修订版 | fabf89dcfc10006552c1d6b005dfddc96c1cd5f9 (tree) |
时间 | 2017-09-09 08:06:14 |
作者 | HMML <hmml3939@gmai...> |
Commiter | HMML |
Remove obsolete file.
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ | ||
1 | -JapanAreaData.java |
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ | ||
1 | -/* | |
2 | - | |
3 | - [WARNING] | |
4 | - This file has been generated by ERB. | |
5 | - Do NOT edit directly! | |
6 | - [/WARNING] | |
7 | - | |
8 | - */ | |
9 | -package cloud.hmml.mmw; | |
10 | - | |
11 | -public class JapanAreaData { | |
12 | - public static final int COUNT = <%= areas.count %>; | |
13 | - public static final String[] IDS = {<%= areas.map {|i, a| %Q{"#{i}"}}.join(', ') %>}; | |
14 | - public static final double[] LATS = {<%= areas.map {|i, a| a['location']['lat']}.join(', ') %>}; | |
15 | - public static final double[] LNGS = {<%= areas.map {|i, a| a['location']['lng']}.join(', ') %>}; | |
16 | - | |
17 | - <% %w(label pref area).each do |attr| %> | |
18 | - public static String get<%= attr.capitalize %>ById(String id) { | |
19 | - switch (id) { | |
20 | - <% areas.each do |id, area| %> | |
21 | - case "<%= id %>": | |
22 | - return "<%= area[attr] %>"; | |
23 | - <% end %> | |
24 | - default: | |
25 | - return null; | |
26 | - } | |
27 | - } | |
28 | - <% end %> | |
29 | - | |
30 | - <% %w(lat lng).each do |attr| %> | |
31 | - public static Double get<%= attr.capitalize %>ById(String id) { | |
32 | - switch (id) { | |
33 | - <% areas.each do |id, area| %> | |
34 | - case "<%= id %>": | |
35 | - return <%= area['location'][attr] %>; | |
36 | - <% end %> | |
37 | - default: | |
38 | - return null; | |
39 | - } | |
40 | - } | |
41 | - <% end %> | |
42 | -} |
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ | ||
1 | -#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
2 | -require 'json' | |
3 | -require 'awesome_print' | |
4 | -require 'erb' | |
5 | - | |
6 | -PREF_CODES = { | |
7 | - "01" => "北海道", "02" => "青森県", "03" => "岩手県", | |
8 | - "04" => "宮城県", "05" => "秋田県", "06" => "山形県", | |
9 | - "07" => "福島県", "08" => "茨城県", "09" => "栃木県", | |
10 | - "10" => "群馬県", "11" => "埼玉県", "12" => "千葉県", | |
11 | - "13" => "東京都", "14" => "神奈川県", "15" => "新潟県", | |
12 | - "16" => "富山県", "17" => "石川県", "18" => "福井県", | |
13 | - "19" => "山梨県", "20" => "長野県", "21" => "岐阜県", | |
14 | - "22" => "静岡県", "23" => "愛知県", "24" => "三重県", | |
15 | - "25" => "滋賀県", "26" => "京都府", "27" => "大阪府", | |
16 | - "28" => "兵庫県", "29" => "奈良県", "30" => "和歌山県", | |
17 | - "31" => "鳥取県", "32" => "島根県", "33" => "岡山県", | |
18 | - "34" => "広島県", "35" => "山口県", "36" => "徳島県", | |
19 | - "37" => "香川県", "38" => "愛媛県", "39" => "高知県", | |
20 | - "40" => "福岡県", "41" => "佐賀県", "42" => "長崎県", | |
21 | - "43" => "熊本県", "44" => "大分県", "45" => "宮崎県", | |
22 | - "46" => "鹿児島県", "47" => "沖縄県" | |
23 | -} | |
24 | - | |
25 | - | |
26 | -areas = File.open('geocode.json') { |f| JSON.load(f) } | |
27 | -#ap areas | |
28 | - | |
29 | -File.foreach('jmx-codes.txt') do |line| | |
30 | - code, area = line.chomp.sub(/#.*$/, '').split("\t", 2) | |
31 | - area or next | |
32 | - areas[code].update({ | |
33 | - "pref" => PREF_CODES[code[0..1]], | |
34 | - "area" => area, | |
35 | - "label" => "#{PREF_CODES[code[0..1]]} #{area}" | |
