x2-lineage-18.1 device trees:
s2-lineage-17.1 device trees:
Building from this tree:
https://github.com/zhaoguomanong/android_device_leeco_s2/tree/lineage-16.0 Contains some camera related issues fix.
1.s2: fix preview-sizes 1440x1080 1080x1080 missing error 2.s2: Camera HAL1 compatibility adaptation 3.s2: add qcamerasvr restart workaround
Details about blackscreen issue info:
s2: add qcamerasvr restart workaround
Unfortunately, s2's mm-qcamera-daemon has an issue where sometimes it can't receive any valid preview frame at times which causes the camera to black screen and fail to work until a reboot is performed. This issue could be due to us using camera HAL3 when LeEco only inteded for HAL1 to be used as HAL3 is disabled on our stock ROM.
Without the source code to mm-qcamera-daemon and the camera blobs we cannot currently fix this issue. A workaround we can do though to prevent a reboot is to restart the qcamerasvr manually by adding a setting for it.
Another workaround is to use camera HAL1 as it works perfectly, especially in certain apps like WhatsApp where switching between front/rear camera repeatedly causes the blackscreen issue in camera HAL3.
This commit is co-authored by @zhaoguomanong as he implemented a better camera reset implementation, added a camera HAL3/HAL1 toggle and also created shortcuts in the app drawer for s2 users to be able to use quickly instead of having to always go into Settings > Advanced > LeEco Settings.
主要修复两个问题 1.相机preview-size缺失导致1:1,4:3预览模糊 2.相机黑屏问题规避,使用HAL1可以彻底解决,或者使用HAL3,出问题了到设置里面 去重启相机相关服务
Building from this tree:
https://github.com/zhaoguomanong/android_device_leeco_s2/tree/lineage-16.0 Contains some camera related issues fix.
1.s2: fix preview-sizes 1440x1080 1080x1080 missing error 2.s2: Camera HAL1 compatibility adaptation 3.s2: add qcamerasvr restart workaround
Details about blackscreen issue info:
s2: add qcamerasvr restart workaround
Unfortunately, s2's mm-qcamera-daemon has an issue where sometimes it can't receive any valid preview frame at times which causes the camera to black screen and fail to work until a reboot is performed. This issue could be due to us using camera HAL3 when LeEco only inteded for HAL1 to be used as HAL3 is disabled on our stock ROM.
Without the source code to mm-qcamera-daemon and the camera blobs we cannot currently fix this issue. A workaround we can do though to prevent a reboot is to restart the qcamerasvr manually by adding a setting for it.
Another workaround is to use camera HAL1 as it works perfectly, especially in certain apps like WhatsApp where switching between front/rear camera repeatedly causes the blackscreen issue in camera HAL3.
This commit is co-authored by @zhaoguomanong as he implemented a better camera reset implementation, added a camera HAL3/HAL1 toggle and also created shortcuts in the app drawer for s2 users to be able to use quickly instead of having to always go into Settings > Advanced > LeEco Settings.
主要修复两个问题 1.相机preview-size缺失导致1:1,4:3预览模糊 2.相机黑屏问题规避,使用HAL1可以彻底解决,或者使用HAL3,出问题了到设置里面 去重启相机相关服务