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First Machine Age's Mods (Combined repo.)

Commit MetaInfo

修订版a88406ebaaa318aed3c2e00da9b28d674eb8dc44 (tree)
时间2020-06-25 06:13:34
作者melchior <melchior@user...>

Log Message

W.I.P. added shape, changes for Recipie patcher



--- a/ElementalTools/Assignments.cs
+++ b/ElementalTools/Assignments.cs
@@ -14,40 +14,37 @@ namespace ElementalTools
1414 {
1515 public partial class ElementalToolsSystem : ModSystem
1616 {
1818 internal const string malletItemKey = @"ItemMallet";
1919 internal const string malletAssetKey = @"mallet";
20+ internal const string hammerAssetKey = @"hammer";
2021 internal const string fmaKey = @"fma";
22- private void RegisterItemClasses()
23+ private void RegisterItemClasses( )
2324 {
24- CoreAPI.RegisterItemClass(malletItemKey, typeof(ItemMallet));
25+ CoreAPI.RegisterItemClass(malletItemKey, typeof(ItemMallet));
2526 }
2829 private void ManipulateGridRecipies( )
2930 {
30- uint malletizedCount = 0;
31- //Thread.Sleep(1000);
3231 Mod.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Total GridRecipies: {CoreAPI.World.GridRecipes.Count}");
35- var alternateQuery = from gridRecipie in CoreAPI.World.GridRecipes
36- where gridRecipie.Ingredients.Any(gi => gi.Value.IsTool && gi.Value.Code.BeginsWith(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain, @"hammer"))
34+ var nonCrushingHammerRecipies = from gridRecipie in CoreAPI.World.GridRecipes
35+ where gridRecipie.Ingredients.Any(gi => gi.Value.IsTool && gi.Value.Code.BeginsWith(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain, hammerAssetKey))
3736 where gridRecipie.Output.Code.BeginsWith(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain, @"nugget") == false
3837 where gridRecipie.Output.Code.BeginsWith(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain, @"lime") == false
3938 select gridRecipie;
41- Mod.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Found {alternateQuery.Count( )} Recipies using Hammer, (non ore)");
43- if (alternateQuery.Any( )) {
44- foreach (var recipieToClone in alternateQuery.ToArray( ))
45- {
46- var cloneRecipie = recipieToClone.Clone( );
48- cloneRecipie.Name = new AssetLocation("fma", $"clone_{malletizedCount}");
50- var hammerIngredient = cloneRecipie.Ingredients.First(gi => gi.Value.IsTool && gi.Value.Code.BeginsWith(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain, @"hammer"));
40+ CraftingRecipeIngredient hammerIngredient = new CraftingRecipeIngredient {
41+ Type = EnumItemClass.Item,
42+ //Name = "hammer",
43+ IsTool = true,
44+ Code = new AssetLocation(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain, hammerAssetKey),
45+ Quantity = 1,
46+ //IsWildCard = false,
47+ };
5249 CraftingRecipeIngredient malletIngredient = new CraftingRecipeIngredient {
5350 Type = EnumItemClass.Item,
@@ -57,57 +54,46 @@ namespace ElementalTools
5754 Quantity = 1,
5855 //IsWildCard = false,
5956 };
60- cloneRecipie.Ingredients[hammerIngredient.Key] = malletIngredient;
62- cloneRecipie.ResolveIngredients(ServerCore.World);
63- ServerCore.RegisterCraftingRecipe(cloneRecipie);
64- malletizedCount++;
65- }
58+ var results = SingleSwapinReplicas(nonCrushingHammerRecipies, hammerIngredient, malletIngredient);
61+ Mod.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added {results} Mallet recipies");
67- Mod.Logger.VerboseDebug($"Added {malletizedCount} Mallet recipies");
70- /*
71- GridRecipe testRecipie = new GridRecipe {
72- IngredientPattern = "M\tF",
73- Name = new AssetLocation("fma","LogToSticks"),
74- Height = 2,
75- Width = 1,
76- Ingredients =
77- new Dictionary<string, CraftingRecipeIngredient>{
