Rev. | 799e95dd7aef8e38267e8b9b8c4becba63191f84 |
大小 | 7,246 字节 |
时间 | 2010-07-13 21:46:51 |
作者 | lorenzo |
Log Message | I included an extra dataset in the code. |
log_binning_3 <- function(x_min,x_max,epsi,n_bin){
#epsi <- 0.001
x_max <- x_max+epsi
m <- n_bin-1
r <- (x_max/x_min)^(1/m)
my_seq <- seq(0,m,by=1)
grid <- x_min*r^my_seq
slice <- 20
cut <- 3600*12 #a 12 hour cutoff
#Impose a cutoff and get a discrete distr varying in units of 1
lyon <- read.table("delta_tab_tac-lyon.dat")
sel <- which(lyon<=cut)
lyon <- lyon[sel, ]/slice
obg <- read.table("delta_tab_tac-obg.dat")
sel <- which(obg<=cut)
obg <- obg[sel,]/slice
ht <- read.table("delta_tab_tac-ht09.dat")
sel <- which(ht<=cut)
ht <- ht[sel,]/slice
sg <- read.table("delta_tab_tac-sg.dat")
sel <- which(sg<=cut)
sg <- sg[sel,]/slice
eswc <- read.table("delta_tab_tac-eswc.dat")
sel <- which(eswc<=cut)
eswc <- eswc[sel,]/slice
#generate grid for rescaled distributions
my_grid <- log_binning_3(1, cut/slice, 0,8)
#take into account the rescaled nature of the distr
my_seq <- seq(1,cut/slice)
h2<-hist(my_seq, plot=F, breaks=my_grid)
#Measure the discrete width of each bin, i.e. how many
#points can fall in each bin.
norm_count <- h2$counts
#take a few stats
h_lyon<-hist(lyon, plot=F, breaks=my_grid)
sel <- which(h_lyon$counts>0)
y_max_lyon <- h_lyon$counts[sel]/sum(h_lyon$count)/norm_count[sel]
mid_vec_lyon <- h_lyon$mid[sel]
h_obg<-hist(obg, plot=F, breaks=my_grid)
sel <- which(h_obg$counts>0)
y_max_obg <- h_obg$counts[sel]/sum(h_obg$count)/norm_count[sel]
mid_vec_obg <- h_obg$mid[sel]
h_ht<-hist(ht, plot=F, breaks=my_grid)
sel <- which(h_ht$counts>0)
y_max_ht <- h_ht$counts[sel]/sum(h_ht$count)/norm_count[sel]
mid_vec_ht <- h_ht$mid[sel]
h_sg<-hist(sg, plot=F, breaks=my_grid)
sel <- which(h_sg$counts>0)
y_max_sg <- h_sg$counts[sel]/sum(h_sg$count)/norm_count[sel]
mid_vec_sg <- h_sg$mid[sel]
h_eswc<-hist(eswc, plot=F, breaks=my_grid)
sel <- which(h_eswc$counts>0)
y_max_eswc <- h_eswc$counts[sel]/sum(h_eswc$count)/norm_count[sel]
mid_vec_eswc <- h_eswc$mid[sel]
data_lyon <-,mid_vec_lyon, rep("Lyon", length(y_max_lyon))))
names(data_lyon) <- c("y","x","set")
data_lyon$set <- factor(data_lyon$set)
data_obg <-,mid_vec_obg, rep("OBG", length(y_max_obg))))
names(data_obg) <- c("y","x","set")
data_obg$set <- factor(data_obg$set)
#write.table(rbind(data_obg$x*slice,data_obg$y), "data_obg_t_ab_ac.dat", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
data_ht <-,mid_vec_ht, rep("HT09", length(y_max_ht))))
names(data_ht) <- c("y","x","set")
data_ht$set <- factor(data_ht$set)
#write.table(rbind(data_ht$x*slice,data_ht$y), "data_ht_t_ab_ac.dat", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
data_sg <-,mid_vec_sg, rep("SG", length(y_max_sg))))
names(data_sg) <- c("y","x","set")
data_sg$set <- factor(data_sg$set)
#write.table(rbind(data_sg$x*slice,data_sg$y), "data_sg_t_ab_ac.dat", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
data_eswc <-,mid_vec_eswc, rep("ESWC10", length(y_max_eswc))))
names(data_eswc) <- c("y","x","set")
data_eswc$set <- factor(data_eswc$set)
#write.table(rbind(data_eswc$x*slice,data_eswc*y), "data_eswc_t_ab_ac.dat", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
data_overall <-,data_obg,data_ht,data_sg,data_eswc))
data_overall$y <- as.numeric(levels(data_overall$y))[data_overall$y] #. as.matrix(data_overall$y)
data_overall$x <- as.numeric(levels(data_overall$x))[data_overall$x] # as.matrix(data_overall$x)
data_overall$x <- data_overall$x*slice #bring everything back to the right units!
