名称 | 大小 | Rev. | 时间 | 作者 | Log Message |
alias | 77 | efb7488d2406 | 2008-10-17 21:31:01 | iselllo | I added a new useful command to look ... |
ansi-color.el | 24.52 k | 1ec5abe1cfc6 | 2008-08-06 23:32:13 | iselllo | I added a file which can be used to f... |
emacs | 209.64 k | 68fee9ce6b1f | 2024-06-11 01:12:02 | Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> | I added the quarto mode package and I... |
emacs-mail | 142 | aaacc9a541a8 | 2014-08-31 22:28:04 | Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> | A code needed to use emacs as an exte... |
emacs.before_ecb_2.32 | 37.13 k | 60d5dec6766d | 2008-10-22 02:57:05 | iselllo | This is a backup of my .emacs file be... |
flyspell-babel.el | 18.79 k | 7d171c6a7406 | 2010-12-02 01:10:40 | lorenzo | I added a file which should help emac... |
init_bash.sh | 23 | 78ead4ce62d7 | 2008-09-29 23:36:29 | iselllo | I added the file: init_bash.sh (it is... |
ispell-multi.el | 19.97 k | 4b95b5b6d767 | 2010-12-02 20:39:40 | lorenzo | I added another file needed to obtain... |
screen-lines.el | 23.57 k | e828469aa3e3 | 2019-11-11 18:25:02 | Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> | I changed the way a function is calle... |
shell-command.el | 14.29 k | b68a84da62e3 | 2008-06-04 08:59:42 | iselllo | I added the file shell-command.el whi... |
sr-speedbar.el | 24.16 k | 8bb38eb15ddc | 2019-11-11 18:49:29 | Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> | I fixed the problem with a free varia... |