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Ebi's History

[Project Settings] Permissions for tomcatsimu have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tomcatsimu have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tomcatsimu have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tomcatsimu have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tomcatsimu have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tomcatsimu have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tomcatsimu have been change
[Project Settings] Added User: tomcatsimu
[Project Settings] Software Map has been changed
[File Release] Package 'SIS Airport - Runway Concrete' has been deleted
[File Release] Release '0.1 Ebi' has been updated
[File Release] Release '0.1 Ebi' has been updated
[File Release] New release '0.1 Ebi' has been created