[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2876] 0.83 module unified

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 8月 18日 (木) 21:47:06 JST

Revision: 2876
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-08-18 21:47:06 +0900 (Thu, 18 Aug 2011)

Log Message:
0.83 module unified

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/08x/sie.js
--- branches/08x/sie.js	2011-08-18 10:33:46 UTC (rev 2875)
+++ branches/08x/sie.js	2011-08-18 12:47:06 UTC (rev 2876)
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
 /*string*/ Element.prototype.getAttribute = function( /*string*/ name) {
-  return (this.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", name));
+  return (this.getAttributeNS(null, name));
 /*void*/ Element.prototype.setAttribute = function( /*string*/ name, /*string*/ value) {
   this.setAttributeNS(null, name, value);
@@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@
   this._n = [1, 0.01, 1, 1, 1, 35.43307, 3.543307, 90, 1.25, 15, 1, 180 / Math.PI, 90/100, 1, 1000, 1, 1000, 1]; //CSS_PX単位への変換値(なお、CSS_SはCSS_MSに、CSS_RADとCSS_GRADはCSS_DEGに、CSS_KHZはCSS_HZに統一)
   this.cssValueType = CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE;
   this.primitiveType = CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_UNKNOWN;
-  this._value = 1;
+  this._value = null;
   this._percent = 0; //単位に%が使われていた場合、このプロパティの数値を1%として使う
   this._empercent = 0;
   /*void*/ this.setFloatValue = function(/*short*/ unitType, /*float*/ floatValue) {
@@ -1902,41 +1902,45 @@
     if ((/*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_UNKNOWN*/ 0 >= unitType) && (unitType >= /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_STRING*/ 19)) { //浮動小数点数単位型をサポートしないCSS単位である場合
       throw new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR);
-    var tc = this.cssText,
-        n = tc.charAt(tc.length-1),
-        type = 0,
-        s = +(tc.match(this._regd));
-    s = isNaN(s) ? 0 : s;
-    if (n >= "0" && n <= "9") {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER*/ 1;
-      if (unitType === 1) {
-        unitType = tc = n = type = null;
-        return s;
+    if (this._value || (this._value === 0)) { //すでに、setFloatValueメソッドによって_valueプロパティが設定されていた場合
+      return (this._value / this._n[unitType-1]);
+    } else {
+      var tc = this.cssText,
+          n = tc.charAt(tc.length-1),
+          type = 0,
+          s = +(tc.match(this._regd));
+      s = isNaN(s) ? 0 : s;
+      if (n >= "0" && n <= "9") {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER*/ 1;
+        if (unitType === 1) {
+          unitType = tc = n = type = null;
+          return s;
+        }
+      } else if (n === "%") {
+        s *= this._percent;
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PERCENTAGE*/ 2;
+      } else if ((n === "m") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "e")) {
+        s *= this._empercent;
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_EMS*/ 3;
+      } else if ((n === "x") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "e")) {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_EXS*/ 4;
+      } else if ((n === "x") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "p")) {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PX*/ 5;
+      } else if ((n === "m") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "c")) {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_CM*/ 6;
+      } else if ((n === "m") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "m")) {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_MM*/ 7;
+      } else if (n === "n") {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IN*/ 8;
+      } else if (n === "t") {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PT*/ 9;
+      } else if (n === "c") {
+        type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PC*/ 10;
-    } else if (n === "%") {
-      s *= this._percent;
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PERCENTAGE*/ 2;
-    } else if ((n === "m") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "e")) {
-      s *= this._empercent;
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_EMS*/ 3;
-    } else if ((n === "x") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "e")) {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_EXS*/ 4;
-    } else if ((n === "x") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "p")) {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PX*/ 5;
-    } else if ((n === "m") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "c")) {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_CM*/ 6;
-    } else if ((n === "m") && (tc.charAt(tc.length-2) === "m")) {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_MM*/ 7;
-    } else if (n === "n") {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IN*/ 8;
-    } else if (n === "t") {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PT*/ 9;
-    } else if (n === "c") {
-      type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PC*/ 10;
+      s = s * this._n[type-1] / this._n[unitType-1];
+      tc = n = type = unitType = null;
+      return s;
-    this._value = s * this._n[type-1];  //値はあらかじめ、利用しやすいように変換しておく
-    tc = n = type = s = null;
-    return (this._value / this._n[unitType-1]);
   /*void*/ this.setStringValue = function(/*short*/ stringType, /*string*/ stringValue) {
