2006年 4月 15日 (土) 14:20:38 JST
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/xoops2.html diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/xoops2.html: --- /dev/null Sat Apr 15 14:20:38 2006 +++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/xoops2.html Sat Apr 15 14:20:38 2006 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +<h4>Migration from XOOPS2 to XOOPS Cube 2.1 Legacy</h4> +<h5>Getting first</h5> +<p> All of system module's feature are active because XOOPS Cube 2.1 is development status. You'll need these old features to solve your troubles.</p<p> These features will be ported to 'Legacy module' until stable release.</p> + +<h5>Module management</h5> +<ul> +<li>You can manage modules on 'Legacy system' module.</li> +<li>'Install module' and 'Module management' has each control page.</li> +<li>Click 'Module management' menu to manage your installed modules. Click 'Install module' menu to install new modules.</li> +<li>Legacy system's module installer keeps some bugs now. And, it doesn't implement all function of system module's installer.</li> +<li>Old system's installer set group permission by the user who execute install. New Legacy system's installer set group permission to an administrator group only.</li> +</ul> + +<h5>User management</h5> +<ul> +<li>ユーザーの管理、ユーザーパーミッションの管理、ユーザーグループの管理、アバター管理、一斉メール送信などの機能はユーザー管理モジュールへ移動する予定です。</li> +<li>このうち、アバターやメール、ユーザー編集に関しては移行を終えていません。</li> +</ul> + +<h5>Theme management</h5> +<ul> +<li>Each renderer systems (Theme engine) are used for management themes.</li> +<li>We think that DB template manager is property of the renderer. Therefore, template manager is ported to Legacy renderer which has compatibility with XOOPS2's smarty environment.</li> +</ul> + +<font color='red'>New!</font> +<h5>Block management</h5> +<ul> +<li>XOOPS Cube 2.1 Legacy environment changed an opinion about block feature. You need <strong>install</strong> block before you set block to your site. New Legacy system handles it by visible flag.</li> +<li>If you install module, the module's blocks are registered to XOOPS Cube + Legacy, but it isn't able to use. Click install icon of block which you want to install in 'Install block' page.</li> +<li>If you uninstall the block, it returns to the list of 'Install block' page.</li> +<li>You can't edit uninstalled blocks' group permission, target column and target module. But, uninstalled blocks keep these parameters. When you re-install the block, block installer recovers last parameters. +</ul>