Download List


PancakeBot is a 2 axis CNC machine made from LEGO used for making pancakes.
Here we have the instructions available for download.


System requirement is not defined

Download Package list

Latest 5 files
名称 大小 日期 下载总数
ReadMe.txt 2.6 KB 2014-02-04 16:56 11
ButterFly.ev3 22.5 KB 2014-02-03 22:13 18
Butterfly_RAW_Coordinates.txt 55.6 KB 2014-02-03 22:13 4
Butterfly.rtf 25.8 KB 2014-02-03 22:13 6
ButterFly.dwg 79.8 KB 2014-02-03 22:13 254
ReadMe.txt2.6 KB2014-02-04 16:5611
ButterFly.ev322.5 KB2014-02-03 22:1318
Butterfly_RAW_Coordinates.txt55.6 KB2014-02-03 22:134
Butterfly.rtf25.8 KB2014-02-03 22:136
ButterFly.dwg79.8 KB2014-02-03 22:13254
vectorize_dxf_comment_drop.py1.3 KB2014-02-03 22:123
ptexport.lsp2.5 KB2014-02-03 22:101776
PancakeBot_Instructions.zip24.6 MB2014-02-03 01:0911