Thank you for your comments. I fixed 1) and 3) at today's commit.
2. When using the test file DTX, the preview image is empty/default?
For me, it looks like this: tp://
4. Okay, that works. It is fine like that.
2. Ok. I understood your point, and I could obsereve what you pointed out. However, it's by-design.
If you state #PREIMAGE somefile, but somfile does not exists, DTXMania tries to use #BACKGROUND as the #PREVIEW. (and if it also failed, DTXMania uses default preimage)
If you state #PREIMAGE somefile, but somfile does not exists,
Oops, if you don't use #PREIMAGE, DTXMania also tries to use #BACKGROUND.
For 1) and 3), test modules are added at #37002 (please remove coordinates.xml before executing replaced DTXManiaGR.exe)
Fixed by Rel108. The ticket closed.
The behaviour of #BACKGROUND, #BACKGROUND_GR and #WALL is strange.
I have prepared a test file: tps://
(I will use this file in later tickets as well)
1.) #BACKGROUND_GR seems to be identical to the other two. I think this was supposed to be a GB-only background image?
2.) The image of the background image will be displayed as the preview image. (#PREIMAGE overrides it, though)
3.) The background image is not resized, it is displayed centered at its original size.
I think previously it was supposed to be shown repeated if it was not full size, but in my opinion, the best solution is to scale it to fullscreen. (Same behaviour as a full-screen AVI? (0x5A))
(So that the background of the "720p.dtx (Advanced)" from the zip is shown fullscreen like in the "1080p.dtx (1080p BG)")
4.) The BGA/AVI area is a black box that is displayed even without BGA/AVI in the song.
With fullscreen background (1080p.dtx), it becomes an unnecessary box on the playing screen.