[xoops-cvslog 3395] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 7月 1日 (土) 13:20:24 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_dhtmltarea.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_dhtmltarea.php: xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_dhtmltarea.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_dhtmltarea.php:	Fri Nov 25 00:28:43 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_dhtmltarea.php	Sat Jul  1 13:20:24 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
+ * [ToDo]
+ * 1) We may have to move this file to other module with following namespace or
+ *    package.
+ * 2) Some users and developers want free elements at $params. For example,
+ *    $params['script']... This function have not impletented that yet. At
+ *    implementing, we will have to define the rule about sanitizing.
+ * 3) Users can't set class element to this function, because XoopsForm is
+ *    used. For format xoops_xxxx functions, we may change XoopsForm class
+ *    group.
+ * 
+ * @version $Id: function.xoops_dhtmltarea.php,v 2006/07/01 04:20:24 minahito Exp $
+ */
  * Smarty plugin
@@ -9,27 +22,47 @@
  * Date:     Jun 6, 2004
  * Author:   minahito
  * Purpose:  cycle through given values
- * Input:    name = name of form 'name'
- *           values = preset value
- *           cols = default 50
- *           rows = default 5
+ * Input:    name = form 'name'.
+ *           value = preset value. Set raw value without htmlspecialchars().
+ *           id = form 'id'. If it's empty, ID is defined automatically by prefix & name.
+ *           cols = amount of cols. (default 50)
+ *           rows = amount of rows. (default 5)
  * Examples: {xoopsdhtmltarea name=message cols=40 rows=6 value=$message}
  * -------------------------------------------------------------
+define ("XOOPS_DHTMLTAREA_DEFID_PREFIX", "legacy_xoopsform_");
 function smarty_function_xoops_dhtmltarea($params, &$smarty)
 	if (!class_exists('xoopsformelement')) {
-		require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsformloader.php";
+		require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
-	$form=null;
+	$form = null;
-	if(isset($params['name'])) {
+	if (isset($params['name'])) {
+		//
+		// Fetch major elements from $params.
+		//
 		$name = trim($params['name']);
-		$rows = isset($params['rows']) ? intval($params['rows']) : 5;
-		$cols = isset($params['cols']) ? intval($params['cols']) : 50;
-		$value = isset($params['value']) ? trim($params['value']) : "";
-		$form= new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea($name,$name,htmlspecialchars($value),$rows,$cols);
+		$class = isset($params['class']) ? trim($params['class']) : null;
+		$cols = isset($params['cols']) ? intval($params['cols']) : XOOPS_TEXTAREA_DEFAULT_COLS;
+		$rows = isset($params['rows']) ? intval($params['rows']) : XOOPS_DHTMLTAREA_DEFAULT_ROWS;
+		$value = isset($params['value']) ? trim($params['value']) : null;
+		$id = isset($params['id']) ? trim($params['id']) : XOOPS_DHTMLTAREA_DEFID_PREFIX . $name;
+		//
+		// Build the object for output.
+		//
+		$form =& new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea($name, $name, htmlspecialchars($value), $rows, $cols);
+		$form->setId($id);
+		if ($class != null) {
+			$form->setClass($class);
+		}
 		print $form->render();
Index: xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_textarea.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_textarea.php: xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_textarea.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_textarea.php:	Fri Nov 25 00:28:21 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_textarea.php	Sat Jul  1 13:20:24 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
+ * [ToDo]
+ * 1) We may have to move this file to other module with following namespace or
+ *    package.
+ * 2) Some users and developers want free elements at $params. For example,
+ *    $params['script']... This function have not impletented that yet. At
+ *    implementing, we will have to define the rule about sanitizing.
+ * 
+ * @version $Id: function.xoops_textarea.php,v 2006/07/01 04:20:24 minahito Exp $
+ */
  * Smarty plugin
@@ -9,41 +19,56 @@
  * Date:     Nov 2, 2005
  * Author:   minahito
  * Purpose:  textarea tag with sanitize.
- * Input:    name = name of form 'name'
- *           value = preset value
- *           class = 
- *           cols = 
- *           rows =
+ * Input:    name = form 'name'.
+ *           value = preset value. Set raw value without htmlspecialchars().
+ *           class = form 'class'.
+ *           id = form 'id'. If it's empty, ID is defined automatically by prefix & name.
+ *           cols = amount of cols. (default 50)
+ *           rows = amount of rows. (default 5)
+ *           readonly = if it's true, textarea becomes readonly.
  * Examples: {xoopsdhtmltarea name=message cols=40 rows=6 value=$message}
  * -------------------------------------------------------------
+define ("XOOPS_TEXTAREA_DEFID_PREFIX", "legacy_xoopsform_");
 function smarty_function_xoops_textarea($params, &$smarty)
-	if(isset($params['name'])) {
+	if (isset($params['name'])) {
+		//
+		// Fetch major elements from $params.
