[Ultramonkey-l7-users 257] SSLProxyが頻繁に落ちる

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稲垣 tadas****@gmail*****
2009年 12月 4日 (金) 10:27:52 JST


2009/12/04 04:19:44 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050010 Handshaking NG
: End of file. web01 0xb39b9b90 sslproxysession.cpp:503
2009/12/04 04:24:44 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050010 Handshaking NG
: End of file. web01 0xb39b9b90 sslproxysession.cpp:503
2009/12/04 04:29:44 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050010 Handshaking NG
: End of file. web01 0xb39b9b90 sslproxysession.cpp:503
2009/12/04 04:34:44 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050010 Handshaking NG
: End of file. web01 0xb39b9b90 sslproxysession.cpp:503
2009/12/04 04:39:44 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050010 Handshaking NG
: End of file. web01 0xb39b9b90 sslproxysession.cpp:503
2009/12/04 04:44:44 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050010 Handshaking NG
: End of file. web01 0xb57bcb90 sslproxysession.cpp:503
2009/12/04 04:54:44 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050010 Handshaking NG
: End of file. web01 0xb25b7b90 sslproxysession.cpp:503
2009/12/04 04:55:14 [ERROR] sslproxy_session SLP40050007 Handshake timer
wait : 30 giveup. web01 0xb61bdb90 sslproxysession.cpp:343

# sslproxy configuration file.
# /etc/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.<target_id>.cf

# Global configuration.
recv_endpoint = ""
target_endpoint = ""
num_thread = 10
timeout_sec = 30

# SSL configuration.
ca_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
ca_file = "root.pem"
cert_chain_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
cert_chain_file = "server.pem"
private_key_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
private_key_file = "server.pem"
private_key_filetype = "SSL_FILETYPE_PEM"
#private_key_filetype = "SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1"
#private_key_passwd_from = "console"
private_key_passwd_from = "file"
private_key_passwd_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
private_key_passwd_file = "passwd.txt"
verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_NONE"
#verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_PEER"
#verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT"
#verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE"
verify_cert_depth = 9
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG"
ssl_options = "SSL_OP_ALL"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG"
ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG"
#tmp_dh_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
#tmp_dh_file = "dh512.pem"
cipher_list = "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH"

# SSL session cache configuration.
session_cache = "on"
session_cache_size = 20480
session_cache_timeout = 300

# Packet edit configuration.
# http_request_header: Edit HTTP client request header message.
# http_response_header: Edit HTTP server response header message.
# Format: "mode:header-field-name[:header-field-value[:replace-value]]
# Mode: 'set', 'unset', 'add' or 'replace'
# Macro: %{CLIENT_ADDR} -> client IP address
# %{CLIENT_PORT} -> client port number
# %{SERVER_ADDR} -> server IP address
# %{SERVER_PORT} -> server port number
# %{RECV_ADDR} -> sslproxy IP address
# %{RECV_PORT} -> sslproxy port number
# Example: Insert or overwrite "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"
#http_request_header = "set:X-Forwarded-Proto:https"
# Example: Change Host to real address
#http_request_header = "set:Host:%{SERVER_ADDR}:%{SERVER_PORT}"
# Example: Remove "Cookie" field
#http_request_header = "unset:Cookie"
# Example: Add "X-Forwarded-For: old-value,new-value"
# or insert "X-Forwarded-For: new-value"
#http_request_header = "add:X-Forwarded-For:%{CLIENT_ADDR}"
# Example: Add or insert "Via"
#http_request_header = "add:Via:HTTP/1.1 myserver (sslproxy/1.0)"
# Example: Replace keep-alive to close
#http_request_header = "replace:Connection:keep-alive:close"
# Example: Replace MSIE User-Agent to Firefox (regex)
#http_request_header = "replace:User-Agent:^.*MSIE.*$:Mozilla/5.0
(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1) Firefox/3.0.0"
# Example: Add "Set-Cookie"
#http_response_header = "add:Set-Cookie:sslproxy=on; path=/; secure"
# Example: Remove "Server"
#http_response_header = "unset:Server"
# Example: Change "Content-Type" text/html to text/plain
#http_response_header = "replace:Content-Type:html:plain"

## SSLProxy log configuration.
# sslproxy logfile base name
sslproxy_log_filename = "/var/log/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.target.log"

# sslproxy log rotate pattern
sslproxy_rotation = "size"
#sslproxy_rotation = "date"
#sslproxy_rotation = "datesize"

# sslproxy rotate max backup number
sslproxy_max_backup_index = "10"

# sslproxy rotate file size
sslproxy_max_filesize = "10M"

# sslproxy rotation timing
#sslproxy_rotation_timing = "month"
#sslproxy_rotation_timing_value = "1 0:01"

## Connection log configuration.
# connection log ON/OFF
conn_log_flag = "on"

# connection logfile base name
conn_log_filename = "/var/log/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.target.conn_log"

