[tomoyo-dev-en 96] Re: Documentation

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Jamie Nguyen dysco****@gmail*****
Wed Jan 26 16:54:45 JST 2011

Tetsuo Handa wrote:
> I thought it would be nice to merge htdocs/1.8-tmp/tutorial-2.html.en into
> htdocs/index.html.en because tutorial-2.html.en is version independent and
> pictures used in that page summarizes what TOMOYO does.
> Thus, I added htdocs/index2.html.en as an example (revision 4424).
> Not everybody uses TOMOYO as MAC. Thus, I avoided over-explaining/emphasizing
> MAC on the index page. What do you think?

Actually, I have an interesting idea at the moment. I have realised
that I am reusing much of the content I wrote for phase-\*.html.en and
the tutorials that I have written so far actually do not diverge much
from the phases. I am thinking that we can merge them and no longer
require two separate documentations. The tutorials I have written so
far are not that much longer than the phases and actually have some
useful information that should be included (such as tutorial-2.html.en
that you have merged).

I am thinking that the tutorials can be split into the "core" topics
and "advanced topics". Basically, tutorials 1-7 (I have worked on 7
yet, but this will essentially be phase-5.html.en) are the "core"
topics, and will essentially be the same as reading the phases. I will
then have an "Advanced topics" section in the contents page that can
be for those who would normally have read the whole tutorial series
from 1.7. This section would include all material that I have not
written yet from the tutorials, such as securing login sessions and
Apache CGI.

I think it would be good to have just one set of documentation. Users
no longer have to worry about which one to read, they just have to
decide if they want to read the optional "Advanced topics". And we
don't have to worry about maintaining two separate branches of
documentation. The advantage to have two is that one can be the
"quickstart" guide, but now the first 7 chapters of the tutorials are
basically the "quickstart" guide.

Sound good?

Also, I am happy to keep the timestamp the same format, but I have
moved them to the bottom of the page.

Kind regards

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