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Archive of Termux’s packages for Android 5/6

Archive of apps, packages and sources compatible with Android 5:

名称 时间 大小
 angband_4.2.0-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 19.22 MB
 bastet_0.43.2-2_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 57.24 KB
 bastet_0.43.2-3_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 57.29 KB
 brogue_1.7.5-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 206.12 KB
 cavez-of-phear_0.5.1-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 12.97 KB
 curseofwar_1.2.0-4_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 22.24 KB
 dopewars_1.5.12-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 239.03 KB
 frotz_2.44-4_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 40.59 KB
 glulxe_0.5.4-2_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 68.76 KB
 gnugo_3.8-2_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 987.25 KB
 gnushogi_1.4.2-2_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 59.57 KB
 greed_4.2-2_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 8.41 KB
 moon-buggy_1.0.51-3_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 28.24 KB
 moria_5.7.10-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 188.70 KB
 nethack_3.6.2-2_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 2.28 MB
 ninvaders_0.1.1-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 15.82 KB
 nsnake_3.0.1-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 79.94 KB
 nudoku_2.0.0-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 7.80 KB
 open-adventure_1.8-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 45.73 KB
 pacman4console_1.3-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 11.78 KB
 tty-solitaire_1.1.1-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 7.40 KB
 vitetris_0.58.0-1_aarch64.deb 2022-03-13 00:51 41.83 KB