Rev. | c0e02f31f416ca47e81f0a05a4545343c2dfd99d |
大小 | 4,804 字节 |
时间 | 2016-02-08 05:57:45 |
作者 | Lorenzo Isella |
Log Message | A script to show several things which can be achieved with tikz. |
\documentclass{article} % say
% \usegdlibrary{layered}
We are working on
\draw (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0);
\draw (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
\tikz \draw (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0) -- (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
\draw (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0);
\draw (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
\draw (0,0) circle [radius=1cm];
\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners,ultra thick]
\shade[top color=yellow,bottom color=black] (0,0) rectangle +(2,1);
\shade[left color=yellow,right color=black] (3,0) rectangle +(2,1);
\shadedraw[inner color=yellow,outer color=black,draw=yellow] (6,0) rectangle +(2,1);
\shade[ball color=green] (9,.5) circle (.5cm);
\draw [<->] (0,0) arc [start angle=180, end angle=30, radius=10pt];
\draw [<->] (1,0) -- (1.5cm,10pt) -- (2cm,0pt) -- (2.5cm,10pt);
\draw [->] (0,0) arc [start angle=180, end angle=30, radius=10pt];
\draw [<<-,very thick] (1,0) -- (1.5cm,10pt) -- (2cm,0pt) -- (2.5cm,10pt);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,5,7,8,...,12}
\foreach \y in {1,...,5}
\draw (\x,\y) +(-.5,-.5) rectangle ++(.5,.5);
\draw (\x,\y) node{\x,\y};
\draw (0,0) .. controls (6,1) and (9,1) ..
node[near start,sloped,above] {near start}
node {midway}
node[very near end,sloped,below] {very near end} (12,0);
\draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
\path ( 0,2) node [shape=circle,draw] {}
( 0,1) node [shape=circle,draw] {}
( 0,0) node [shape=circle,draw] {}
( 1,1) node [shape=rectangle,draw] {}
(-1,1) node [shape=rectangle,draw] {};
\node at ( 0,2) [place] {};
\node at ( 0,1) [place] {};
\node at ( 0,0) [place] {};
\node at ( 1,1) [transition] {};
\node at (-1,1) [transition] {};
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,bend right]
\node (a) at (0:1) {$0^\circ$};
\node (b) at (120:1) {$120^\circ$};
\node (c) at (240:1) {$240^\circ$};
\draw (a) to node {1} node [swap] {1’} (b)
(b) to node {2} node [swap] {2’} (c)
(c) to node {3} node [swap] {3’} (a);
\tikz \draw[line width=2pt,color=red] (1,0) -- (0,0) -- (0,1) --
\node {root}
child {node {left}}
child {node {right}
child {node {child}}
child {node {child}}
[edge from parent fork down, sibling distance=15mm, level distance=15mm,
every node/.style={fill=red!30,rounded corners},
edge from parent/.style={red,-o,thick,draw}]
\node {root}
child {node {left}}
child {node {right}
child {node {child}}
child {node {child}}
[parent anchor=east,child anchor=west,grow=east,
sibling distance=15mm, level distance=15mm,
every node/.style={ball color=red,circle,text=white},
edge from parent/.style={draw,dashed,thick,red}]
\node {root}
child {node {left}}
child {node {right}
child {node {child}}
child {node {child}}
\tikz \graph [grow down, branch right] {
root -> { left, right -> {child, child} }
\tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1)
{[rounded corners] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)}
-- (3,0) -- (2,1);
\draw (0,0) -- (1,0);
\draw (0,0) -- (0,1,0);
\draw (0,0) -- (0,0,1);
\tikz {
\node [circle,draw] (A) {A};
\node [circle,draw] (B) [right=of A] {B};
\draw [draw = blue, thick,
Computer Modern Rightarrow [sep]
- Latex[blue!50,length=8pt,bend,line width=0pt]
(A) edge [bend left=45] (B)
(B) edge [in=-110, out=-70,looseness=8] (B);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (1,0);
\draw[>-Stealth] (0,0.3) -- (1,0.3);
\draw[-{Stealth[red]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
\tikz [ultra thick] \draw [red, arrows = {-Stealth[color=blue]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
\tikz [ultra thick] \draw [draw=red, fill=red!50,
arrows = {-Stealth[length=15pt, fill=pgffillcolor]}]
(0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,0);
% \tikz [nodes={text height=.7em, text depth=.2em,
% draw=black!20, thick, fill=white, font=\footnotesize},
% % >=spaced stealth’,
% rounded corners, semithick]
% \graph [layered layout, level distance=1cm, sibling sep=.5em, sibling distance=1cm] {
% "5th Edition" -> { "6th Edition", "PWB 1.0" };
% };