+		//
 		$name = trim($params['name']);
 		$class = isset($params['class']) ? trim($params['class']) : null;
-		$cols = isset($params['cols']) ? intval($params['cols']) : null;
-		$rows = isset($params['rows']) ? intval($params['rows']) : null;
-		$value = isset($params['value']) ? htmlspecialchars($params['value'],ENT_QUOTES) : null;
-		$id = isset($params['id']) ? trim($params['id']) : null;
+		$cols = isset($params['cols']) ? intval($params['cols']) : XOOPS_TEXTAREA_DEFAULT_COLS;
+		$rows = isset($params['rows']) ? intval($params['rows']) : XOOPS_TEXTAREA_DEFAULT_ROWS;
+		$value = isset($params['value']) ? htmlspecialchars($params['value'], ENT_QUOTES) : null;
+		$id = isset($params['id']) ? trim($params['id']) : XOOPS_TEXTAREA_DEFID_PREFIX . $name;
 		$readonly = isset($params['readonly']) ? trim($params['readonly']) : null;
-		$string="<textarea name=\"$name\"";
-		if($class)
-			$string.=" class=\"$class\"";
-		if($cols)
-			$string.=" cols=\"$cols\"";
-		if($rows)
-			$string.=" rows=\"$rows\"";
-		if($id)
-			$string.=" id=\"$id\"";
-		if($readonly==1) {
-			$string.=" readonly=\"readonly\"";
+		//
+		// Build string.
+		//
+		$string = "<textarea name=\"${name}\" cols=\"${cols}\" rows=\"${rows}\"";
+		if ($class) {
+			$string .= " class=\"${class}\"";
+		}
+		$string .= " id=\"$id\"";
+		if($readonly == 1) {
+			$string .= " readonly=\"readonly\"";
-		$string.=" />".$value."</textarea>";
+		$string .= " />" . $value . "</textarea>";
+		//
+		// Output.
+		//
 		print $string;
Index: xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_input.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_input.php: xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_input.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_input.php:	Wed Mar 29 18:43:47 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/class/smarty/plugins/function.xoops_input.php	Sat Jul  1 13:20:24 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
+ * [ToDo]
+ * 1) We may have to move this file to other module with following namespace or
+ *    package.
+ * 2) This function accepts all of <input> pattern. We may have to divide it.
+ * 3) Some users and developers want free elements at $params. For example,
+ *    $params['script']... This function have not impletented that yet. At
+ *    implementing, we will have to define the rule about sanitizing.
+ *
+ * @version $Id: function.xoops_input.php,v 2006/07/01 04:20:24 minahito Exp $
+ */
  * Smarty plugin
@@ -13,55 +24,73 @@
  *           key = key of the name. If this parameter is array, set it.
  *           type = "text" or other
  *           value = preset value
- *           class = html class
- *           size =
- *           maxlength =
- *           default ~ 
+ *           class = form 'class'.
+ *           id = form 'id'. If it's empty, ID is defined automatically by prefix & name.
+ *           size = size element.
+ *           maxlength = maxlength element.
+ *           default = If it equals 'value', add "checked" element in the case of "select" or "radio".
+ *           disabled = disabled element.
  * Examples: {xoops_input name=text value=$message}
  *           {xoops_input name=checkbox value=1 default=$value }
  * -------------------------------------------------------------
+define ("XOOPS_INPUT_DEFID_PREFIX", "legacy_xoopsform_");
 function smarty_function_xoops_input($params, &$smarty)
-	if(isset($params['name'])) {
+	if (isset($params['name'])) {
+		//
+		// Fetch major elements from $params.
+		//
 		$name = trim($params['name']);
 		$key = isset($params['key']) ? trim($params['key']) : null;
 		$type = isset($params['type']) ? strtolower(trim($params['type'])) : "text";
+		$value = isset($params['value']) ? htmlspecialchars($params['value'], ENT_QUOTES) : null;
 		$class = isset($params['class']) ? trim($params['class']) : null;
+		$id = isset($params['id']) ? trim($params['id']) : XOOPS_INPUT_DEFID_PREFIX . $name;
 		$size = isset($params['size']) ? intval($params['size']) : null;
 		$maxlength = isset($params['maxlength']) ? intval($params['maxlength']) : null;
-		$value = isset($params['value']) ? htmlspecialchars($params['value'],ENT_QUOTES) : null;
-		$id = isset($params['id']) ? trim($params['id']) : null;
 		$default = isset($params['default']) ? trim($params['default']) : null;
 		$disabled = (isset($params['disabled']) && $params['disabled'] != false) ? true : false;
-		if ($key != null)
-		{
-			$string="<input name=\"${name}[${key}]\"";
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$string="<input name=\"${name}\"";
-		}
-		if($class)
-			$string.=" class=\"${class}\"";
-		if($type)
-			$string.=" type=\"${type}\"";
-		if($size)
-			$string.=" size=\"${size}\"";
-		if($maxlength)
-			$string.=" maxlength=\"${maxlength}\"";
-		if($value!==null)
-			$string.=" value=\"${value}\"";
-		if($id)
-			$string.=" id=\"${id}\"";
+		//
+		// Build string.
+		//
+		if ($key != null) {
+			$string = "<input name=\"${name}[${key}]\"";
+		}
+		else {
+			$string = "<input name=\"${name}\"";
+		}
+		if ($class) {
+			$string .= " class=\"${class}\"";
+		}
+		$string .= " id=\"{$id}\"";
+		if ($type) {
+			$string .= " type=\"${type}\"";
+		}
+		if ($size) {
+			$string .= " size=\"${size}\"";
+		}
+		if($maxlength) {
+			$string .= " maxlength=\"${maxlength}\"";
+		}
+		if($value !== null) {
+			$string .= " value=\"${value}\"";
+		}
 		if (isset($params['default'])) {
 			$default = trim($params['default']);
-			if ($value==$default) {
+			if ($value == $default) {
 				if ($type = "checkbox" || $type == "radio") {
 					$string .= " checked";
@@ -69,11 +98,14 @@
 		if ($disabled) {
-			$string .=" disabled";
+			$string .= " disabled";
-		$string.=" />";
+		$string .= " />";
+		//
+		// Output.
+		//
 		print $string;

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