36 | - }) | |
37 | -end | |
38 | -#ap areas | |
39 | - | |
40 | -File.write 'JapanAreaData.java', ERB.new(File.read('JapanAreaData.java.erb')).result(binding) |
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ | ||
1 | -{"011000":{"pref":"道北","city":"稚内","label":"道北 稚内","location":{"lat":45.4156641,"lng":141.6730822}},"012010":{"pref":"道北","city":"旭川","label":"道北 旭川","location":{"lat":43.7706355,"lng":142.364819}},"012020":{"pref":"道北","city":"留萌","label":"道北 留萌","location":{"lat":43.9409868,"lng":141.6370119}},"013010":{"pref":"道東","city":"網走","label":"道東 網走","location":{"lat":44.0206319,"lng":144.2733983}},"013020":{"pref":"道東","city":"北見","label":"道東 北見","location":{"lat":43.8040314,"lng":143.8958758}},"013030":{"pref":"道東","city":"紋別","label":"道東 紋別","location":{"lat":44.3564842,"lng":143.3545032}},"014010":{"pref":"道東","city":"根室","label":"道東 根室","location":{"lat":43.3300759,"lng":145.5827903}},"014020":{"pref":"道東","city":"釧路","label":"道東 釧路","location":{"lat":42.9848542,"lng":144.3813556}},"014030":{"pref":"道東","city":"帯広","label":"道東 帯広","location":{"lat":42.9238989,"lng":143.1961031}},"015010":{"pref":"道南","city":"室蘭","label":"道南 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福岡","location":{"lat":33.5903547,"lng":130.4017155}},"400020":{"pref":"福岡県","city":"八幡","label":"福岡県 八幡","location":{"lat":33.8622255,"lng":130.8774722}},"400030":{"pref":"福岡県","city":"飯塚","label":"福岡県 飯塚","location":{"lat":33.6459075,"lng":130.6915113}},"400040":{"pref":"福岡県","city":"久留米","label":"福岡県 久留米","location":{"lat":33.3192865,"lng":130.5083735}},"410010":{"pref":"佐賀県","city":"佐賀","label":"佐賀県 佐賀","location":{"lat":33.263482,"lng":130.3008576}},"410020":{"pref":"佐賀県","city":"伊万里","label":"佐賀県 伊万里","location":{"lat":33.2645856,"lng":129.880269}},"420010":{"pref":"長崎県","city":"長崎","label":"長崎県 長崎","location":{"lat":32.7502856,"lng":129.877667}},"420020":{"pref":"長崎県","city":"佐世保","label":"長崎県 佐世保","location":{"lat":33.1799153,"lng":129.7151101}},"420030":{"pref":"長崎県","city":"厳原","label":"長崎県 厳原","location":{"lat":34.202646,"lng":129.287521}},"420040":{"pref":"長崎県","city":"福江","label":"長崎県 福江","location":{"lat":32.6963741,"lng":128.841093}},"430010":{"pref":"熊本県","city":"熊本","label":"熊本県 熊本","location":{"lat":32.8031004,"lng":130.7078911}},"430020":{"pref":"熊本県","city":"阿蘇乙姫","label":"熊本県 阿蘇乙姫","location":{"lat":32.9434447,"lng":131.0434341}},"430030":{"pref":"熊本県","city":"牛深","label":"熊本県 牛深","location":{"lat":32.1944694,"lng":130.0257515}},"430040":{"pref":"熊本県","city":"人吉","label":"熊本県 人吉","location":{"lat":32.2100405,"lng":130.7625544}},"440010":{"pref":"大分県","city":"大分","label":"大分県 大分","location":{"lat":33.2395578,"lng":131.609272}},"440020":{"pref":"大分県","city":"中津","label":"大分県 中津","location":{"lat":33.5982211,"lng":131.1883247}},"440030":{"pref":"大分県","city":"日田","label":"大分県 日田","location":{"lat":33.3213327,"lng":130.9409659}},"440040":{"pref":"大分県","city":"佐伯","label":"大分県 佐伯","location":{"lat":32.959806,"lng":131.9000575}},"450010":{"pref":"宮崎県","city":"宮崎","label":"宮崎県 宮崎","location":{"lat":31.9076736,"lng":131.4202411}},"450020":{"pref":"宮崎県","city":"延岡","label":"宮崎県 延岡","location":{"lat":32.5822723,"lng":131.6650094}},"450030":{"pref":"宮崎県","city":"都城","label":"宮崎県 