任务单 #31587

New Yukkuri types

开放日期: 2013-06-18 06:53 最后更新: 2013-06-26 20:16

开启 [Owner assigned]
5 - Medium
1 - Lowest


A great game, love it. While we have the basic Yukuri of Alice, Remiu, and Marsia, and I think Patche (is someone still working on that one?), seeing other types would be nice. Such types I could envision are,

Ran-types: Love Chen types (sometimes to much and could become rapers), and will find one to dot over. Despite calling their Chen's "spoiled", they would constantly spoil them. Could also mate with Yukari-types.

Chen-types: Love Ran types and say the famous "Get it" and "Don't get it" depending on what is happening. If no Ran is around, they would mate with Youmu-types.

Youmu-types: Say the famous "Myon" phrase and others. More aggressive Yukkuri, who would fight for food. Will mate with Chen-types, Reisen-types, Remiu-types, and Yuyuko-types. Could carry little swords or sticks.

Reisen-types: Famous for laughing, though there could be two types. The annoying laughing one, and the cute one. Would mate with Youmu-types and Tewi-types.

Yuyuko-types: Big eaters that would require an entire dish of food to serve their hunger. They would also eat other Yukkari if hungry enough.

Yukari-types: Constantly claim their young at heart (Always seventeen), have a smell that could scary other Yukkari away. Can gap around the cage. Mates with Yuyuko-types, Remiu-types, and Ran-types.

Sanae-types: Good girls, and some of the nicest Yukkari. Could also be mean and feel their better. Mate with Aya-types and Remiu-types.

Aya-types: Fastest of Yukkari, and say things like "Oooh, tasty, tasty", "Oooh, painful, painful", etc. Other Yukkari would find them "uneasy". Mate with Sanae-types.

Tewi-types: General pranksters that enjoy making fun of other Yukkari. Mate with Reisen-types.

Remilia-types: Go "Uuuu~" a lot, eat other Yukkari or food made for them, and fly. Easy to tame. Mate with Sakuya-types and Remiu-types. Also likes Flandre-types.

Flandre-types: Go "Flaan" a lot, and behave a lot like Remilia, but more violent and sinister. Like Meiling-types and Marsia-types.

Sakuya-types: The cleanest Yukkari, cleaning as much as they can and other Yukkari if possible. Much like Ran, they spoil Remilia-types. Can mate with Meiling-types as well.

Meiling-types: Eat only spicy foods. Sleep a lot and like protecting objects or areas. Sakuya-types and Flandre-types love them.

These are just some of the ideas I came up with due to popular Yukkari type. I know programming these guys are hard, so no pressure with it. I just figured I'd go ahead and send in this request. Thanks for this game, and good luck!

任务单历史 (3/3 Histories)

2013-06-18 06:53 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "New Yukkuri types" created
2013-06-26 20:16 Updated by: mimisuke
  • 优先 Update from 1 - Lowest to 5 - Medium
  • 属主 Update from (无) to mimisuke
2013-06-27 11:59 Updated by: None

Oh yeah, sorry for this, but with the mating thing. If at all possible, all the Yukkari types could of course breed with everyone else. It would just be that each one would prefer said type above others. Just needed to add that. Thanks again for reading!

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