 | 686 |
commons-collections.jar | 546.3 KB | 2010-09-01 14:17 | 458 |
commons-beanutils.jar | 184.2 KB | 2010-09-01 14:17 | 71 |
commons-codec-1.3.jar | 45.6 KB | 2010-09-01 14:17 | 94 |
javaloader | |||
lib | ||| | 7.9 KB | 2010-09-01 14:16 | 4 |
classloader-20080514084644.jar | 13.6 KB | 2010-09-01 14:16 | 23 |
readme.txt | 2.5 KB | 2010-09-01 14:16 | 4 |
licence.txt | 11.5 KB | 2010-09-01 14:16 | 8 |
JavaProxy.cfc | 11.4 KB | 2010-09-01 14:16 | 14 |
JavaLoader.cfc | 8.1 KB | 2010-09-01 14:16 | 55 |
couchdb4j | |||
src | |||
test | |||
com | |||
fourspaces | |||
couchdb | |||
test | ||| | 3.3 KB | 2010-09-01 14:13 | 13 | | 0.7 KB | 2010-09-01 14:13 | 12 | | 3.1 KB | 2010-09-01 14:13 | 4 | | 1.3 KB | 2010-09-01 14:13 | 3 | | 0.5 KB | 2010-09-01 14:12 | 210 | | 25 B | 2010-09-01 14:12 | 17 |
java | |||
com | |||
fourspaces | |||
couchdb | |||
util | ||| | 2.0 KB | 2010-09-01 14:11 | 30 | | 2.6 KB | 2010-09-01 14:10 | 5 | | 5.4 KB | 2010-09-01 14:10 | 22 | | 11.5 KB | 2010-09-01 14:10 | 21 | | 0.9 KB | 2010-09-01 14:10 | 14 | | 4.8 KB | 2010-09-01 14:10 | 2 | | 12.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:45 | 14 | | 12.0 KB | 2010-08-13 01:45 | 14 |
lib | |||
test | |||
easymock.jar | 61.2 KB | 2010-09-01 14:08 | 140 |
junit-4.1.jar | 109.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:43 | 65 |
log4j.jar | 344.4 KB | 2010-08-13 01:42 | 109 |
json-lib-2.2.3-MODIFIED-jdk15.jar | 124.9 KB | 2010-08-13 01:41 | 6 |
ezmorph-1.0.3.jar | 76.0 KB | 2010-08-13 01:41 | 12 |
httpclient-4.0-beta2.jar | 269.7 KB | 2010-08-13 01:41 | 10 |
httpcore-4.0-beta2.jar | 167.2 KB | 2010-08-13 01:41 | 18 |
commons-logging-1.1.jar | 51.7 KB | 2010-08-13 01:40 | 12 |
commons-lang.jar | 202.9 KB | 2010-08-13 01:40 | 37 |
commons-collections.jar | 546.3 KB | 2010-08-13 01:40 | 27 |
commons-codec-1.3.jar | 45.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:40 | 15 |
commons-beanutils.jar | 184.2 KB | 2010-08-13 01:40 | 26 |
javadoc | |||
stylesheet.css | 1.2 KB | 2010-09-01 14:06 | 16 |
package-list.txt | 23 B | 2010-09-01 14:06 | 41 |
resources | |||
inherit.gif | 0.1 KB | 2010-08-13 01:39 | 21 |
com | |||
fourspaces | |||
couchdb | |||
class-use | |||
ViewResults.html | 10.2 KB | 2010-08-13 01:38 | 2 |
Session.html | 5.3 KB | 2010-08-13 01:38 | 2 |
View.html | 9.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:38 | 20 |
Document.html | 14.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:38 | 4 |
Database.html | 9.1 KB | 2010-08-13 01:38 | 11 |
CouchResponse.html | 8.3 KB | 2010-08-13 01:38 | 3 |
AdHocView.html | 6.8 KB | 2010-08-13 01:38 | 10 |
ViewResults.html | 18.8 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 4 |
View.html | 21.8 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 27 |
package-use.html | 7.2 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 2 |
Session.html | 30.7 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 2 |
package-tree.html | 6.1 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 3 |
package-summary.html | 7.1 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 21 |
package-frame.html | 1.5 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 5 |
Document.html | 55.3 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 3 |
Database.html | 26.5 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 15 |
CouchResponse.html | 12.5 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 2 |
AdHocView.html | 11.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:37 | 1 |
overview-tree.html | 6.0 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 11 |
index-all.html | 49.2 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 5 |
index.html | 1.3 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 8 |
help-doc.html | 9.0 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 16 |
deprecated-list.html | 4.8 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 14 |
constant-values.html | 4.8 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 3 |
allclasses-noframe.html | 1.3 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 3 |
allclasses-frame.html | 1.4 KB | 2010-08-13 01:36 | 44 | | 0.3 KB | 2010-08-13 01:35 | 2 |
README.TXT | 3.9 KB | 2010-08-13 01:35 | 3 |
pom.xml | 3.7 KB | 2010-08-13 01:35 | 41 |
LICENSE.TXT | 11.1 KB | 2010-08-13 01:35 | 13 |
build.xml | 3.2 KB | 2010-08-13 01:35 | 18 |
DatabaseSession.cfc | 7.9 KB | 2010-09-01 14:03 | 2 |
test.cfm | 0.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:34 | 31 |
README | 0.6 KB | 2010-08-13 01:34 | 10 |
LICENSE | 1.5 KB | 2010-08-13 01:34 | 12 |