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File Info

Rev. 1cbcf2c73c16ba0f57d8bba74bfb10f879809873
大小 12,514 字节
时间 2016-04-06 21:35:59
作者 Lorenzo Isella
Log Message

I modified the geom_label_repel call by using the parameters illustrated here http://bit.ly/1MS4Hre .




f <- function (x) ifelse(log10(x)<4,identity(x),trans_format("log10",math_format(10^.x))(x))

## f <- function (x) ifelse(x<10000,identity(x),trans_format(identity(x),math_format(10^.x))(x))

replace_country_code <- function(mylist){

eu_list <- c("BE", "BG","CZ", "DK", "DE", "EE", "IE", "EL",
                   "ES", "FR", "IT", "CY", "LV", "LT", "LU", "HU", "MT",
                   "NL", "AT","PL", "PT", "RO", "SI", "SK", "FI","SE","UK", "HR" )

eu_list <- sort(eu_list)

oecd_list <- c("AUT", "BEL", "BGR", "CYP", "CZE","DEU", "DNK", "EST", "GRC",
               "ESP", "FIN", "FRA", "HRV", "HUN", "IRL", "ITA", "LTU",
               "LUX", "LVA", "MLT", "NLD", "POL", "PRT", "ROU", "SWE",
               "SVN", "SVK", "GBR" 

for (i in seq(length(oecd_list))){

country <- oecd_list[i]
sel <- which(mylist==country)

mylist[sel] <- eu_list[i] 




replace_country_code_extended <- function(mylist, eu_list, eu_list_extended){

for (i in seq(length(eu_list_extended))){

country <- eu_list_extended[i]
sel <- which(mylist==country)

mylist[sel] <- eu_list[i] 




# see http://bit.ly/1zbvAti
integer_breaks <- function(n = 5, ...) {
  breaker <- pretty_breaks(n, ...)
  function(x) {
     breaks <- breaker(x)
     breaks[breaks == floor(breaks)]

fmt <- function(){
  function(x) {
    d <- log10(min(diff(x),na.rm=TRUE))
    if(d < 0) format(x,nsmall = abs(round(d)),scientific = FALSE) else x

fmt2 <- function(n){
    function(x) format(x,nsmall = n,scientific = FALSE)

drop_last_char <- function(t,n){

substr(t, 1, nchar(t)-n) 


drop_ini_char <- function(t,n){

substr(t, (n+1), nchar(t)) 


substrRight <- function(x, n){
  substr(x, nchar(x)-n+1, nchar(x))

substrLeft <- function(x, n){
  substr(x,1, n )

compact_list <- function(data_rd, missing=0){

myseq <- seq(length(data_rd))

data2 <- c()

for (i in myseq){

temp <- as.data.frame(data_rd[[i]])

#remove the missing data

if (missing==1){

sel <- complete.cases(temp)

temp_year <- as.numeric(row.names(temp)[sel])

} else{

temp_year <- as.numeric(row.names(temp))


namevec <-rep(names(data_rd[i]), length(temp_year)) 

## temp <- temp[sel, ]

temp2 <- as.data.frame(cbind(temp, temp_year, namevec))

data2 <- rbind(data2, temp2)


#data2 <- as.data.frame(data2)

names(data2) <- letters[seq(ncol(data2))] 

data2$a <- as.numeric(data2$a)

#print("ncol(data2) is, ")



my_ggplot_theme <- function(legend_coord){  theme( panel.background = element_rect(fill="gray",
                          colour = "black", size = 0.5, linetype = 1),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black", size=1),
                axis.ticks.length = unit(0.15, "cm"),
                strip.background = element_rect(colour = 'blue',
                           fill = 'white', size = 1, linetype=1),
                strip.text.x = element_text(colour = 'red', angle = 0,
                                     size = 12, hjust = 0.5,
                                     vjust = 0.5, face = 'bold'),
                axis.title.x = element_text(size = 20),
                axis.title.y = element_text(size = 20, angle=90, vjust=1),
                axis.text.x = element_text(size=15, colour="black", vjust=1),
                axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, colour="black", hjust=1),
                legend.text = element_text(size = 14, vjust=0.4),
                legend.title = element_text(size = 24, hjust=0),
                legend.position = legend_coord,
                legend.title = element_blank(),
                legend.background=element_rect(color=NA, fill=NA),
                legend.key = element_rect(colour = NA, fill=NA) )