cols <- c("OBG" = "black","ESWC10" = "red","HT09" = "green","SG" = "blue", "Lyon"="orange")
cat <- c("OBG","ESWC10","HT09","SG", "Lyon")
mb <- c(seq(10,100, by=10), seq(200,1000, by=100), seq(2000, 1e4, by=1e3),
seq(2e4, 1e5, by=1e4) )
my_sel <- seq(1,length(mb), by=9)
my_label2 <- rep("",length(mb))
my_label2[my_sel] <- expression(10^1 ,10^2, 10^3, 10^4, 10^5)
mby <- c(seq(1e-8,1e-7,by=1e-8),seq(2e-7,1e-6,by=1e-7),seq(2e-6, 1e-5, by=1e-6),seq(2e-5,1e-4, by=1e-5),
seq(2e-4,1e-3, by=1e-4), seq(2e-3, 1e-2, by=1e-3),
seq(2e-2, 1e-1, by=1e-2), seq(2e-1,1,by=1e-1) )
my_sel <- seq(1,length(mby), by=9)
my_label2y <- rep("",length(mby))
my_label2y[my_sel] <- expression(10^-8,10^-7,10^-6 ,10^-5, 10^-4, 10^-3, 10^-2, 10^-1,10^0)
gpl <- #ggplot(data_overall, aes(group = ds, fill = set)) +
# ggplot(data_overall, aes(group = ds, color = set, shape=set)) +
ggplot(data_overall, aes(group=set, color = set, shape=set)) +
# geom_rect(aes(ymin = y_min, ymax = y_max,xmin=x_min,xmax=x_max), colour="black", alpha=0.3)+
geom_line(aes(y = y,x=x), alpha=1, size=1.5)+
geom_point(aes(y = y,x=x), alpha=1, size=4)+
geom_point(aes(y = y,x=x), alpha=1, size=3.8)+
geom_point(aes(y = y,x=x), alpha=1, size=3.6)+
## geom_vline(xintercept = seq(0,4,by=1), col="white", size=1)+
## geom_hline(yintercept = seq(-6,0,by=1), col="white", size=1)+
## geom_point(size=3.6) +
## geom_point(size=3.8) +
## geom_point(size=4) +
opts( panel.background=theme_rect(fill='white'))+
opts(legend.text = theme_text(size = 17, vjust=0.4))+
opts(legend.title = theme_text(size = 24,hjust=0))+
opts(legend.position = c(0.73, 0.82),legend.title = theme_blank())+
opts( legend.background=theme_rect(col=0),
legend.key = theme_rect(colour = NA))+
#extra stuff
xlab(expression(paste("$\\Delta t_{AB-AC}$ (sec)")))+
ylab(expression(paste("$P(\\Delta t_{AB-AC})$")))+
# opts(title = nm)+
opts( panel.background=theme_rect(fill='white', size=1.5))+
opts(panel.grid.minor = theme_blank())+
opts(panel.grid.major = theme_blank())+
scale_x_continuous(trans = "log10",limits=c(10,1e5),breaks=mb, label=my_label2)+
scale_y_continuous(trans="log10", limits=c(1e-8, 1e0), breaks=mby,label=my_label2y )+
opts(axis.ticks = theme_segment(colour = "black", size=1.5),axis.ticks.length = unit(0.15, "cm"))+
# scale_fill_manual("",labels=cat_aggregate, breaks=cat_aggregate, values=cols) +
scale_colour_manual("",labels=cat, breaks=cat, values=cols) +
scale_shape_manual("", breaks=cat, labels=cat, values=c(21,22,23,24,25))+
opts(axis.title.x = theme_text(size = 24))+
opts(axis.title.y = theme_text(size = 24, angle=90,hjust=0.3))+
# opts(title = expression(paste("OBG, all data")))+
opts(plot.title = theme_text(size = 25))+
opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(size=22, colour="black",vjust=1))+
opts(axis.text.y = theme_text(size=22, colour="black", hjust=1))
tikz('comparison_t_ab_ac.tex', standAlone = TRUE, width=5,height=5)
write.table(data_overall, "data_comparison_t_ab_ac.dat", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
print("So far so good")