[tomoyo-dev-en 81] Re: Patch for Grsecurity

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Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Thu Jan 13 21:59:54 JST 2011

Jamie Nguyen wrote:
> Right, would you say this is a potential bug in grsecurity? If so, I
> might go and ask on their ML why it has been done this way. If it does
> indeed cause a cpu consumption loop, it looks to me like it would
> occur even without ccs-patch.

I think whether this behavior is a bug or not depends on user's preferences.
I consider that side effects like CPU power consumption
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8fF5mueWTw ) which would not have been
occurred if the access request were granted by MAC as a bug.
Therefore, in TOMOYO 1.x ,

(1) sleep penalty
(2) execure handler
(3) discard connections/datagrams in receive queue upon error

are implemented. I don't want the system continue busy loop forever.

But others do not care about side effects like CPU power consumption.
They think that the connections/datagrams in receive queue should remain
unchanged if rejected by MAC. Therefore, a LSM hook which is called after
dequeuing a datagram (i.e. TOMOYO's ccs_socket_post_recvmsg_permission() and
grsecurity's gr_search_udp_recvmsg()) are not provided (and AKARI cannot
implement permission checks for incoming datagrams).

> > Anyway, in the trunk/1.8.x/ccs-patch/patches/ directory, ccs-patch for
> > and are ready. (revision 4358)
> Great thanks! :-)

Me too. Your patch taught me that ccs-patch-2.6.32-grsecurity-201006011506.diff
has a bug.

> I notice that the only significant changes in are
> in fs/open.c, which look to me like it adjusts ccs-patch to catch
> chown requests before grsecurity does?

Yes. I aggregated permission check because grsecurity patch passed vfsmount .

>                                        In, there
> doesn't look to be any major changes needed (apart from accounting for
> different lines).

Since 2.6.33, I'm embedding TOMOYO's hooks into LSM hooks where possible
because all pathname related LSM hooks became available in 2.6.33. Thus,
ccs-patch for is almost identical to ccs-patch for 2.6.36 .

Although I'm not happy that LSM hooks are called by non syscall requests (e.g.
stackable filesystems), not using LSM hooks is becoming error-prone because VFS
part is recently changing heavily.

> For the patch, I am guessing that this needs to
> be refreshed only when applying the patch fails?

Only when patch command started to print fuzz messages or large offset

>                                                  It is a long-term
> kernel, so I assume that any new kernel patches or grsecurity patches
> should not make any major changes, and that ccs-patch should apply
> fine without having to be refreshed.


>                                      I suppose I will let you know if
> building breaks.

Yes, please.

>                  Did it save you time for me to upload the test-patch?

I made ccs-patch-2.6.32-grsecurity-201101120010.diff from
ccs-patch-2.6.32-grsecurity-201006011506.diff .
I used branches/test-patches/ for diff'ing yours and mine (and found a bug).

> If I get there before you do, I would be happy to refresh the
> grsecurity patches (both 2.6.32.x and 2.6.36.x/2.6.37.x) and upload
> them to my test-patches branch.

You can directly upload to trunk/1.8.x/ccs-patch/patches/ .

>                                 I do not know what command you used to
> create the diff though.

I'm using quilt for maintaining ccs-patch-\*.diff .

  $ cat ~/.quiltrc
  QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS='-u --diffstat --no-index --no-timestamps --sort'

I'm using below command for diff'ing ccs-patch-\*.diff .

  #! /bin/sh
  diff "$@" | grep -v '^[<>] diff' | grep -v '^[<>] ---' | grep -v '^[<>] +++' | grep -vF -- '---' | grep -v '^[<>] @@'


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