[tomoyo-dev-en 258] Re: Reloading rules through /sys

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Horvath Andras han****@log69*****
Tue Jun 7 21:09:44 JST 2011

On Tue, 7 Jun 2011 21:04:50 +0900
Tetsuo Handa <from-****@I-lov*****> wrote:

> Horvath Andras wrote:
> > Do i do it correctly?
> Yes.
> > Something is still not working as expected. (Kernel version is
> > 2.6.38).
> What is not working as expected?

The problem is, that sometimes it loads into the kernel, and sometimes
it doesn't. And i cannot tell when and why.

For example, i'm testing it now on Ubuntu 11.04 amd64, otherwise i'm
testing and developing it on Debian 6.

On a clean system with no rules, when i run my prog, it checks which
processes have active UDP or TCP sockets, and creates learning rules
for these ones. For example, on the default Ubuntu, 2 processes listen:
avahi and cupsd. So my prog creates the following rules to load it into

select <kernel> /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon
use_profile 1
select <kernel> /usr/sbin/cupsd
use_profile 1

After loading it (writing the text file above
to /sys/kernel/security/tomoyo/domain_policy), when i "cat" its
content, i cannot see the above domains anywhere, only domains with
use_profile 0.

I don't understand why i doesn't load it. I even debug and print the
content of the domain list that i create, and everything seems fine.
The write operation finishes too without any error. Only the kernel
domain_policy doesn't change.

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