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File Info

Rev. 60c48182945a24d2f95e9bdff42cdabd01ad6010
大小 3,629 字节
时间 2010-10-13 07:23:50
作者 lorenzo
Log Message

Apart from some minor modifications, I am now properly iterating a function
on a list of file following the suggestions by Daniel. Now I avoid generating
(though in a lazy way) a list with the contents of each file since that means
opening all those files and I can run short of handles.


import Data.Ord

import Data.List

main :: IO ()

main = do
  -- txt <- readFile "flist.dat"

  -- let nums :: [Int]

  --     nums  = concat $ convert txt  -- Now dat is a list where every element is a row of the original data table

-- Uncomment the bit above if you want to read the list of files from a file

  let nums=[1..2]


  -- cl <- file_conv_all nums

  -- let entr_all= map entropy_list cl

  -- save_vector  "entropy.dat" entr_all 
-- NB: the 3 lines above (which are now comments) calculate correctly the entropy  
-- but they have the problem if using too many file handles. The procedure I
-- follow below is really the correct one.                             
  my_entropy <- get_all_entropies nums

  save_vector  "entropy.dat" my_entropy 

  putStrLn "So far so good "

 -- #########################################################

filename :: Int -> FilePath
filename i = "file" ++ show i ++ ".dat"

fileLength :: FilePath -> IO Int
fileLength file = fmap length (readFile file)

getAllLengths :: [Int] -> IO [Int]
getAllLengths nums = mapM (fileLength . filename) nums 

 -- #########################################################

-- the 3 functions above are examples by Daniel to calculate the lengths of multiple files
-- and they are a kind of template: the whole point is to replace fileLength with my own function
-- and getAllLengths with the iteration of my own function.

entropy_on_file file = fmap entropy_list (conv_to_list file)

-- entropy_on_file is along the lines of fileLength by Daniel, just I need to be careful when
-- reading something (a string NOT consisting only of numbers [there are also letters]) into a list
-- (I now need to use conv_to_list instead of readFile).

get_all_entropies nums =  mapM (entropy_on_file . filename) nums 

-- get_all_entropies is precisely along the lines of getAllLengths by Daniel and it iterates
-- entropy_on_file on my file list.

conv_to_list file  = fmap lines ( (readFile file))

file_conv_all nums  = mapM (conv_to_list . filename) nums 

is_sublist sublist list = sublist `isInfixOf` list

gen_fut_list list i j = take j $ drop (i-1) list 

gen_past_list list i = take (i-1) list

find_in_list list i j = is_sublist (gen_fut_list list i j) (gen_past_list list i)
iter_find list i  = map   (find_in_list list i) [1..n]
                    where n = (length list) - i +1
iter_find_efficient list i = takeWhile id $ iter_find list i

count_string_length list i = 1+ my_sum  
                           where my_sum = length $  iter_find_efficient list i                             
-- NB: I need to add 1 every time since I want the length of the shortest list in the future
-- which has not occurred in the past
sum_string_lengths list = sum $ map (count_string_length list) [1..n]
                          where n =  length list


list_string_lengths list =  map (count_string_length list) [1..n]
                          where n =  length list


pref_list list = 1.0/(n* log n / log 2.0)
                 where n = fromIntegral (length list)

entropy_list list =  1.0/((pref_list list) * fromIntegral (sum_string_lengths list) )                             
save_vector_flat filename list = writeFile filename $ unlines (map show $ concat list)
save filename zs = writeFile filename (show zs)

save_vector filename list = writeFile filename $ unlines (map show list)

convert x = (map (map read . words) . lines) x