修订版 | 24a4e32a39855546348f3f83ba86717b76debc83 (tree) |
时间 | 2010-03-10 02:46:55 |
作者 | lorenzo |
Commiter | lorenzo |
This short presentation shows some advanced features of beamer like the use
of overlays.
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ | ||
1 | +% Copyright 2007 by Till Tantau | |
2 | +% | |
3 | +% This file may be distributed and/or modified | |
4 | +% | |
5 | +% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or | |
6 | +% 2. under the GNU Public License. | |
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8 | +% See the file doc/licenses/LICENSE for more details. | |
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11 | + | |
12 | +\documentclass{beamer} | |
13 | +%\newcommand{\ol}{\overline} | |
14 | +\renewcommand{\i}{\int} | |
15 | +\newcommand{\n}{\nabla} | |
16 | +\newcommand{\x}{\vec x\; } | |
17 | +\renewcommand{\d}{\dag} | |
18 | +\newcommand{\h}{\hat} | |
19 | +\newcommand{\p}{\partial} | |
20 | +\renewcommand{\v}{\vert} | |
21 | +\renewcommand{\l}{\langle} | |
22 | +\renewcommand{\r}{\rangle} | |
23 | +\newcommand{\f}{\frac} | |
24 | +\newcommand{\s}{\sum} | |
25 | +\newcommand{\lm}[1]{\lim_{#1\to\infty}} | |
26 | +% \renewcommand{\in}{\infty} | |
27 | +\newcommand{\rro}{\right)} | |
28 | +\newcommand{\lro}{\left( } | |
29 | +\newcommand{\lsq}{\left[} | |
30 | +\newcommand{\rsq}{\right]} | |
31 | +\newcommand{\rcu}{\right\}} | |
32 | +\newcommand{\lcu}{\left\{} | |
33 | +\newcommand{\be}{\begin{equation}} | |
34 | +\newcommand{\ee}{\end{equation}} | |
35 | +\newcommand{\bi}{\begin{itemize}} | |
36 | +\newcommand{\ei}{\end{itemize}} | |
37 | +\newcommand{\ben}{\begin{enumerate}} | |
38 | +\newcommand{\een}{\end{enumerate}} | |
39 | +\newcommand{\esp}{ESPResSo } | |
40 | + | |
41 | + | |
42 | + | |
43 | +\newcommand{\jc}{{\it Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}} | |
44 | +\newcommand{\jas}{{\it Journal of Aerosol Science}} | |
45 | +\newcommand{\pra}{{\it Physical Review A}} | |
46 | +\newcommand{\prb}{{\it Physical Review B}} | |
47 | +\newcommand{\pre}{{\it Physical Review E}} | |
48 | +\newcommand{\prl}{{\it Physical Review Letters}} | |
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51 | +%Fine preambolo | |
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55 | +\newcommand{\unit}{\hat{\bf n}} | |
56 | +% \newcommand{\pol}{\hat{\bf e}} | |
57 | +\newcommand{\rv}{{\bf r}} | |
58 | +\newcommand{\Ev}{{\bf E}} | |
59 | +\newcommand{\Bv}{{\bf B}} | |
60 | +\newcommand{\Ec}{{\cal E}} | |
61 | +\newcommand{\Rc}{{\cal R}} | |
62 | +\newcommand{\Pc}{{\cal P}} | |
63 | +\newcommand{\Pcv}{\bbox {\cal P}} | |
64 | +\newcommand{\dv}{{\bf d}} | |
65 | +\newcommand{\Dc}{{\cal D}} | |
66 | +\newcommand{\Dcv}{\bbox {\cal D}} | |
67 | +\newcommand{\Hc}{{\cal H}} | |
68 | +\newcommand{\kappav}{\bbox \kappa} | |
69 | +\newcommand{\Dkappav}{\Delta {\bbox\kappa}} | |
70 | +\newcommand{\qv}{{\bf q}} | |
71 | +\newcommand{\kv}{{\bf k}} | |
72 | +\newcommand{\eo}{\epsilon_0} | |
73 | +\newcommand{\ej}{\epsilon_j} | |
74 | +\newcommand{\beq}{\begin{equation}} | |
75 | +\newcommand{\eeq}{\end{equation}} | |
76 | +\newcommand{\bea}{\begin{eqnarray}} | |
77 | +\newcommand{\eea}{\end{eqnarray}} | |
78 | +\newcommand{\up}{\uparrow} | |
79 | +\newcommand{\down}{\downarrow} | |
