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Commit MetaInfo

修订版f88c0de38e1421eccfe624bcd7e8844efa4b517f (tree)
时间2022-01-24 02:04:15
作者hai-fun <haifun129@gmai...>

Log Message

v1.4, author: sonots



--- /dev/null
+++ b/regexp.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
3+ * Replace Page Contents with Regular Expression
4+ *
5+ * @author sonots
6+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL v2
7+ * @link http://lsx.sourceforge.jp/?Plugin%2Fregexp.inc.php
8+ * @version $Id: regexp.inc.php,v 1.4 2008-07-20 07:23:17Z sonots $
9+ * @package plugin
10+ */
12+class PluginRegexp
14+ function PluginRegexp()
15+ {
16+ // modify here for default values
17+ static $conf = array(
18+ 'ignore_freeze' => TRUE,
19+ 'adminonly' => TRUE,
20+ );
21+ static $default_options = array(
22+ 'pcmd' => '',
23+ 'pass' => '',
24+ 'filter' => '',
25+ 'except' => '',
26+ 'page' => '',
27+ 'search' => '',
28+ 'replace' => '',
29+ 'regexp' => TRUE,
30+ 'msearch' => '',
31+ 'mreplace' => '',
32+ 'notimestamp' => TRUE,
33+ );
34+ $this->conf = & $conf;
35+ $this->default_options = & $default_options;
37+ // init
38+ $this->options = $this->default_options;
39+ $this->view = new PluginRegexpView($this);
40+ }
42+ // static
43+ var $conf;
44+ var $default_values;
45+ // var
46+ var $error = '';
47+ var $plugin = 'regexp';
48+ var $options = array();
49+ var $view;
50+ var $preg_replace;
51+ var $str_replace;
53+ function action()
54+ {
55+ set_time_limit(0);
56+ global $vars;
57+ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
58+ $this->options[$key] = isset($vars[$key]) ? $vars[$key] : '';
59+ }
60+ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
61+ ${$key} = $val;
62+ }
63+ if ($pcmd == '') {
64+ $body = $this->view->showform();
65+ } elseif ($search == '' && $msearch == '') {
66+ $body = $this->view->showform('No search.');
67+ } elseif (! $this->view->login()) { // auth::check_role('role_adm_contents')
68+ $body = $this->view->showform('The password is wrong.');
69+ } elseif ($pcmd == 'preview') {
70+ $body = $this->do_preview();
71+ } elseif ($pcmd == 'replace') {
72+ $pages = $this->do_replace_all();
73+ $body = $this->view->result($pages);
74+ }
75+ return array('msg'=>$this->plugin, 'body'=>$body);
76+ }
78+ function do_preview()
79+ {
80+ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
81+ ${$key} = $val;
82+ }
83+ $diff = '';
84+ $pages = $this->get_pages($filter, $except, $page);
85+ foreach ($pages as $apage) {
86+ $replaced = $this->replace($apage, $search, $replace, $msearch, $mreplace, $regexp);
87+ if (is_null($replaced)) continue;
88+ $source = implode("", get_source($apage));
89+ $diff = do_diff($source, $replaced);
90+ break;
91+ }
92+ $body = $this->view->preview($apage, $diff, $pages);
93+ return $body;
94+ }
97+ function do_replace_all()
98+ {
99+ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
100+ ${$key} = $val;
101+ }
102+ $pages = $this->get_pages($filter, $except, $page);
103+ $replaced_pages = array();
104+ foreach ($pages as $apage) {
105+ $replaced = $this->replace($apage, $search, $replace, $msearch, $mreplace, $regexp);
106+ if (is_null($replaced)) continue;
107+ $GLOBALS['cycle'] = 0;
108+ page_write($apage, $replaced, $notimestamp);
109+ $replaced_pages[] = $apage;
110+ }
111+ return $replaced_pages;
112+ }
114+ /**
115+ * Replace contents of a page
116+ *
117+ * @param string $page
118+ * @param string $search
119+ * @param string $replace
120+ * @param string $msearch multiline search
121+ * @param string $mreplace
122+ * @param boolean $regexp
123+ * @param string|null replaced contents. null if no replace occurred
124+ */
125+ function replace($page, $search, $replace, $msearch, $mreplace, $regexp = TRUE)
126+ {
127+ if (! $this->is_editable($page)) return null;
128+ if ($regexp) {
129+ // mb_preg_replace usually does not exist.