# connection log rotate pattern
#conn_rotation = "size"
conn_rotation = "date"
#conn_rotation = "datesize"

# connection rotate max backup number
conn_max_backup_index = "10"

# connection rotate file size
#conn_max_filesize = "10M"

# sslproxy rotation timing
conn_rotation_timing = "month"
conn_rotation_timing_value = "1 0:01"

# Log categories level
sslproxy_logger = "warn"
sslproxy_parameter = "warn"
sslproxy_common = "warn"
sslproxy_server = "warn"
sslproxy_session = "warn"
sslproxy_connection = "info"
packet_edit = "info"
packet_edit_http = "info"

[root @ web01 ~]# cat /etc/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.target.cf
# sslproxy configuration file.
# /etc/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.<target_id>.cf

# Global configuration.
recv_endpoint = ""
target_endpoint = ""
num_thread = 10
timeout_sec = 30

# SSL configuration.
ca_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
ca_file = "root.pem"
cert_chain_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
cert_chain_file = "server.pem"
private_key_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
private_key_file = "server.pem"
private_key_filetype = "SSL_FILETYPE_PEM"
#private_key_filetype = "SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1"
#private_key_passwd_from = "console"
private_key_passwd_from = "file"
private_key_passwd_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
private_key_passwd_file = "passwd.txt"
verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_NONE"
#verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_PEER"
#verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT"
#verify_options = "SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE"
verify_cert_depth = 9
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG"
ssl_options = "SSL_OP_ALL"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG"
ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2"
#ssl_options = "SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG"
#tmp_dh_dir = "/etc/l7vs/sslproxy/"
#tmp_dh_file = "dh512.pem"
cipher_list = "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH"

# SSL session cache configuration.
session_cache = "on"
session_cache_size = 20480
session_cache_timeout = 300

# Packet edit configuration.
# http_request_header: Edit HTTP client request header message.
# http_response_header: Edit HTTP server response header message.
# Format: "mode:header-field-name[:header-field-value[:replace-value]]
# Mode: 'set', 'unset', 'add' or 'replace'
# Macro: %{CLIENT_ADDR} -> client IP address
# %{CLIENT_PORT} -> client port number
# %{SERVER_ADDR} -> server IP address
# %{SERVER_PORT} -> server port number
# %{RECV_ADDR} -> sslproxy IP address
# %{RECV_PORT} -> sslproxy port number
# Example: Insert or overwrite "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"
#http_request_header = "set:X-Forwarded-Proto:https"
# Example: Change Host to real address
#http_request_header = "set:Host:%{SERVER_ADDR}:%{SERVER_PORT}"
# Example: Remove "Cookie" field
#http_request_header = "unset:Cookie"
# Example: Add "X-Forwarded-For: old-value,new-value"
# or insert "X-Forwarded-For: new-value"
#http_request_header = "add:X-Forwarded-For:%{CLIENT_ADDR}"
# Example: Add or insert "Via"
#http_request_header = "add:Via:HTTP/1.1 myserver (sslproxy/1.0)"
# Example: Replace keep-alive to close
#http_request_header = "replace:Connection:keep-alive:close"
# Example: Replace MSIE User-Agent to Firefox (regex)
#http_request_header = "replace:User-Agent:^.*MSIE.*$:Mozilla/5.0
(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1) Firefox/3.0.0"
# Example: Add "Set-Cookie"
#http_response_header = "add:Set-Cookie:sslproxy=on; path=/; secure"
# Example: Remove "Server"
#http_response_header = "unset:Server"
# Example: Change "Content-Type" text/html to text/plain
#http_response_header = "replace:Content-Type:html:plain"

## SSLProxy log configuration.
# sslproxy logfile base name
sslproxy_log_filename = "/var/log/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.target.log"

# sslproxy log rotate pattern
sslproxy_rotation = "size"
#sslproxy_rotation = "date"
#sslproxy_rotation = "datesize"

# sslproxy rotate max backup number
sslproxy_max_backup_index = "10"

# sslproxy rotate file size
sslproxy_max_filesize = "10M"

# sslproxy rotation timing
#sslproxy_rotation_timing = "month"
#sslproxy_rotation_timing_value = "1 0:01"

## Connection log configuration.
# connection log ON/OFF
conn_log_flag = "on"

# connection logfile base name
conn_log_filename = "/var/log/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.target.conn_log"

# connection log rotate pattern
#conn_rotation = "size"
conn_rotation = "date"
#conn_rotation = "datesize"

# connection rotate max backup number
conn_max_backup_index = "10"

# connection rotate file size
#conn_max_filesize = "10M"

# sslproxy rotation timing
conn_rotation_timing = "month"
conn_rotation_timing_value = "1 0:01"

# Log categories level
sslproxy_logger = "warn"
sslproxy_parameter = "warn"
sslproxy_common = "warn"
sslproxy_server = "warn"
sslproxy_session = "warn"
sslproxy_connection = "info"
packet_edit = "info"
packet_edit_http = "info"



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