[Ultrapossum-cvs 211] demo/haviewer 1.4,1.5,haviewer.rb

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Masato Taruishi taru****@sourc*****
2004年 6月 23日 (水) 00:46:30 JST

RCS file: demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
--- demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb	2004/06/22 15:21:26	1.4
+++ demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb	2004/06/22 15:46:30	1.5
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
   Column = ["S", "Host", "Type", "Status", "Pid", "Since", "I" ]
   Hosts = []
   OID = "private.12345"  # .2.101.1"
+  OID_STATUS = OID + ".2.101.1"
+  OID_PID = OID + ".3.101.1"
+  OID_SINCE = OID + ".4.101.1"
   Green = "#00FF00"
   DarkGreen = "#005500"
@@ -74,13 +77,22 @@
     def snmp
-      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "\\")
-      buf = `snmpget -v1 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID}.2.101.1`
-      @status = buf.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
-      @status = "-----" if****@statu***** == 0
-      @color = Yellow
+      buf = `snmpget -v1 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID_STATUS} #{OID_PID} #{OID_SINCE}`
+      buf.each_line do |line|
+        case line
+	when /#{OID_STATUS}/
+          @status = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
+          @status = "-----" if****@statu***** == 0
+        when /#{OID_PID}/
+          @pid = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
+          @pid = "-----" if****@pid***** == 0
+	when /#{OID_SINCE}/
+          @since = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
+          @since = "-----" if****@since***** == 0
+	end
+      end
+      @color = ""
       case @status
       when "DEAD"
         @color = Red
@@ -93,20 +105,6 @@
       when "RUN"
         @color = Green
-      @list.set_value(@row, 0, HAViewer._icon(@color)) if****@statu*****
-      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "|")
-      buf = `snmpget -v1 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID}.3.101.1`
-      @pid = buf.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
-      @pid = "-----" if****@pid***** == 0
-      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "/")
-      buf = `snmpget -v1 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID}.4.101.1`
-      @since = buf.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
-      @since = "-----" if****@since***** == 0
-      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "-")

Ultrapossum-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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