130+ $replace_func = function_exists('mb_preg_replace') ? 'mb_preg_replace' : 'preg_replace';
131+ if ($msearch != '') $msearch = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $msearch) . '/D';
132+ // Memo: refer http://us.php.net/manual/ja/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php for D.
133+ if ($search != '') $search = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $search) . '/';
134+ } else {
135+ // mb_str_replace usually does not exist.
136+ $replace_func = function_exists('mb_str_replace') ? 'mb_str_replace' : 'str_replace';
137+ }
138+ $lines = get_source($page);
139+ $source = implode("", $lines);
140+ if ($msearch != '') {
141+ $msearch = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $msearch));
142+ $replace = call_user_func($replace_func, $msearch, $mreplace, $source);
143+ } elseif ($search != '') {
144+ $replace_lines = array();
145+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
146+ $line = rtrim($line, "\n");
147+ $replace_lines[] = call_user_func($replace_func, $search, $replace, $line) . "\n";
148+ }
149+ $replace = implode("", $replace_lines);
150+ }
151+ if ($source == $replace) return null;
152+ return $replace;
153+ }
155+ /**
156+ * Get filtered pages (not all existpages)
157+ *
158+ * @param string $filter regexp filter
159+ * @param string $except regexp except filter
160+ * @param string $onepage one exact page name
161+ */
162+ function get_pages($filter = '', $except = '', $onepage = '')
163+ {
164+ if (! empty($onepage)) {
165+ return (array)$onepage;
166+ }
167+ if (method_exists('auth', 'get_existpages')) { // plus!
168+ $pages = auth::get_existpages();
169+ } else {
170+ $pages = get_existpages();
171+ }
172+ if (! empty($filter)) {
173+ $pregfilter = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $filter) . '/';
174+ foreach($pages as $file => $page) {
175+ if (! preg_match($pregfilter, $page)) {
176+ unset($pages[$file]);
177+ }
178+ }
179+ }
180+ if (! empty($except)) {
181+ $pregexcept = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $except) . '/';
182+ foreach($pages as $file => $page) {
183+ if (preg_match($pregexcept, $page)) {
184+ unset($pages[$file]);
185+ }
186+ }
187+ }
188+ return $pages;
189+ }
191+ /**
192+ * Check if the page is editable or not
193+ *
194+ * PukiWIki API Extension
195+ *
196+ * @param string $page
197+ * @return boolean
198+ */
199+ function is_editable($page)
200+ {
201+ global $cantedit;
202+ if ($this->conf['ignore_freeze']) {
203+ $editable = ! in_array($page, $cantedit);
204+ } else {
205+ $editable = (! is_freeze($page) and ! in_array($page, $cantedit) );
206+ }
207+ return $editable;
208+ }
212+class PluginRegexpView
214+ // static
215+ var $msg;
216+ // var
217+ var $plugin = 'regexp';
218+ var $options;
219+ var $conf;
220+ var $model;
222+ function PluginRegexpView(&$model)
223+ {
224+ static $msg = array();
225+ if (empty($msg)) {
226+ $msg = array(
227+ 'label' => array(
228+ 'pass' => _('Admin Password'),
229+ 'filter' => _('Filter Pages'),
230+ 'except' => _('Except Pages'),
231+ 'page' => _('A Page'),
232+ 'search' => _('Search'),
233+ 'replace' => _('Replace'),
234+ 'msearch' => _('Multiline Search'),
235+ 'mreplace' => _('Multiline Replace'),
236+ 'regexp' => _('Regexp'),
237+ 'notimestamp' => _('notimestamp'),
238+ 'preview' => _('Preview'),
239+ ),
240+ 'text' => array(
241+ 'pass' => '',
242+ 'filter' => 'Filter pages to be processed by regular expression. <br />Ex) "^PukiWiki" =&gt; all pages starting with "PukiWiki."',
243+ 'except' => 'Except pages by regular expression.',
244+ 'page' => 'Specify a page to be processed. If this field is specified, "Filter Pages" is ignored.',
245+ 'search' => 'The string to be replaced. Apply replacing strings to each line separately. ',
246+ 'replace' => 'Ex) Search ^#ls\((.*)\)$ =&gt; Replace #lsx(\1). <br />Ex) Search &mimetex\(((?:[^;]|[^)];)*)\); =&gt; Replace $ \1 $. (with regexp check)',