都城","location":{"lat":31.7195903,"lng":131.0616214}},"450040":{"pref":"宮崎県","city":"高千穂","label":"宮崎県 高千穂","location":{"lat":32.71169,"lng":131.3077866}},"460010":{"pref":"鹿児島県","city":"鹿児島","label":"鹿児島県 鹿児島","location":{"lat":31.5965535,"lng":130.5571158}},"460020":{"pref":"鹿児島県","city":"鹿屋","label":"鹿児島県 鹿屋","location":{"lat":31.3782921,"lng":130.8520774}},"460030":{"pref":"鹿児島県","city":"種子島","label":"鹿児島県 種子島","location":{"lat":30.609558,"lng":130.9788775}},"460040":{"pref":"鹿児島県","city":"名瀬","label":"鹿児島県 名瀬","location":{"lat":28.377276,"lng":129.49378}},"471010":{"pref":"沖縄県","city":"那覇","label":"沖縄県 那覇","location":{"lat":26.2123124,"lng":127.6791568}},"471020":{"pref":"沖縄県","city":"名護","label":"沖縄県 名護","location":{"lat":26.5915465,"lng":127.9773162}},"471030":{"pref":"沖縄県","city":"久米島","label":"沖縄県 久米島","location":{"lat":26.3503959,"lng":126.7711774}},"472000":{"pref":"沖縄県","city":"南大東","label":"沖縄県 南大東","location":{"lat":25.8286844,"lng":131.2320154}},"473000":{"pref":"沖縄県","city":"宮古島","label":"沖縄県 宮古島","location":{"lat":24.80549,"lng":125.2811486}},"474010":{"pref":"沖縄県","city":"石垣島","label":"沖縄県 石垣島","location":{"lat":24.4064027,"lng":124.1754442}},"474020":{"pref":"沖縄県","city":"与那国島","label":"沖縄県 与那国島","location":{"lat":24.4679685,"lng":123.0044532}}} | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ | ||
1 | -#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
2 | -require 'google_maps_service' | |
3 | -require 'nokogiri' | |
4 | -require 'awesome_print' | |
5 | -require 'json' | |
6 | - | |
7 | -TRANS_NAME = { | |
8 | - '東京都 八丈島' => '東京都 八丈町', | |
9 | - '新潟県 高田' => '新潟県 高田市', | |
10 | - '新潟県 相川' => '新潟県 佐渡市', | |
11 | - '沖縄県 与那国島' => '沖縄県 与那国町', | |
12 | -} | |
13 | - | |
14 | -area_map = {} | |
15 | - | |
16 | -# The file from http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/primary_area.xml | |
17 | -Nokogiri::XML(File.read('primary_area.xml')).css('pref').each do |pref| | |
18 | - pref_name = pref.attr('title') | |
19 | - pref.css('city').each do |city| | |
20 | - area_map[city.attr('id')] = { | |
21 | - pref: pref_name, | |
22 | - city: city.attr('title'), | |
23 | - label: "#{pref_name} #{city.attr('title')}", | |
24 | - } | |
25 | - end | |
26 | -end | |
27 | - | |
28 | -#ap area_map | |
29 | - | |
30 | -gmaps = GoogleMapsService::Client.new(key: 'AIzaSyCkuiBRVJ2JzeBCXFzORj2PcOtVE6WjJ-4') | |
31 | - | |
32 | -area_map.each do |id, city_info| | |
33 | - city_name = TRANS_NAME[city_info[:label]] || city_info[:label].dup | |
34 | - city_name.sub!(/^道[西東南北央] /, '北海道 ') | |
35 | - city_name << '市' if city_name =~ /^(..)県 \1/ | |
36 | - puts "Geocoding #{city_name} (#{city_info[:label]})..." | |
37 | - geo = gmaps.geocode city_name, language: 'ja-JP' | |
38 | - if geo.count > 1 | |
39 | - ap geo | |
40 | - raise "Multiple results for #{city_name}" | |
41 | - elsif geo.count < 1 | |
42 | - raise "Not found: #{city_name}" | |
43 | - else | |
44 | - puts "==> #{geo.first[:formatted_address]}" | |
45 | - ap geo.first[:geometry][:location] | |
46 | - city_info[:location] = geo.first[:geometry][:location] | |
47 | - end | |
48 | -end | |
49 | - | |
50 | -File.write 'geocode.json', JSON.generate(area_map) |
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ | ||
