Closed hihat note does not mute open hihat note before it when there are more than 2 open hihat notes before the closed hihat note
Thanks to your detail report, I could duplicate issue.
However, my issue is a little different from yours.
My issue is:
20 <- Closed note 11 <- Open note 1 (not muted after 20) 12 <- Open note 2 (muted after 11)
20 <- Closed note 11 <- Open note 1 (muted after 20) 11 <- Open note 1 (muter after 2nd 11)
In another word, the issue occurs when several type of open notes are used.
Is it same on your side?
I fixed the issue, and built test version for you. Would you test it?
It works now. Thanks for fixing it.
Will this change apply to DTXCreator/DTXViewer?
Thanks for testing.
Currently we have no plan to apply this change to DTXViewer, because we have no source files of DTXViewer and we have to develop it again from scratch.
(However we have to do so somtime soon, we know)
This fix will be applied in the next version(087). The ticket is closed.
As I know, the closed note on HH lane mute the open hihat note before it.
This one is OK, 01 is muted after 02.
This one is not working properly, I can hear the last 01 after 02.
No matter how far both 01 are, the last 01 is not muted after 02.