
IonOS is a simple (and Uruguayan) GNU/Linux distro ready to use, based on Debian Wheezy (7), uses the MATE DE (the Gnome 2 desktop environment fork), and give you a fantastic out of the box experience. We have 2 versions of IonOS, Free and non Free edition. IonOS comes in the form of a Live DVD for regular PC (i586/i686/x86_64) systems.

Requirements to run: ~512 Mb RAM x86 PROC (i586/i686/x86_64)

*IonOS is Debian Wheezy with another package selection and MATE DE, all credits to debian developers, debian community, www.debian.org, and mate-de devs http://mate-desktop.org/

Contact: ionos@users.sourceforge.net http://nosxw.deviantart.com/ https://twitter.com/nosXw

*Wallpaper by http://solutionall.deviantart.com

*** After install please do: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


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