247+ 'msearch' => 'The multi-line strings to be replaced. Apply replacing strings to whole contents at one time. Use this when you want to include returns or line feeds. If this field is specified, "Search" is ignored. ',
248+ 'mreplace' => '',
249+ 'regexp' => 'Use regular expression for searching.',
250+ 'notimestamp' => 'Do not change timestamps.',
251+ 'preview' => '',
252+ ),
253+ );
254+ }
256+ $this->msg = &$msg;
257+ $this->model = &$model;
258+ $this->options = &$model->options;
259+ $this->conf = &$model->conf;
260+ }
262+ function login()
263+ {
264+ if ($this->conf['adminonly'] === FALSE) return TRUE;
265+ global $vars;
266+ $pass = isset($vars['pass']) ? $vars['pass'] : $this->getcookie('pass');
267+ if (pkwk_login($pass)) {
268+ $this->setcookie('pass', $pass);
269+ return TRUE;
270+ } else {
271+ return FALSE;
272+ }
273+ }
275+ /**
276+ * Get cookie
277+ *
278+ * @param string $key
279+ * @return mixed
280+ */
281+ function getcookie($key)
282+ {
283+ $key = 'plugin_regexp_' . $key;
284+ return isset($_COOKIE[$key]) ? unserialize($_COOKIE[$key]) : null;
285+ }
287+ /**
288+ * Set cookie
289+ *
290+ * @param string $key
291+ * @param mixed $val
292+ * @return void
293+ */
294+ function setcookie($key, $val)
295+ {
296+ global $script;
297+ $parsed = parse_url($script);
298+ $path = $this->get_dirname($parsed['path']);
299+ $key = 'plugin_regexp_' . $key;
300+ setcookie($key, serialize($val), 0, $path);
301+ $_COOKIE[$key] = serialize($val);
302+ }
304+ function result($pages)
305+ {
306+ $links = array();
307+ foreach ($pages as $page) {
308+ $links[] = make_pagelink($page);
309+ }
310+ $msg = implode("<br />\n", $links);
311+ $body = '<p>The following pages were replaced.</p><div>' . $msg . '</div>';
312+ return $body;
313+ }
315+ function preview($page, $diff, $pages)
316+ {
317+ global $script;
318+ if ($page == '' || $diff == '') {
319+ return '<div>No page found or nothing changed.</div>';
320+ }
321+ unset($this->options['pass']);
322+ unset($this->options['pcmd']);
323+ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
324+ $this->setcookie($key, $val);
325+ }
327+ $msg = '<div>A preview, <b>' . htmlspecialchars($page) . '</b></div>';
328+ //$diff = '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($diff) . '</pre>';
329+ $msg .= '<pre>' . diff_style_to_css(htmlspecialchars($diff)) . '</pre>'; // Pukiwiki API
331+ $msg .= '<div>List of target pages (Result of Filter Pages) </div>';
332+ $msg .= '<ul>';
333+ foreach ($pages as $apage) {
334+ $msg .= '<li>' . make_pagelink($apage) . '</li>';
335+ }
336+ $msg .= '</ul>';
338+ $form = array();
339+ $form[] = '<form action="' . $script . '?cmd=' . $this->plugin . '" method="post">';
340+ $form[] = '<div>';
341+ $form[] = ' Do you want to replace all pages? ';
342+ $form[] = ' <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="regexp" />';
343+ $form[] = ' <input type="hidden" name="pcmd" value="replace" />';
344+ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
345+ $form[] = ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="' . $val . '" />';
346+ }
347+ $form[] = ' <input type="submit" name="ok" value="Yes" /><br />';
348+ $form[] = '</div>';
349+ $form[] = '</form>';
350+ $form = implode("\n", $form);
351+ return $msg . $form;
352+ }
354+ /**
355+ * Show form
356+ *
357+ * @param string $msg
358+ * @return string html
359+ */
360+ function showform($msg = "")
361+ {
362+ global $script;
363+ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
364+ ${$key} = $this->getcookie($key);
365+ if (is_null(${$key})) ${$key} = $val;
366+ }
367+ $regexp = ($regexp == 'on') ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
368+ $notimestamp = ($notimestamp == 'on') ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
370+ $form = array();
371+ $form[] = '<form action="' . $script . '?cmd=' . $this->plugin . '" method="post">';
372+ $form[] = '<div class="ie5"><table class="style_table" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tbody>';
373+ if ($this->conf['adminonly']) {
374+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['pass'] .