80 | +\newcommand{\<}{\langle} | |
81 | +\renewcommand{\>}{\rangle} | |
82 | +\renewcommand{\(}{\left(} | |
83 | +\renewcommand{\)}{\right)} | |
84 | +\renewcommand{\[}{\left[} | |
85 | +\renewcommand{\]}{\right]} | |
86 | +\newcommand{\dagg}{d_{\rm{agg}}} | |
87 | +\newcommand{\vagg}{V_{\rm{agg}}} | |
88 | +\newcommand{\nagg}{n_{\rm{agg}}} | |
89 | +\newcommand{\df}{d_{f}} | |
90 | +\newcommand{\ragg}{\rho_{\rm{agg}}} | |
91 | +\newcommand{\reff}{\rho_{\rm{eff}}} | |
92 | +\newcommand{\re}{{\rm{Re}}} | |
93 | +\newcommand{\pr}{{\rm{Pr}}} | |
94 | +\newcommand{\sh}{{\rm{Sh}}} | |
95 | +\newcommand{\Kn}{{\rm{Kn}}} | |
96 | +\newcommand{\ra}{{\rm{Ra}}} | |
97 | +\renewcommand{\sc}{{\rm{Sc}}} | |
98 | +\newcommand{\nusselt}{{\rm{Nu}}} | |
99 | +\newcommand{\magg}{m_{\rm{agg}}} | |
100 | +\newcommand{\tres}{\tau_{\rm{res}}} | |
101 | +\newcommand{\gdif}{{\gamma_{\rm{dif}}}} | |
102 | +\newcommand{\vdep}{{v_{\rm{dep}}}} | |
103 | +\newcommand{\gth}{{\gamma_{\rm{th}}}} | |
104 | +\newcommand{\vth}{{v_{\rm{th}}}} | |
105 | +% \newcommand{\tres}{{\tau_{\rm{res}}}} | |
106 | +\newcommand{\kt}{{K_{\rm{T}}}} | |
107 | +\newcommand{\kair}{{k_{\rm{air}}}} | |
108 | +\newcommand{\vdif}{{v_{\rm{dif}}}} | |
109 | +\newcommand{\kp}{{k_{\rm{p}}}} | |
110 | +\newcommand{\commentout}[1]{{}} | |
111 | +%\newcommand{\half}{\hbox} | |
112 | +% \newcommand{\half}{\hbox{$1\over2$}} | |
113 | +\newcommand{\nv}{{\vec\nabla}} | |
114 | +\renewcommand{\c}{{\cdot}} | |
115 | +\newcommand{\hv}{\harvarditem} | |
116 | + | |
117 | +% | |
119 | +% | |
120 | +% Use a file in the directory solutions instead. | |
121 | +% They are much better suited. | |
122 | +% | |
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125 | +% Setup appearance: | |
126 | + | |
127 | +\usetheme{Darmstadt} | |
128 | +\usefonttheme[onlylarge]{structurebold} | |
129 | +\setbeamerfont*{frametitle}{size=\normalsize,series=\bfseries} | |
130 | +\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} | |
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132 | + | |
133 | +% Standard packages | |
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135 | +\usepackage[english]{babel} | |
136 | +\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} | |
137 | +\usepackage{times} | |
138 | +\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} | |
139 | +% \usepackage{garamond} | |
140 | + \usepackage[ufw-garamond]{mathdesign} | |
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143 | +% Setup TikZ | |
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145 | +\usepackage{tikz} | |
146 | +\usetikzlibrary{arrows} | |
147 | +\tikzstyle{block}=[draw opacity=0.7,line width=1.4cm] | |
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149 | + | |
150 | +% Author, Title, etc. | |
151 | + | |
152 | +\title[Investigating Social Interactions via Active RFID] | |
153 | +{% | |
154 | +Investigating Social Interactions via Active RFID% | |
155 | +} | |
156 | + | |
157 | +\author[Isella, Cattuto, Colizza, Vespignani] | |
158 | +{ | |
159 | + Lorenzo~Isella\inst{1}, | |
160 | + Ciro~Cattuto\inst{1}, | |
161 | +Alain~Barrat\inst{1,2}, | |
162 | + Vittoria~Colizza\inst{1}, | |
163 | + Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Pinton\inst{3}, | |
164 | +Wouter~Van den Broeck\inst{1}, | |
165 | +Marco Quaggiotto\inst{1} | |
