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shogi-server source

Rev. 时间 作者
372b45b 2009-11-08 23:38:12 beatles

One more correction.

523c818 2009-11-08 23:36:33 beatles


3c4fcc1 2009-11-08 22:48:48 beatles

* [mk_rate]
- Split a pre-process collecting game results from csa files into
a new command, mk_game_results. Now, Generating players.html
requires two steps as follows:
% ./mk_game_results dir_of_csa_files > 00list
% ./mk_rate 00list > players.html
% ./mk_game_results dir_of_csa_files | ./mk_rate > players.html
(Closes: #19454)

b1bcf75 2009-11-08 22:48:48 beatles

Removed the deprecated method.

04d3404 2009-11-04 20:57:32 tkaneko

specify size

5ce7d31 2009-11-01 22:32:36 beatles

Corrected the expected results.

fd0771d 2009-11-01 22:32:35 beatles

test_not_uchifuzume was not erronously executed. Now the method is tested.

154853a 2009-11-01 22:32:34 beatles

Improved stability of the test result.

89e8f3e 2009-10-06 16:29:30 tkaneko

changed x-bias of black and that of white, in order to place the evaluation by the last-moved player at the rightmost

a7d02c8 2009-08-23 23:05:24 beatles

Removed a debugging line

9f5313a 2009-08-09 15:17:36 beatles

* Return [...] +OK after %%SETBUOY and %%DELETEBUOY commands
* A buoy game was not started after %%SETBUOY command.

22ae63f 2009-08-09 15:17:35 beatles

* Starting a buoy game by %%GAME caused an server error.
* To_Move of a proposed game lines was incorrect.

31e4f10 2009-08-08 14:28:00 beatles

Removed a debug line.

823b3c5 2009-08-06 23:35:37 beatles

* The counter of a buoy game is decremented before the game is started.
* GETBUOYCOUNT returns -1 when a non-existing game is searched.

5590553 2009-07-29 22:53:03 beatles

Forgot to add them at r338

69a5f0d 2009-07-29 22:48:31 beatles

Experimantal implementation for specified games, codenamed Buoy.

e52164c 2009-07-29 22:48:30 beatles

* [shogi-server]
- Added shogi_server/command.rb: refactored commands out of player.rb, and assign a dedicated class for each command

f177fa0 2009-06-18 22:28:09 beatles

Added a test case for Floodgate::History

d70addf 2009-06-18 22:28:08 beatles

* [shogi-server]
- An emtpy floodgate_history.yaml caused a server error. This
issue has been fixed.
(Closes: #15124)

b378ba1 2009-06-17 23:44:24 beatles

* [shogi-server]
- If a new game matched between two players is not started within
a certain time (default 120 seconds) (i.e. the agree_waiting or
start_waiting state lasts too long), the Server REJECTs the game.
(Closes: #14425)

738c0fb 2009-06-17 23:44:23 beatles

Added more test cases.

d5c3790 2009-06-15 23:24:34 beatles

* [shogi-server]
- When a Gote player AGREEd a new game and then a Sente player
logged out (LOGOUT), the Gote incorrectly received a LOGOUT message
from the server. Since Gote's state was not AGREEd or STARTed yet,
the Gote should be REJECTed. This issue has been fixed.
(Closes: #17335)

a1ca74a 2009-06-14 17:14:59 beatles

* [shogi-server]
- The Board could not recognize a certain pattern of
Oute-Sennichite. This issue has been fixed.
(Closes: #13966)

b8ed25a 2009-03-22 16:09:02 beatles

Added a new file: utils/correct-bug14635.rb

6bf7469 2009-03-07 19:55:20 beatles

Improved performance.

bc972d0 2009-02-15 23:37:18 beatles

* [shogi-server]
- A duplicated comment that is the one of the previous (or older)
move might be erroneously recorded in a csa file. This issue has
been fixed. (Closes: #15080)

1306b3b 2009-02-15 23:37:17 beatles

Player names are compared in a case-insensitive way.

4cfe38e 2009-02-11 15:06:24 beatles

* [utils/csa-filter.rb]
- Added a new file. This program filters CSA files.

f852012 2009-02-01 14:44:10 beatles

* [shogi-server]
- The shogi-server records csa files of games in an illegal
format. This issue has been fixed. (Closes: #14635)
- A ##[MONITOR] command for showing a game result such as %TORYO
was not correct. This issue has been fixed.

37e6307 2009-01-13 23:08:32 beatles

Forgot to add this file.