375+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="password" name="pass" size="24" value="' . $pass . '" />' .
376+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['pass'] . '</td></tr>';
377+ }
378+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['filter'] .
379+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="text" name="filter" size="42" value="' . $filter . '" />' .
380+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['filter'] . '</td></tr>';
381+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['except'] .
382+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="text" name="except" size="42" value="' . $except . '" />' .
383+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['except'] . '</td></tr>';
384+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['page'] .
385+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="text" name="page" size="42" value="' . $page . '" />' .
386+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['page'] . '</td></tr>';
387+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td"><label for="regexp">' . $this->msg['label']['regexp'] . '</label>' .
388+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="checkbox" name="regexp" id="regexp" value="on"' . $regexp . '/>' .
389+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['regexp'] . '</td></tr>';
390+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['search'] .
391+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="text" name="search" size="42" value="' . $search . '" />' .
392+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['search'] . '</td></tr>';
393+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['replace'] .
394+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="text" name="replace" size="42" value="' . $replace . '" />' .
395+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['replace'] . '</td></tr>';
396+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['msearch'] .
397+ '</td><td class="style_td"><textarea name="msearch" rows="3" cols="40">' . $msearch . '</textarea>' .
398+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['msearch'] . '</td></tr>';
399+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['label']['mreplace'] .
400+ '</td><td class="style_td"><textarea name="mreplace" rows="3" cols="40">' . $mreplace . '</textarea>' .
401+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['mreplace'] . '</td></tr>';
402+ $form[] = '<tr><td class="style_td"><label for="notimestamp">' . $this->msg['label']['notimestamp'] . '</label>' .
403+ '</td><td class="style_td"><input type="checkbox" name="notimestamp" id="notimestamp" value="on"' . $notimestamp . '/>' .
404+ '</td><td class="style_td">' . $this->msg['text']['notimestamp'] . '</td></tr>';
405+ $form[] = '</tbody></table></div>';
406+ $form[] = '<div>';
407+ $form[] = ' <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="regexp" />';
408+ $form[] = ' <input type="hidden" name="pcmd" value="preview" />';
409+ $form[] = ' <input type="submit" name="submit" id="preview" value="' . $this->msg['label']['preview'] . '" />';
410+ $form[] = '</div>';
411+ $form[] = '</form>';
412+ $form = implode("\n", $form);
414+ if ($msg != '') {
415+ $msg = '<p><b>' . $msg . '</b></p>';
416+ }
417+ return $msg . $form;
418+ }
419+ /**
420+ * Get the dirname of a path
421+ *
422+ * PHP API Extension
423+ *
424+ * PHP's dirname works as
425+ * <code>
426+ * 'Page/' => '.', 'Page/a' => 'Page', 'Page' => '.'
427+ * </code>
428+ * This function works as
429+ * <code>
430+ * 'Page/' => 'Page', 'Page/a' => 'Page', 'Page' => ''
431+ * </code>
432+ *
433+ * @access public
434+ * @static
435+ * @param string $path
436+ * @return string dirname
437+ * @version $Id: v 1.0 2008-06-05 11:14:46 sonots $
438+ */
439+ function get_dirname($path)
440+ {
441+ if (($pos = strrpos($path, '/')) !== false) {
442+ return substr($path, 0, $pos);
443+ } else {
444+ return '';
445+ }
446+ }
449+// php extension
450+if (! function_exists('_')) {
451+ function &_($str)
452+ {
453+ return $str;
454+ }
458+function plugin_regexp_init()
460+ global $plugin_regexp_name;
461+ if (class_exists('PluginRegexpUnitTest')) {
462+ $plugin_regexp_name = 'PluginRegexpUnitTest';
463+ } elseif (class_exists('PluginRegexpUser')) {
464+ $plugin_regexp_name = 'PluginRegexpUser';
465+ } else {
466+ $plugin_regexp_name = 'PluginRegexp';
467+ }
469+function plugin_regexp_action()
471+ global $plugin_regexp, $plugin_regexp_name;
472+ $plugin_regexp = new $plugin_regexp_name();
473+ return call_user_func(array(&$plugin_regexp, 'action'));
476+if (! defined('INIT_DIR')) // if not Plus!
477+ if (file_exists(DATA_HOME . 'init/regexp.ini.php'))
478+ include_once(DATA_HOME . 'init/regexp.ini.php');