Automap (client) [VS plugin mod]
Rev. | 1c8849af29a916822885541c010ffc4b7bb90d5a |
大小 | 3,252 字节 |
时间 | 2022-05-02 03:22:25 |
作者 | melchior |
Log Message | 2nd Entity processing fix attempt
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Hjg.Pngcs;
using Hjg.Pngcs.Chunks;
using Vintagestory.API.Client;
using Vintagestory.API.Common;
using Vintagestory.API.MathTools;
namespace Automap
public abstract class AChunkRenderer
protected readonly int chunkSize;
public virtual ICoreClientAPI ClientAPI { get; protected set; }
public virtual ILogger Logger { get; protected set; }
public virtual Dictionary<int, BlockDesignator> BlockID_Designators { get; set; }
public virtual bool SeasonalColors { get; }
public virtual PngWriter PngWriter { get; set;}
protected AChunkRenderer(ICoreClientAPI clientAPI, ILogger logger, bool useSeasonColor = true)
this.ClientAPI = clientAPI;
this.Logger = logger;
this.SeasonalColors = useSeasonColor;
this.chunkSize = ClientAPI.World.BlockAccessor.ChunkSize;
public abstract void GenerateChunkPngShard(Vec2i chunkPos, IMapChunk mapChunk, ColumnMeta targetColMeta, ref ColumnsMetadata allCols, out uint pixelCount);
public virtual PngWriter SetupPngImage(Vec2i coord, string path, string chunkPath, ref ColumnMeta metadata)
ImageInfo imageInf = new ImageInfo(chunkSize, chunkSize, 8, false);
string filename = $"{coord.X}_{coord.Y}.png";
filename = Path.Combine(path, chunkPath, filename);
this.PngWriter = FileHelper.CreatePngWriter(filename, imageInf, true);
PngMetadata meta = this.PngWriter.GetMetadata( );
meta.SetText("Chunk_X", coord.X.ToString("D"));
meta.SetText("Chunk_Y", coord.Y.ToString("D"));
meta.SetText("PxSz", "1");
var transparencyChunk = meta.CreateTRNSChunk( );
transparencyChunk.SetRGB(0, 0, 0);//Same as Snapshots
string gameDate = $"{ClientAPI.World.Calendar.DayOfYear:D3}-{ClientAPI.World.Calendar.Year}";
meta.SetText("GameDY", gameDate);
//Setup specialized meta-data PNG chunks here...
PngMetadataChunk pngChunkMeta = new PngMetadataChunk(this.PngWriter.ImgInfo) {
ChunkMetadata = metadata
this.PngWriter.GetChunksList( ).Queue(pngChunkMeta);
this.PngWriter.CompLevel = 5;// 9 is the maximum compression but thats too high for the small benefit it gives
this.PngWriter.CompressionStrategy = Hjg.Pngcs.Zlib.EDeflateCompressStrategy.Huffman;
return this.PngWriter;
protected virtual void ExtractBlockColor(BlockPos tmpPos, Block block, float slopeBoost, out int red, out int green, out int blue)
int avgCol, rndCol, col, packedFormat;
if (SeasonalColors) {
avgCol = block.GetColor(ClientAPI, tmpPos);
rndCol = block.GetRandomColor(ClientAPI, tmpPos, BlockFacing.UP);
col = ColorUtil.ColorOverlay(avgCol, rndCol, 0.125f);
else {
col = block.GetColorWithoutTint(ClientAPI, tmpPos);
col = ClientAPI.World.ApplyColorMapOnRgba(block.ClimateColorMapForMap, null, col, tmpPos.X, tmpPos.Y, tmpPos.Z, false);
packedFormat = ColorUtil.ColorMultiply3Clamped(col, slopeBoost);
red = ColorUtil.ColorB(packedFormat);
green = ColorUtil.ColorG(packedFormat);
blue = ColorUtil.ColorR(packedFormat);