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Decentralized Nix flake tools

File Info

Rev. 45fd3471320256435a9fcb78db2ddf1581d2a5ef
大小 1,996 字节
时间 2024-03-31 10:08:13
作者 Corbin
Log Message

Package gittorrent?

It doesn't work. I'm wondering whether I should invest effort into this;
it seems like the code might need a few small updates, rather than a
complete rewrite.


  description = "Decentralized Nix flake utilities";

  inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
        gitstr = pkgs.buildGoModule rec {
          pname = "gitstr";
          version = "0.0.7";
          src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
            owner = "fiatjaf";
            repo = pname;
            rev = "v${version}";
            hash = "sha256-djgyQqNwxtYbAzzQi+BLPrLafptQ/9218VQRwRkeJaA=";
          vendorHash = "sha256-RRt8qnW0lUzuGbyHfbxg7mxDvGwBHjpZMahyguyjfHg=";
          meta = {
            description = "Send and receive git patches over Nostr, using NIP-34";
            homepage = https://github.com/fiatjaf/gitstr;
            license = pkgs.lib.licenses.mit;
        gittorrent = pkgs.buildNpmPackage rec {
          pname = "gittorrent";
          version = "2015";
          src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
            owner = "cjb";
            repo = "GitTorrent";
            rev = "7b25402100059692b7161f05a8a23e872bf1f3dc";
            hash = "sha256-sS4Lk4W5u0Mny8wxe/0AtOtA9Z4mZEyHnLg40Y7PvU8=";
          npmDepsHash = "sha256-ekxdoJ3sHY0Mxcbz2nyC9pqc+uZTAWZ1VVEqhn+JviI=";
          makeCacheWritable = true;
          dontNpmBuild = true;
          postPatch = ''
            cp ${./patches/gittorrent/package-lock.json} package-lock.json
            cp ${./patches/gittorrent/package.json} package.json
          meta = {
            description = "A decentralization of GitHub using BitTorrent and Bitcoin";
            homepage = http://blog.printf.net/articles/2015/05/29/announcing-gittorrent-a-decentralized-github/;
            license = pkgs.lib.licenses.mit;
        packages = rec {
          inherit gitstr gittorrent;
          default = pkgs.hello;