78- {"M", new CraftingRecipeIngredient{
79- Name = "mallet",
80- Type = EnumItemClass.Item,
81- Code = new AssetLocation(fmaKey, malletAssetKey),
82- IsTool = true,
83- Quantity = 1,}
84- },
85- {"F", new CraftingRecipeIngredient{
86- Name = "wood",
87- Type = EnumItemClass.Item,
88- Code = new AssetLocation(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain,"firewood"),
89- Quantity = 1,}
90- },
91- },
92- Output = new CraftingRecipeIngredient{
93- Type = EnumItemClass.Item,
94- Quantity = 3,
95- Code = new AssetLocation(GlobalConstants.DefaultDomain,"stick"),
96- },
97- };//Needs: ResolvedItemstack <- for Non-wildcard !!!!
98- testRecipie.ResolveIngredients(ServerCore.World);
100- ServerCore.RegisterCraftingRecipe(testRecipie);
101- */
10364 }
105- //TODO: Recycling assignment of Smeltable properties from all smith/grid/recipe forms...
108- }
68+ private uint SingleSwapinReplicas(IEnumerable<GridRecipe> sourceRecipies, CraftingRecipeIngredient target, CraftingRecipeIngredient replacement)
69+ {
70+ uint replicaCount = 0;
72+ if (sourceRecipies.Any( ))
73+ {
74+ foreach (var recipieToClone in sourceRecipies.ToArray( )) {
75+ var cloneRecipie = recipieToClone.Clone( );
77+ cloneRecipie.Name = new AssetLocation(fmaKey, $"clone_{replacement.Code.Path}_{replicaCount}");
79+ var targetTag = cloneRecipie.Ingredients.FirstOrDefault(gi => gi.Value.Type == target.Type &&
80+ gi.Value.IsTool == target.IsTool &&
81+ gi.Value.Code == target.Code &&
82+ gi.Value.Quantity == target.Quantity
83+ );
84+ if (targetTag.Key != null && targetTag.Value != null) {
85+ cloneRecipie.Ingredients[targetTag.Key] = replacement;
87+ cloneRecipie.ResolveIngredients(ServerCore.World);
88+ ServerCore.RegisterCraftingRecipe(cloneRecipie);
89+ replicaCount++;
90+ }
91+ else Mod.Logger.Warning("Recipe replacement - fails to locate target| {0}", target.Code);
93+ }
94+ }
95+ return replicaCount;
96+ }
97+ //TODO: Recycling assignment of Smeltable properties from all smith/grid/recipe forms...
11198 }
11299 }
--- a/ElementalTools/ElementalTools.csproj
+++ b/ElementalTools/ElementalTools.csproj
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@
9292 <None Include="assets\fma\shapes\item\tools\mallet.json">
9393 <CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory>
9494 </None>
95+ <None Include="assets\fma\shapes\item\tools\bit_brace.json">
96+ <CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory>
97+ </None>
9598 </ItemGroup>
9699 <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
97100 </Project>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElementalTools/assets/fma/shapes/item/tools/bit_brace.json
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
2+ "editor": {
3+ "allAngles": false,
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5+ },
6+ "textureWidth": 16,
7+ "textureHeight": 16,
8+ "textureSizes": {
9+ },
10+ "textures": {
11+ "steel": "block/metal/plate/steel",
12+ "tinbronze": "item/tool/material/tinbronze",
13+ "wood": "item/tool/material/wood",
14+ "brass": "item/tool/material/brass"
15+ },
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41+ "down": { "texture": "#tinbronze", "uv": [ 5.0, 0.5, 6.25, 3.5 ] }
42+ }
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52+ "west": { "texture": "#tinbronze", "uv": [ 2.75, 8.0, 5.75, 9.0 ] },
53+ "up": { "texture": "#tinbronze", "uv": [ 4.75, 8.0, 6.0, 11.0 ] },
54+ "down": { "texture": "#tinbronze", "uv": [ 4.25, 8.0, 5.5, 11.0 ] }
55+ }
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67+ "down": { "texture": "#tinbronze", "uv": [ 4.5, 1.5, 6.5, 2.5 ] }
68+ }
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\ No newline at end of file