     if (CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_DIMENSION >= stringType && stringType >= CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_COUNTER) { //文字列型をサポートしないCSS単位である場合
@@ -3045,9 +3049,9 @@
       throw new SVGException(SVGException.SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR);
-  this.rgbColor.red.cssText = s[0];
-  this.rgbColor.green.cssText = s[1];
-  this.rgbColor.blue.cssText = s[2];
+  this.rgbColor.red.setFloatValue(/*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER*/ 1, s[0]);
+  this.rgbColor.green.setFloatValue(1, s[1]);
+  this.rgbColor.blue.setFloatValue(1, s[2]);
   rgbColor = s = _parseInt = null;
@@ -3984,8 +3988,9 @@
     var ifr = this._tar.previousSibling,
+        ifcw = ifr.contentWindow,
-    if (ifr.contentWindow) {
+    if (ifcw) {
       ifr.contentWindow.screen.updateInterval = 999;
       _doc = ifr.contentWindow.document;
@@ -4014,15 +4019,15 @@
         sp = _doc.createElement("div"),
         dcp = _doc.createElement("v:group"),
         backr = _doc.createElement("v:rect"),
-        style, fontSize, w, h, sw, sh, trstyle, tpstyle, backrs, viewWidth, viewHeight,
-        bfl, bft, bl, backright, backdown, text,
+        style, fontSize, sw, sh, trstyle, tpstyle, backrs,
+        bfl, bft, bl, text,
         _parseFloat = parseFloat,
         ndoc = NAIBU.doc,
           oba = _doc.createElement("div"); //obaはradialGradient要素で使う
     sp.style.margin = "-2px,-0px,0px,-2px"
-    if (ifr.contentWindow) {
+    if (ifcw) {
        _doc.body.style.backgroundColor = objei.parentNode.currentStyle.backgroundColor;
     s._document_ = _doc; //_document_プロパティはradialGradient要素やNAIBU._setPaintなどで使う
@@ -4086,7 +4091,7 @@
     dcp.style.height = tview.height+ "px";
     dcp.coordsize = tview.width+ " " +tview.height;
-    if (ifr.contentWindow) {
+    if (ifcw) {
     } else {
       this._tar.parentNode.insertBefore(sp, this._tar);
@@ -4107,13 +4112,11 @@
-    w = tview.width;
-    h = tview.height;
     sw = tar.width.baseVal.value;
     sh = tar.height.baseVal.value;
     backr.style.position = "absolute";
-    backr.style.width = w+ "px";
-    backr.style.height = h+ "px";
+    backr.style.width = tview.width+ "px";
+    backr.style.height = tview.height+ "px";
     backr.style.zIndex = -1;
     backr.stroked = "false";
     backr.filled = "false";
@@ -4122,15 +4125,11 @@
     tpstyle = objei.style;
     trstyle.visibility = "visible";
     trstyle.position = "absolute";
-    /*以下、画像を切り取り*/
     trstyle.overflow = "hidden";
     backrs = backr.currentStyle;
-    /*ウィンドウ枠の長さを決定する*/
-    viewWidth = w > sw ? sw : w;
-    viewHeight = h > sh ? sh : h;
     bfl = _parseFloat(backrs.left);
     bft = _parseFloat(backrs.top);
-    bl = -tar._tx;
+    bl = -tar._tx;                  //blやbtは、ずれを調整するのに使う
     bt = -tar._ty;
     if (bfl !== 0 && !isNaN(bfl)) { //内部の図形にずれが生じたとき(isNaNはIE8でautoがデフォルト値のため)
       bl = bfl;
@@ -4140,9 +4139,6 @@
       bt = bft;
       dcp.style.top = -bt+ "px";
-    backright = bl + viewWidth + 1;
-    backdown = bt + viewHeight + 1;
-    trstyle.clip = "rect(" +bt+ "px " +backright+ "px " +backdown+ "px " +bl+ "px)";
     this._document = s;
     if ("_svgload_limited" in s.documentElement) {
@@ -4171,13 +4167,13 @@
     s.defaultView._cache = s.defaultView._cache_ele = null;
-    oba = _doc = evt = _doc = objei = tar = tview = objw = objh = n = att = sdt = sp = dcp = backr = w = h = sw = sh = style = fontSize = null;
-    trstyle = tpstyle = backrs = viewWidth = viewHeight = text = texti = i = bfl = bft = bl = bt = backdown = backright = text = _parseFloat = null;
+    oba = _doc = evt = _doc = objei = tar = tview = objw = objh = n = att = sdt = sp = dcp = backr = sw = sh = style = fontSize = null;
+    trstyle = tpstyle = backrs = text = texti = i = bfl = bft = bl = bt = text = _parseFloat = null;
     this.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = NAIBU.emptyFunction;
     if (this._next) {
-      ifr.contentWindow && (ifr.contentWindow.screen.updateInterval = 0);
-      ifr = s = null;
+      ifcw && (ifr.contentWindow.screen.updateInterval = 0);
+      ifr = ifcw = s = null;
     } else {
@@ -4191,7 +4187,7 @@
               dbufli = dbuf.length,
               s, evt;
           if (dbufli === 0) {
-            clearInterval(Event._buff);              
+            clearInterval(NAIBU._buff);              
           } else {
             for (var i=0;i<50;++i) {
               s = dbuf[n];
@@ -4211,9 +4207,9 @@
           dbuf = n = dbufli = null;
         }, 1);
-        ifr = s = null;
+        ifr = ifcw = s = null;
       } else {
-        ifr = s = null;
+        ifr = ifcw = s = null;
       delete NAIBU.doc;
@@ -6795,7 +6791,7 @@
         sstyle.setProperty("color", sstyle.getPropertyValue("color"));
-      color[i] =  "rgb(" +ci.rgbColor.red.cssText+ "," +ci.rgbColor.green.cssText+ "," +ci.rgbColor.blue.cssText+ ")";
+      color[i] =  "rgb(" +ci.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(1)+ "," +ci.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(1)+ "," +ci.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(1)+ ")";
       colors[i] = stop.offset.baseVal + " " + color[i];
       opacity[i] = (sstyle.getPropertyValue("stop-opacity") || 1) * t.getPropertyValue("fill-opacity") * t.getPropertyValue("opacity");

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