任务单 #36149

404 errors in redmine version 3.2.1 (missing template)

开放日期: 2016-03-15 11:00 最后更新: 2016-11-20 21:23

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


redmine 3.2.1 update later "missing template quick_view_issue_dialog.html.erb" occurs. (log printed)

no problem since the rollback 3.2.0.

任务单历史 (3/9 Histories)

2016-03-15 11:00 Updated by: jung-hong_jung
  • New Ticket "404 errors in redmine version 3.2.1 (missing template)" created
2016-03-20 17:16 Updated by: akrstjp
  • 处理结果 Update from to Fixed
  • 属主 Update from (无) to akrstjp
(This comment has been deleted)
2016-03-20 17:19 Updated by: akrstjp

I had to push the interim fix to the git-repository.

try it.

1. stop your redmine.
2. cd <your_redmine_root_path>/plugins
3. rm -rf quick_view
4. git clone git://git.osdn.jp/gitroot/quickedit/quick_view.git
5. start your redmine.
Permanent fix is scheduled to be included in the next version.

At the same, please let me have a demand of feature requests. Now, it's such are considering the additional features of the next version.

2016-03-21 10:11 Updated by: jung-hong_jung

thanks. it works. :)

2016-04-19 21:49 Updated by: archonwang

Reply To jung-hong_jung

thanks. it works. :)

I tested it with my environment and found it not worked. I just checked the log as follows:

issue_id => 9

Rendered plugins/advanced_roadmap_v2/app/views/hooks/issues/_show.html.erb (3.3ms) Rendered plugins/redmine_close_button/app/views/issues/_close_button.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered plugins/redmine_drafts/app/views/drafts/_issue_show.html.erb (1.5ms) Rendered plugins/redmine_show_issue_assignee_avatar/app/views/hooks/_view_issues_show_details_bottom.erb (1.8ms) Rendered plugins/quick_view/app/views/quick_view_issues/quick_view_issue_dialog.html.erb (64.7ms)

Missing template, responding with 404

Rendered common/error.html.erb (0.4ms)

Completed 404 Not Found in 78ms (Views: 1.3ms | ActiveRecord: 6.9ms)

2016-04-25 00:28 Updated by: akrstjp

The failure was not reproduced.
I want a more detailed information.
- Version number of your redmine is 3.2.1?
- Did you clone from git? Did you reboot?
- Always occurs?
- Steps to reproduce.
- Complete log.
- Details of the issue-#9.

2016-11-03 20:07 Updated by: anzerkree

Hi, i have the same problem

- Version number of your redmine is 3.3.0.stable - Did you clone from git? Did you reboot? I get tgz and copy to my server - Always occurs? Yes - Steps to reproduce. Liste of issues, double click. - Complete log. below

Started GET "/quick_view_issues/85" for at 2016-11-03 12:00:57 +0100 Processing by QuickViewIssuesController#show as HTML

Parameters: {"id"=>"85"} SQL (1.9ms) UPDATE tokens SET tokens.updated_on = '2016-11-03 12:00:57' WHERE tokens.user_id = 17 AND tokens.value = '13d7cb813a692361bc09f52361235eeac8728c9c' AND tokens.action = 'session'  (0.5ms) SELECT MAX(settings.updated_on) FROM settings User Load (0.5ms) SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE users.type IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser') AND users.status = 1 AND users.id = 17 LIMIT 1 Current user: cbazin (id=17)

