
yt4droid is a wrapper of YouTube Data API. Even if not detailed to Http and response analysis, Youtube application can be built easily. It operates without dependence, and 100%, since it is Java, operation is guaranteed also at an Android terminal. The main functions are search of animation feeding, animation upload, and a community function. License

Library of YouTube DataAPI for Android.

yt4droid is released based on Apache License 2.0

yt4droid client app is published. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.gmail.kiyonari1986


yt4droidのクライアントアプリ公開中 https://market.android.com/details?id=com.gmail.kiyonari1986 Show How to Install


yt4droid_0.5.0をクラスパスに通して好きなメソッドを呼び出してください。 javadocを公開していますので、参照してください。 使い方(例) ConfigurationBuilder conf = new ConfigurationBuilder(); conf.setDe... Show Usage

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