166 | + and | |
167 | + Alessandro~Vespignani\inst{1,4} | |
168 | +% Roded~Sharan\inst{4} \and | |
169 | +% \textcolor{green!50!black}{Till~Tantau}\inst{5} | |
170 | +} | |
171 | + | |
172 | +\institute[Tübingen and others] | |
173 | +{ | |
174 | + \inst{1}% | |
175 | + Complex Networks and Systems Group, Institute for | |
176 | + Scientific Interchange (ISI) Foundation, Turin, Italy. | |
177 | + \and | |
178 | + \vskip-2mm | |
179 | + \inst{2}% | |
180 | +Centre de Physique Th\'eorique, CNRS UMR 6207, Marseille, France. | |
181 | + \and | |
182 | + \vskip-2mm | |
183 | + \inst{3}% | |
184 | +Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS Lyon, CNRS UMR 5672, Lyon, France. | |
185 | + \and | |
186 | + \vskip-2mm | |
187 | + \inst{4}% | |
188 | +School of Informatics and Biocomplexity Institute, | |
189 | +Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. | |
190 | + | |
191 | +} | |
192 | + | |
193 | + | |
194 | +\date[WABI 2006] | |
195 | +{APS Meeting, Portland, USA, 2010} | |
196 | + | |
197 | + | |
198 | + | |
199 | +% The main document | |
200 | + | |
201 | +\begin{document} | |
202 | + | |
203 | +\begin{frame} | |
204 | + \titlepage | |
205 | +\end{frame} | |
206 | + | |
207 | +% \begin{frame}{Outline} | |
208 | +% \tableofcontents | |
209 | +% \end{frame} | |
210 | + | |
211 | + | |
212 | + % \section{Introduction} | |
213 | + | |
214 | + % \subsection{Problem Formulation} | |
215 | + | |
216 | +\begin{frame}[t]{Goals and Case Studies} | |
217 | +\setbeamercovered{dynamic} | |
218 | + \begin{itemize} | |
219 | +\pause | |
220 | + \item Social dynamics/human interaction | |
221 | + within | |
222 | + different environments ({\textcolor{red}{real time}} data collection). | |
223 | + \pause | |
224 | +% \item {\textcolor{red}{Real time}} data | |
225 | +% collection and visualization of the {\textcolor{red}{ evolving}} | |
226 | +% network. | |
227 | + \item Dynamics of both processes {\textcolor{red}{on}} the network and | |
228 | + {\textcolor{red}{of}} the network $\mapsto$ computational | |
229 | + epidemiology and computer science applications. | |
230 | + \pause | |
231 | +\item Technology and data from | |
232 | + {\textcolor{red}{Sociopatterns Project}} | |
233 | + (\url{http://www.sociopatterns.org/}). | |
234 | +\bi \pause | |
235 | +\item Science Gallery at | |
236 | + the Trinity College, | |
237 | + Dublin, Ireland ($\sim 3$ months, $\sim 10000$ visitors). | |
238 | +\pause \item HT2009 conference, Turin, Italy ($3$ days, $\sim 100$ participants). | |
239 | +\pause \item More experiments just completed (school in Lyon, Bambin Gesù | |
240 | + pediatric hospital in Rome). | |
241 | + \ei | |
242 | + | |
243 | + \end{itemize} | |
244 | +\end{frame} | |
245 | + | |
246 | +\begin{frame}[t]{Overview of the Infrastructure } | |
247 | +\vspace*{-.5cm} | |
248 | +\bi | |
249 | +\item Tags exchange packets at various powers and | |
250 | +report their contacts to antennas broadcasting the data to a server. | |
251 | +\item Low-power packets expose | |
252 | + {\textcolor{red}{face-to-face}} interactions at small distances | |
253 | + ($\sim 1$m). | |
254 | +\ei | |
255 | +\vspace*{-.3cm} | |
256 | +\begin{figure} | |
257 | +\includegraphics[width=9cm, height=6.3cm]{interaction.pdf} | |
258 | +\end{figure} | |