reshape_series <- function(data, year_cut){

data <- compact_list(data)

data$country <- substrRight(as.character(data$c),2)

names(data) <- c("value", "year", "indicator", "country")

data$indicator <- as.character(data$indicator)

data$value <- as.numeric(data$value)

data <- data[complete.cases(data), ]
sel <- which(data$year>year_cut)
data <- data[sel, ]




options( scipen = 16 )

year_cut <- 2004

## download <- 0

eu_list <- c("BE", "BG","CZ", "DK", "DE", "EE", "IE", "EL",
                   "ES", "FR", "IT", "CY", "LV", "LT", "LU", "HU", "MT",
                   "NL", "AT","PL", "PT", "RO", "SI", "SK", "FI","SE","UK", "HR" )

eu_list_extended <- c("Belgium", "Bulgaria","Czech Republic", "Denmark",
                      "Germany", "Estonia", "Ireland", "Greece",
                      "Spain", "France", "Italy", "Cyprus", "Latvia",
                      "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Hungary", "Malta",
                      "Netherlands", "Austria","Poland", "Portugal",
                      "Romania", "Slovenia", "Slovakia", "Finland","Sweden",
                      "United Kingdom", "Croatia" )

eurozone <- c("BE", "DE", "IE", "EL",
                   "ES", "FR", "IT", "LU",
                   "NL", "AT", "PT", "FI" )

## eu_list <- c("SK")
## eu_list_extended <- c("Slovakia")

## eu_list <- c("HU")
## eu_list_extended <- c("Luxembourg")

## eu_list <- sort(eu_list)


indirect_funding <- read_csv("indirect-support.csv")

indirect_funding$country <- replace_country_code(indirect_funding$country)

indirect_funding <- indirect_funding[indirect_funding$country %in%  eu_list,  ]

names(indirect_funding) <- c("country","value","year")

indirect_funding$value <- as.numeric(indirect_funding$value)

indirect_funding$indicator <- "indirect"

ameco <- read_csv('ameco-balance.csv')
ameco <- melt(ameco)

ameco$Country <- replace_country_code_extended(ameco$Country, eu_list, eu_list_extended)

ameco$Unit <- "pc_gdp"

names(ameco) <- c("country", "unit", "year", "value")

ameco <- ameco[ameco$country  %in% eu_list,  ]

ameco$year <- as.numeric(as.character(ameco$year))

data_gov <- getTimeSeries('EUROSTAT',

data_ec <- getTimeSeries('EUROSTAT',

data_gov <- reshape_series(data_gov, year_cut)
data_ec <- reshape_series(data_ec, year_cut)

for (sel_country in eu_list){

print("the country is,")

indirect_temp <- indirect_funding[indirect_funding$country==sel_country, ]

ms <- sort(indirect_temp$year, decreasing=F, index.return=T)

indirect_temp <- indirect_temp[ms$ix, ]

sel <- which(ameco$country==sel_country)

ameco_temp <- ameco[sel, ]

ec <- data_ec[data_ec$country == sel_country,  ]

gov <- data_gov[data_gov$country == sel_country,  ]

if (nrow(ec)>0){
ec$indicator <- "ec_contr"

gov$indicator <- "gov_contr"

if (nrow(ec)>0){

common_years <- intersect(ec$year, gov$year)

## ec <- ec[ec$year %in% common_years , ]
## gov <- gov[gov$year %in% common_years , ]

## data_temp<-merge(ec, gov, by="year")

if (length(common_years)>0){

    ec <- ec[ec$year %in% common_years,  ]

    ec$value <- ec$value+gov[gov$year  %in% common_years,  ]$value

data_tot <- rbind(gov,ec)

} ## else{

## data_tot <- gov

## }

} else{

data_tot <- gov


## print("len data-tot here is, ")
## print(nrow(data_tot))

if (nrow(indirect_temp)>0){

common_years <- intersect(gov$year, indirect_temp$year)

if (length(common_years)>0){

## print("here I am")
indirect_temp <- indirect_temp[indirect_temp$year %in% common_years,  ]

## print("indirect_temp$value is, ")
## print(indirect_temp$value)

## print("gov[gov$year  %in% common_years,  ]$value")
## print(gov[gov$year  %in% common_years,  ]$value)   
indirect_temp$value <- indirect_temp$value+gov[gov$year  %in% common_years,  ]$value

