[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2643] 1, チケット #25063「currentColorを使用したときに不具合」を修正

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 5月 4日 (水) 20:30:03 JST

Revision: 2643
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-05-04 20:30:02 +0900 (Wed, 04 May 2011)

Log Message:
1, チケット #25063「currentColorを使用したときに不具合」を修正
2, stop-colorでcurrentColorを対応

Ticket Links:

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Property changes on: branches/07x/org/w3c
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/06x/061/org/w3c:1864-2067
   + /branches/06x/061/org/w3c:1864-2067

Property changes on: branches/07x/org/w3c/core.js
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/core.js:1864-2067
   + /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/core.js:1864-2067

Modified: branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/css.js
--- branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/css.js	2011-05-03 14:36:01 UTC (rev 2642)
+++ branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/css.js	2011-05-04 11:30:02 UTC (rev 2643)
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
         ti, paintType, v1,
         uri = null,
         color = null,
-        fill, stroke;
+        fill, stroke, stop;
     if (!!this[propertyName]) {
       tg = this.getPropertyCSSValue(propertyName);
@@ -303,18 +303,24 @@
           uri = RegExp.$1;
         } else if (value === "currentColor") {
           paintType = /*SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR*/ 102;
-          color = this.getPropertyValue("color");
+          color = this.getPropertyValue("color") || "rgb(0,0,0)";
         ti.setPaint(paintType, uri, color, null);
         paintType = v1 = uri = color = null;
       } else if (this._isStop[propertyName]) {
         ti = new SVGColor();
-        ti.colorType = /*SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR*/ 1;
+        if (value === "currentColor") {
+          ti.colorType = /*SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR*/ 3;
+          value = this.getPropertyValue("color") || "rgb(0,0,0)";
+        } else {
+          ti.colorType = /*SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR*/ 1;
+        }
       } else if (this._isColor[propertyName]) {
         ti = new CSSPrimitiveValue();
         fill = this.getPropertyCSSValue("fill");
         stroke = this.getPropertyCSSValue("stroke");
+        stop = this.getPropertyCSSValue("stop-color");
         if (fill) {
           if (fill.paintType === /*SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR*/ 102) {
             fill.setPaint(fill.paintType, null, value, null);
@@ -323,6 +329,10 @@
           if (stroke.paintType === /*SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR*/ 102) {
             stroke.setPaint(fill.paintType, null, value, null);
+        } else if (stop) {
+          if (stop.colorType === /*SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR*/ 3) {
+            stop.setRGBColor(value);
+          }
       } else {
         ti = new CSSPrimitiveValue();

Property changes on: branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/css.js
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/dom/css.js:1864-2067
   + /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/dom/css.js:1864-2067

Property changes on: branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/events.js
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/dom/events.js:1864-2067
   + /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/dom/events.js:1864-2067

Modified: branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/svg.js
--- branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-05-03 14:36:01 UTC (rev 2642)
+++ branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-05-04 11:30:02 UTC (rev 2643)
@@ -4356,9 +4356,13 @@
     for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
       stop = stops[i];
       sstyle = stop.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(stop, "");
-      ci = sstyle.getPropertyValue("stop-color");
-      color[i] = SVGColor.prototype._keywords[ci] || ci;
-      colors[i] = stop.offset.baseVal + " " + ci;
+      ci = sstyle.getPropertyCSSValue("stop-color");
+      if (ci && (ci.colorType === /*SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR*/ 3)) {
+        /*再度、設定。css.jsのsetPropertyを参照*/
+        sstyle.setProperty("color", sstyle.getPropertyValue("color"));
+      }
+      color[i] =  "rgb(" +ci.rgbColor.red.cssText+ "," +ci.rgbColor.green.cssText+ "," +ci.rgbColor.blue.cssText+ ")";
+      colors[i] = stop.offset.baseVal + " " + color[i];
       opacity[i] = (sstyle.getPropertyValue("stop-opacity") || 1) * t.getPropertyValue("fill-opacity") * t.getPropertyValue("opacity");
     ele["method"] = "none";

Property changes on: branches/07x/org/w3c/dom/svg.js
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/dom/svg.js:1864-2067
   + /branches/06x/061/org/w3c/dom/svg.js:1864-2067

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