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Rev. 时间 作者
cb50cf6677fc 2024-03-02 18:20:41 Lorenzo Isella

I merges several heads.

9da070928845 2024-03-02 18:17:40 Lorenzo Isella

I added the timestamp in the title of the plot on the portfolio composition.

cfef80f7064c 2024-03-01 17:32:42 Lorenzo Isella

I now choose whether to save the latest portfolio data or not.

48d67f767c19 2024-03-01 01:40:29 Lorenzo Isella

Minor improvements to the plots and to the axis text.

6ec285935d15 2024-02-29 21:59:19 Lorenzo Isella

I added an extra plot on th performance of my assets plus I cleaned the code.

fbb6ea23a317 2024-02-29 17:01:40 Lorenzo Isella

Due to a fix in binancer, I can now retrieve normally the coin prices.

5e90a8f3fc47 2024-02-29 17:01:10 Lorenzo Isella

I now print at the end of the code the total value of my portfolio.

4f2c57050699 2024-02-28 23:50:03 Lorenzo Isella

I cleaned up the code and removed a bug in the binancer package.

ec81277b797e 2024-02-28 23:48:14 Lorenzo Isella

I added a function to fix the error in the binancer function to get the coin prices.

4c24e8e6e766 2024-02-28 23:40:39 Lorenzo Isella

I modified my_ggplot_theme2 because of some changes in ggplot 3.5.

0b4787454aeb 2024-02-26 21:30:56 Lorenzo Isella

We now prefilter the dataset by removing all the lines for which the aid element in eur is zero.

bc982baf214e 2024-02-22 23:33:30 Lorenzo Isella

Simple code to extract a sample from a parquet file without opening it.

a35cdfa6081d 2024-02-22 18:10:00 Lorenzo Isella

Minor modifications.

a61f31674065 2024-02-22 17:54:43 Lorenzo Isella

I now also process the financial aid for Kurt.

4f3a2e63e166 2024-02-22 04:52:35 Lorenzo Isella

Minor modifications to the fiche.

53cc39a19c4c 2024-02-22 01:45:15 Lorenzo Isella

I merged two heads.

9512fd17a6f0 2024-02-21 20:43:43 Lorenzo Isella

The command to generate high-quality English audiobooks.

90ac730e3b50 2024-02-20 23:35:35 Lorenzo Isella

I improved some plots.

9ee9ac83f760 2024-02-20 19:12:54 Lorenzo Isella

I do not save entries for assets with zero amounts.

92bac31dc23e 2024-02-20 19:08:42 Lorenzo Isella

I fixed the code so that if there are no staked assets, no error is returned.

994de39f07ba 2024-02-20 07:26:44 Lorenzo Isella

I now save the detailed portfolio composition.

5d16d7d1bbeb 2024-02-18 02:02:01 Lorenzo Isella

I fixed an error in the title.

288ee84c5ecb 2024-02-18 01:58:24 Lorenzo Isella

A quick fix for when I do not have two pages of locked products.

53c5a2fbc6b2 2024-02-07 01:52:35 Lorenzo Isella

Another script to obtain a special granular aggregation from the scoreboard.

625e15fc0af9 2024-02-07 01:51:59 Lorenzo Isella

I do not save the entries with zero expenditure.

1142249dccbc 2024-02-02 04:40:22 Lorenzo Isella

I added the newlines_in_value option to allow for reading the content of cells which spans multiple lines.

3186aadc71c4 2024-01-25 20:36:16 Lorenzo Isella

The expenditure year is 2022.

24dbf5deaa5b 2024-01-25 19:06:38 Lorenzo Isella

I just added a space in a printed number.

0d30c2e12512 2024-01-25 18:39:31 Lorenzo Isella

I just updated the expenditure year.

e3a825b6cd8f 2024-01-25 07:04:40 Lorenzo Isella

A beautiful template for a book in latex.