259 | +\end{frame} | |
260 | + | |
261 | + | |
262 | +\begin{frame}[t]{From Physical Proximity to Networks} | |
263 | +\setbeamercovered{dynamic} | |
264 | +\vspace*{-0.3cm} | |
265 | +\bi \pause | |
266 | +\item Natural representation of physical proximity as a | |
267 | + network in addition to | |
268 | +\bi \pause | |
269 | +\item scalability \pause | |
270 | +\item unobtrusiveness \pause | |
271 | +\item low cost \pause | |
272 | +\item open (hardware and software) \pause | |
273 | +\item high spatial resolution $\sim 1$ meter \pause | |
274 | +\item high temporal resolution $\sim 5-20$ seconds. | |
275 | +\ei | |
276 | +\ei | |
277 | +\vspace*{-3.2cm} | |
278 | +\begin{figure} | |
279 | +\includegraphics[width=10cm, height=8cm]{ciro4.pdf} | |
280 | +\end{figure} | |
281 | + | |
282 | +\end{frame} | |
283 | + | |
284 | + | |
285 | +\begin{frame}[t]{Aggregated Networks} | |
286 | +\vspace*{-0.5cm} | |
287 | +\bi | |
288 | +\item Aggregate all the contacts along $24$ hours. | |
289 | +%\item Vary aggregation time: investigate seasonality/stationarity. | |
290 | +\ei | |
291 | +\vspace*{-0.2cm} | |
292 | +\begin{figure} | |
293 | +\includegraphics[width=4.7cm, height=3.95cm]{original_network.pdf} | |
294 | +\includegraphics[width=4.7cm, | |
295 | +height=3.95cm]{original_network-14-7.pdf} | |
296 | +\end{figure} | |
297 | +\vspace*{-0.5cm} | |
298 | +\begin{figure} | |
299 | +\includegraphics[width=4.7cm, height=3.95cm]{original_network-19-5.pdf} | |
300 | +\includegraphics[width=4.7cm, height=3.95cm]{original_network-20-5.pdf} | |
301 | +\end{figure} | |
302 | + | |
303 | + | |
304 | +\end{frame} | |
305 | + | |
306 | + | |
307 | +\begin{frame}[t]{Network Dynamic Properties} | |
308 | +\vspace*{-0.4cm} | |
309 | +\bi | |
310 | +\item Entanglement of human behavior and network topology. | |
311 | +\ei | |
312 | +\vspace*{-0.35cm} | |
313 | +\begin{figure} | |
314 | +\includegraphics[width=4.7cm, height=3.5cm]{visit_histogram.pdf} | |
315 | +\end{figure} | |
316 | +\vspace*{-0.5cm} | |
317 | +\begin{figure} | |
318 | +\includegraphics[width=9cm, height=4.6cm]{dublin_color_panel.pdf} | |
319 | +\end{figure} | |
320 | + | |
321 | + | |
322 | +\end{frame} | |
323 | + | |
324 | +\begin{frame}[t]{Conclusions} | |
325 | +\setbeamercovered{dynamic} | |
326 | +\bi \pause | |
327 | +\item {\textcolor{red}{It works!}} | |
328 | + Common sense results, but through testing of the | |
329 | + experimental infrastructure and the post-processing tools. \pause | |
330 | +\item Infrastructure deployed in much less predictable environments (school, | |
331 | + hospital) $\mapsto$ work in progress. \pause | |
332 | +\item Network aggregation over different time periods (seasonality, | |
333 | + trends, etc..). \pause | |
334 | +\item Network {\textcolor{red}{static}} properties ($P(k)$, $P(s)$, $P(w)$, | |
335 | + diameter, assortativity, etc..). \pause | |
336 | +\item Network {\textcolor{red}{dynamic}} properties: spread of epidemics and | |
337 | + diffusion processes on a longitudinal network. | |
338 | +\ei | |
339 | +\pause | |
340 | +\begin{center} | |
341 | +{\textcolor{blue}{\bf Thank you for your attention!}} | |
342 | +\end{center} | |
343 | + | |
344 | + | |
345 | +\end{frame} | |
346 | +\end{document} | |
\ No newline at end of file |