Hello again. I am curious if these features could be implemented in future versions of the game. While not a programmer, I understand the difficulty of programming and thank you for looking. The features are,
-Alice-types using the famous "city-sect" statement. "This food is city-sect", "This is a city-sect little one", etc.
-Introduction of "Sweets", different colored foods that Yukkuri love more then other foods, but fill less hunger. Can get the Yukkuri off the taste of sweets (as they would refuse other foods after trying it) by bitter food.
-Ability to pet Yukkuri.
-Ability for other Yukkuri to be the raper types.
I know this isn't a lot, but I thank you for reading.
Hello again. I am curious if these features could be implemented in future versions of the game. While not a programmer, I understand the difficulty of programming and thank you for looking. The features are,
-Alice-types using the famous "city-sect" statement. "This food is city-sect", "This is a city-sect little one", etc.
-Introduction of "Sweets", different colored foods that Yukkuri love more then other foods, but fill less hunger. Can get the Yukkuri off the taste of sweets (as they would refuse other foods after trying it) by bitter food.
-Ability to pet Yukkuri.
-Ability for other Yukkuri to be the raper types.
I know this isn't a lot, but I thank you for reading.