[Ultrapossum-cvs 772] ultrapossum/module/failover 1.8,1.9,recovery

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Masato Taruishi taru****@users*****
2004年 10月 11日 (月) 04:45:02 JST

RCS file: ultrapossum/module/failover/recovery,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
--- ultrapossum/module/failover/recovery	2004/10/10 19:04:13	1.8
+++ ultrapossum/module/failover/recovery	2004/10/10 19:45:02	1.9
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
     echo "Import master data" 1>&2
     echo "replica: $TMPRPL/replica" 1>&2
-    echo "$SLURPD -d 255 -o -f $CONFDIR/recovery.conf -r $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL/replica/slurpd.replog -t $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL" 1>&2
-    if ! $SHAREDIR/envexec $SLURPD -d 255 -o -f $CONFDIR/recovery.conf -r $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL/replica/slurpd.replog -t $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL 2>&1 > $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL/slurpd.log.$$; then
+    echo "$SLURPD -d $SLURPD_DEBUGLEVEL -o -f $CONFDIR/recovery.conf -r $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL/replica/slurpd.replog -t $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL" 1>&2
+    if ! $SHAREDIR/envexec $SLURPD -d $SLURPD_DEBUGLEVEL -o -f $CONFDIR/recovery.conf -r $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL/replica/slurpd.replog -t $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL 2>&1 > $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL/slurpd.log.$$; then
 	echo "Error: importing slurpd abnormally exitted" 1>&2
         cat $TMPDIR/$TMPRPL/slurpd.log.$$ 1>&2

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