issue_id => 85

Issue Load (0.4ms) SELECT issues.* FROM issues WHERE issues.id = 85 LIMIT 1 Project Load (0.5ms) SELECT projects.* FROM projects WHERE projects.id = 7 LIMIT 1 IssueRelation Load (0.4ms) SELECT issue_relations.* FROM issue_relations WHERE issue_relations.issue_from_id = 85 IssueRelation Load (0.5ms) SELECT issue_relations.* FROM issue_relations WHERE issue_relations.issue_to_id = 85 Issue Load (0.4ms) SELECT issues.* FROM issues WHERE issues.id = 84 LIMIT 1 CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT `projects`.* FROM `projects` WHERE `projects`.`id` = 7 LIMIT 1 [["id", 7]]  (0.4ms) SELECT enabled_modules.name FROM enabled_modules WHERE enabled_modules.project_id = 7 Member Load (0.4ms) SELECT members.* FROM members INNER JOIN projects ON projects.id = members.project_id WHERE members.user_id = 17 AND (projects.status<>9) AND members.project_id = 7 ORDER BY members.id ASC LIMIT 1 Project Load (0.5ms) SELECT projects.* FROM projects WHERE projects.id IN (7) MemberRole Load (0.4ms) SELECT member_roles.* FROM member_roles WHERE member_roles.member_id IN (126) Role Load (0.4ms) SELECT roles.* FROM roles WHERE roles.id IN (3) Role Load (0.5ms) SELECT roles.* FROM roles WHERE roles.builtin = 1 ORDER BY roles.id ASC LIMIT 1 Member Load (0.4ms) SELECT members.* FROM members INNER JOIN projects ON projects.id = members.project_id INNER JOIN users ON users.id = members.user_id WHERE (projects.status <> 9) AND (members.user_id = 17 OR (projects.is_public = 1 AND users.type = 'GroupNonMember')) Project Load (0.5ms) SELECT projects.* FROM projects WHERE projects.id IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) MemberRole Load (0.4ms) SELECT member_roles.* FROM member_roles WHERE member_roles.member_id IN (4, 19, 98, 40, 56, 142, 126, 141) CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT roles.* FROM roles WHERE roles.id IN (3) Journal Load (0.5ms) SELECT journals.* FROM journals WHERE journals.journalized_id = 85 AND journals.journalized_type = 'Issue' ORDER BY journals.id ASC User Load (0.5ms) SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE users.type IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser') AND users.id IN (17, 1) JournalDetail Load (0.5ms) SELECT journal_details.* FROM journal_details WHERE journal_details.journal_id IN (244, 245, 247, 249, 254, 257, 281, 293) CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT `enabled_modules`.`name` FROM `enabled_modules` WHERE `enabled_modules`.`project_id` = 7 [["project_id", 7]] UserPreference Load (0.5ms) SELECT user_preferences.* FROM user_preferences WHERE user_preferences.user_id = 17 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE users.type IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser') AND users.id = 17 LIMIT 1 EmailAddress Load (0.5ms) SELECT email_addresses.* FROM email_addresses WHERE email_addresses.user_id = 17 AND email_addresses.is_default = 1 LIMIT 1 Group Load (0.6ms) SELECT users.* FROM users INNER JOIN groups_users ON users.id = groups_users.group_id WHERE users.type IN ('Group', 'GroupBuiltin', 'GroupAnonymous', 'GroupNonMember') AND groups_users.user_id = 17 Issue Load (0.5ms) SELECT issues.* FROM issues INNER JOIN projects ON projects.id = issues.project_id WHERE issues.root_id = 62 AND (issues.lft < 14 AND issues.rgt > 15) AND (((projects.status <> 9 AND projects.id IN (SELECT em.project_id FROM enabled_modules em WHERE em.name='issue_tracking')) AND (((projects.is_public = 1 AND projects.id NOT IN (SELECT project_id FROM members WHERE user_id = 17)) AND ((issues.is_private = 0 OR issues.author_id = 17 OR issues.assigned_to_id IN (17,7)))) OR (projects.id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) AND (1=1))))) ORDER BY issues.lft ASC Tracker Load (0.5ms) SELECT trackers.* FROM trackers WHERE trackers.id = 4 LIMIT 1 IssuePriority Load (0.5ms) SELECT enumerations.* FROM enumerations WHERE enumerations.type IN ('IssuePriority') AND enumerations.id = 2 ORDER BY enumerations.position ASC LIMIT 1 IssueStatus Load (0.4ms) SELECT issue_statuses.* FROM issue_statuses WHERE issue_statuses.id = 1 LIMIT 1 CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT `issue_statuses`.* FROM `issue_statuses` WHERE `issue_statuses`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT `enumerations`.* FROM `enumerations` WHERE `enumerations`.`type` IN ('IssuePriority') AND `enumerations`.`id` = 2 ORDER BY `enumerations`.`position` ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 2]] CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT `trackers`.* FROM `trackers` WHERE `trackers`.`id` = 4 LIMIT 1 [["id", 4]] Principal Load (0.5ms) SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE users.id = 7 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT SUM(time_entries.hours) FROM time_entries WHERE time_entries.issue_id = 85 IssueCustomField Load (0.5ms) SELECT custom_fields.* FROM custom_fields WHERE custom_fields.type IN ('IssueCustomField') AND (is_for_all = 1 OR id IN (SELECT DISTINCT cfp.custom_field_id FROM custom_fields_projects cfp WHERE cfp.project_id = 7)) ORDER BY custom_fields.position ASC IssueCustomField Load (0.5ms) SELECT custom_fields.* FROM custom_fields INNER JOIN custom_fields_trackers ON custom_fields.id = custom_fields_trackers.custom_field_id WHERE custom_fields.type IN ('IssueCustomField') AND custom_fields_trackers.tracker_id = 4 Attachment Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM attachments WHERE attachments.container_id = 85 AND attachments.container_type = 'Issue' LIMIT 1 Rendered plugins/quick_view/app/views/quick_view_issues/quick_view_issue_dialog.html.erb (190.3ms)

Missing template, responding with 404

Rendered common/error.html.erb (0.5ms)

Completed 404 Not Found in 262ms (Views: 2.2ms | ActiveRecord: 17.4ms)

2016-11-06 18:13 Updated by: akrstjp

The problem that you have me to report, so it is presumed the same thing as the "# 36767", corresponds in the "# 36767". Thank you for creating a "# 36767".

2016-11-20 21:23 Updated by: akrstjp
  • 状态 Update from 开启 to 关闭
  • Ticket Close date is changed to 2016-11-20 21:23
  • 里程碑 Update from (无) to quick_view-0.3.0 (关闭)

released v0.3.0.

Attachment File List

No attachments


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