data_tot <- rbind(data_tot, indirect_temp)



print("len data tot here")


data2<-merge( ameco_temp, data_tot, by="year")

data2 <- subset(data2, select=c(year, value.x, value.y,indicator))


title_exp <- paste(sel_country, ": GERD vs Structural Balance", sep="")

sel <- which(data2$indicator=="gov_contr")
data2$indicator[sel] <- "GERD funded by \n government\n"

sel <- which(data2$indicator=="ec_contr")
data2$indicator[sel] <- "GERD funded by \n government+EC\n"

sel <- which(data2$indicator=="indirect")
data2$indicator[sel] <- "GERD funded by \n government+indirect\n"

data2$indicator <- as.factor(data2$indicator)

lbls <- levels(data2$indicator)

col_seq <- seq(length(lbls))

data2$year <- as.character(data2$year)

data_save <- data2

print("len data2 is, ")

fname <- paste(sel_country, "_gerd_vs_structural1.csv", sep="")

    data.out <- data2

    names(data.out) <- c("year", "structural balance", "expenditure", "expenditure_type")

data.out$expenditure_type <- gsub("[\r\n]", " ", data.out$expenditure_type)
          row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, sep=",")

    ## data2 <- data2[data2$year<2014,]
gpl <- ggplot(data2, aes(x=value.x, y=value.y, color=indicator,
                             shape= indicator 
                       )) +
geom_point(size=3) + 
    ## geom_text(aes(label=year),show.legend  = F ,hjust=0.4, vjust=-0.7)+
## geom_label_repel(aes(label=year),show.legend  = F, ,  segment.size = 0)+
## see http://bit.ly/1MS4Hre
    geom_label_repel(aes(label=year),show.legend  = F,
       fontface = 'bold', ## color = 'white',
    box.padding = unit(0.25, "lines"),
    point.padding = unit(0.5, "lines")              )+

 scale_colour_manual("", breaks=lbls,
                    values=col_seq) +
scale_shape_manual("", breaks=lbls, values=col_seq) +
my_ggplot_theme(c(0.13, 0.))+
theme(legend.position = 'right')+
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, size=24, face="bold", vjust=1))+
theme(legend.text = element_text(vjust=2,lineheight=.8 ))+
    xlab("Structural Balance Excluding Interest (%GDP)")+
 ylab("GERD (%GDP)")

fname <- paste(sel_country, "_gerd_from_gov_and_structural_balance_pc_gdp.pdf", sep="")
ggsave(fname, gpl, width=10,height=5)

fname <- paste(sel_country, "_gerd_from_gov_and_structural_balance_pc_gdp1.png", sep="")
ggsave(fname, gpl, width=10,height=5)

    ## sel <- which((data2$indicator=="GERD funded by \n government\n") &
    ##     (data2$year!="2014"          ))
## data2 <- data2[(data)]

## if (length(sel)>0){

## data2 <- data2[-sel, ]
##         } 
## gpl <- ggplot(data2, aes(x=value.x, y=value.y, color=indicator,
##                              shape= indicator 
##                        )) +
## geom_point(size=3) + 
##     ## geom_text(aes(label=year),show.legend  = F ,hjust=0.4, vjust=-0.7)+
## geom_label_repel(aes(label=year),show.legend  = F,  segment.size = 0)+

##  scale_colour_manual("", breaks=lbls,
##                     values=col_seq) +
## scale_shape_manual("", breaks=lbls, values=col_seq) +
## scale_y_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(n=5)
##                    )+
## scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(n=5))+
## my_ggplot_theme(c(0.13, 0.))+
## theme(legend.position = 'right')+
## labs(title=title_exp)+
## theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, size=24, face="bold", vjust=1))+
## theme(legend.text = element_text(vjust=2,lineheight=.8 ))+
##     xlab("Structural Balance Excluding Interest (%GDP)")+
##  ylab("GERD (%GDP)")

## fname <- paste(sel_country, "_gerd_from_gov_and_structural_balance_pc_gdp_simple.pdf", sep="")
## ggsave(fname, gpl, width=10,height=5)

## fname <- paste(sel_country, "_gerd_from_gov_and_structural_balance_pc_gdp_simple1.png", sep="")
## ggsave(fname, gpl, width=10,height=5)


## rm(data2)
## rm(gpl)


print("So far so good")