1 | -# 20161013_AreaInformationCity-AreaForecastLocalM.xls の | |
2 | -# 「AreaForecastLocalM(関係表 警報・注意報」 シートの | |
3 | -# 「一次細分区域等(※2)」 から抽出した物 | |
4 | -011000 宗谷地方 | |
5 | -012010 上川地方 | |
6 | -012020 留萌地方 | |
7 | -013010 網走地方 | |
8 | -013020 北見地方 | |
9 | -013030 紋別地方 | |
10 | -014010 根室地方 | |
11 | -014020 釧路地方 | |
12 | -014030 十勝地方 | |
13 | -015010 胆振地方 | |
14 | -015020 日高地方 | |
15 | -016010 石狩地方 | |
16 | -016020 空知地方 | |
17 | -016030 後志地方 | |
18 | -017010 渡島地方 | |
19 | -017020 檜山地方 | |
20 | -020010 津軽 | |
21 | -020020 下北 | |
22 | -020030 三八上北 | |
23 | -030010 内陸 | |
24 | -030020 沿岸北部 | |
25 | -030030 沿岸南部 | |
26 | -040010 東部 | |
27 | -040020 西部 | |
28 | -050010 沿岸 | |
29 | -050020 内陸 | |
30 | -060010 村山 | |
31 | -060020 置賜 | |
32 | -060030 庄内 | |
33 | -060040 最上 | |
34 | -070010 中通り | |
35 | -070020 浜通り | |
36 | -070030 会津 | |
37 | -080010 北部 | |
38 | -080020 南部 | |
39 | -090010 南部 | |
40 | -090020 北部 | |
41 | -100010 南部 | |
42 | -100020 北部 | |
43 | -110010 南部 | |
44 | -110020 北部 | |
45 | -110030 秩父地方 | |
46 | -120010 北西部 | |
47 | -120020 北東部 | |
48 | -120030 南部 | |
49 | -130010 東京地方 | |
50 | -130020 伊豆諸島北部 | |
51 | -130030 伊豆諸島南部 | |
52 | -130040 小笠原諸島 | |
53 | -140010 東部 | |
54 | -140020 西部 | |
55 | -150010 下越 | |
56 | -150020 中越 | |
57 | -150030 上越 | |
58 | -150040 佐渡 | |
59 | -160010 東部 | |
60 | -160020 西部 | |
61 | -170010 加賀 | |
62 | -170020 能登 | |
63 | -180010 嶺北 | |
64 | -180020 嶺南 | |
65 | -190010 中・西部 | |
66 | -190020 東部・富士五湖 | |
67 | -200010 北部 | |
68 | -200020 中部 | |
69 | -200030 南部 | |
70 | -210010 美濃地方 | |
71 | -210020 飛騨地方 | |
72 | -220010 中部 | |
73 | -220020 伊豆 | |
74 | -220030 東部 | |
75 | -220040 西部 | |
76 | -230010 西部 | |
77 | -230020 東部 | |
78 | -240010 北中部 | |
79 | -240020 南部 | |
80 | -250010 南部 | |
81 | -250020 北部 | |
82 | -260010 南部 | |
83 | -260020 北部 | |
84 | -270000 大阪府 | |
85 | -280010 南部 | |
86 | -280020 北部 | |
87 | -290010 北部 | |
88 | -290020 南部 | |
89 | -300010 北部 | |
90 | -300020 南部 | |
91 | -310010 東部 | |
92 | -310020 中・西部 | |
93 | -320010 東部 | |
94 | -320020 西部 | |
95 | -320030 隠岐 | |
96 | -330010 南部 | |
97 | -330020 北部 | |
98 | -340010 南部 | |
99 | -340020 北部 | |
100 | -350010 西部 | |
101 | -350020 中部 | |
102 | -350030 東部 | |
103 | -350040 北部 | |
104 | -360010 北部 | |
105 | -360020 南部 | |
106 | -370000 香川県 | |
107 | -380010 中予 | |
108 | -380020 東予 | |
109 | -380030 南予 | |
110 | -390010 中部 | |
111 | -390020 東部 | |
112 | -390030 西部 | |
113 | -400010 福岡地方 | |
114 | -400020 北九州地方 | |
115 | -400030 筑豊地方 | |
116 | -400040 筑後地方 | |
117 | -410010 南部 | |
118 | -410020 北部 | |
119 | -420010 南部 | |
120 | -420020 北部 | |
121 | -420030 壱岐・対馬 | |
122 | -420040 五島 | |
123 | -430010 熊本地方 | |
124 | -430020 阿蘇地方 | |
125 | -430030 天草・芦北地方 | |
126 | -430040 球磨地方 | |
127 | -440010 中部 | |
128 | -440020 北部 | |
129 | -440030 西部 | |
130 | -440040 南部 | |
131 | -450010 南部平野部 | |
132 | -450020 北部平野部 | |
133 | -450030 南部山沿い | |
134 | -450040 北部山沿い | |
135 | -460010 薩摩地方 | |
136 | -460020 大隅地方 | |
137 | -460030 種子島・屋久島地方 | |
138 | -460040 奄美地方 | |
139 | -471010 本島中南部 | |
140 | -471020 本島北部 | |
141 | -471030 久米島 | |
142 | -472000 大東島地方 | |
143 | -473000 宮古島地方 | |
144 | -474010 石垣島地方 | |
145 | -474020 与那国島地方 |
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ | ||
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24 | - | |
