[tomoyo-dev-en 377] TOMOYO Linux version 1.8.4 released.

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Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Tue May 5 22:48:08 JST 2015

TOMOYO 1.8.4 and AKARI 1.0.34 allow each domain to include up to 256 use_group
entries. As a result, you will be able to reduce duplication of policy by
defining multiple acl_group entries based on use cases and including them from

Also, Casey Schaufler (the author of Smack security module) developed
a patchset ( https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/5/2/703 ) for allowing multiple
concurrent LSM modules. Although currently enabling multiple LSM modules
which involve context allocation / free are impossible, it will become easier
to load single function LSM modules. The akari and caitsith-patch tarballs
shown below are updated to handle this patchset.

MD5                               Filename
222242151ddf8dc039a6b3ef570d194a  akari-1.0.34-20150505.tar.gz
33336c8553395813207324ea623ff988  caitsith-patch-0.1-20150505.tar.gz
555594888ff3d50154878e5b8fdbc05f  ccs-patch-1.8.4-20150505.tar.gz
eeee8eb96a7680bfa9c8f6de55502c44  ccs-tools-1.8.4-20150505.tar.gz

By the way, SourceForge.JP site has announced that SourceForge.JP site will be
renamed to OSDN (Open Source Development Network) on May 11, 2015.

  ${mailing-list-name}@lists.sourceforge.jp => ${mailing-list-name}@lists.osdn.me
  ${user-name}@users.sourceforge.jp => ${user-name}@users.osdn.me
  ${user-name}.b.sourceforge.jp => ${user-name}.b.osdn.me
  ${whatever}.sourceforge.jp => ${whatever}.osdn.jp

${whatever} matches web systems (e.g.  http://sourceforge.jp/ => http://osdn.jp/ ),
source code repositories and projects' webpages. If you found strange behavior
about new system, please report using the OSDN's ticket system.

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