Re: Display amino acid name with number (2013-12-18 06:30 by skumar #71076)
[メッセージ #71043 への返信]
> I forgot to mention what it does.
> When you click somewhere on the protein, labels will be displayed.
Thanks for giving me link but not able to get it labelling information.
from where I can get beta version of glmol?
Is it possible to replace my old glmol with new beta version to work this labelling feature or I have to change something in code.
Re: Display amino acid name with number (2013-12-20 08:27 by skumar #71103)
Thanks for your help.
Now it is working fine.
In this labelling code what does it mean by "30" and one more thing if I change color code ("#000000") then it doesn't work, always comes white. Also is there way to increase label font size??
Re: Display amino acid name with number (2013-12-20 08:31 by biochem_fan #71104)
> In this labelling code what does it mean by "30" and one more thing if I change color code ("#000000") then it doesn't work, always comes white. Also is there way to increase label font size??
> var bb = this.billboard(this.createTextTex(atom.chain + ":" + atom.resn + ":" + atom.resi + ":" + atom.atom, "30", "#ffffff"));
30 is the font size. It must be given as a STRING.
(Yes, this is a bad design! I must fix.)
There is a bug in coloring; you cannot change color yet.
Now I am working on NDKmol. When I finish, I wil come
back to GLmol.
Re: Display amino acid name with number (2013-12-21 05:16 by skumar #71115)
I found problem in labelling in safari 6.0 and firefox version. In some of the version it runs perfectly but in some structure is not displayed and labelling not working if structure is displayed.
Re: Display amino acid name with number (2013-12-21 05:23 by biochem_fan #71116)
> I found problem in labelling in safari 6.0 and firefox version. In some of the version it runs perfectly but in some structure is not displayed and labelling not working if structure is displayed.
In Safari, you have to enable WebGL manually.
Did you do that?
Could you please report OS, browser's name and version,
PDB ID and the symptom (structure displayed or not,
label displayed or not)?
> Are there browser compatibility issue??
Possibly. That is why I keep it in beta stage and don't release it publicly.