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33 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/01c.xml" /><city title="網走" id="013010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/013010.xml" /> | |
34 | -<city title="北見" id="013020" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/013020.xml" /> | |
35 | -<city title="紋別" id="013030" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/013030.xml" /> | |
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44 | -<pref title="道央"> | |
45 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/01b.xml" /><city title="札幌" id="016010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/016010.xml" /> | |
46 | -<city title="岩見沢" id="016020" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/016020.xml" /> | |
47 | -<city title="倶知安" id="016030" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/016030.xml" /> | |
48 | -</pref> | |
49 | -<pref title="道南"> | |
50 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/01d.xml" /><city title="函館" id="017010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/017010.xml" /> | |
51 | -<city title="江差" id="017020" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/017020.xml" /> | |
52 | -</pref> | |
53 | -<pref title="青森県"> | |
54 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/02.xml" /><city title="青森" id="020010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/020010.xml" /> | |
55 | -<city title="むつ" id="020020" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/020020.xml" /> | |
56 | -<city title="八戸" id="020030" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/020030.xml" /> | |
57 | -</pref> | |
58 | -<pref title="岩手県"> | |
59 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/03.xml" /><city title="盛岡" id="030010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/030010.xml" /> | |
60 | -<city title="宮古" id="030020" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/030020.xml" /> | |
61 | -<city title="大船渡" id="030030" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/030030.xml" /> | |
62 | -</pref> | |
63 | -<pref title="宮城県"> | |
64 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/04.xml" /><city title="仙台" id="040010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/040010.xml" /> | |
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66 | -</pref> | |
67 | -<pref title="秋田県"> | |
68 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/05.xml" /><city title="秋田" id="050010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/050010.xml" /> | |
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70 | -</pref> | |
71 | -<pref title="山形県"> | |
72 | -<warn title="警報・注意報" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/06.xml" /><city title="山形" id="060010" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/060010.xml" /> | |
73 | -<city title="米沢" id="060020" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/060020.xml" /> | |
74 | -<city title="酒田" id="060030" source="http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/area/060030.xml" /> | |
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76 | -</pref> | |
77 | -<pref title="福島県"> | |
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