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修订版77c361451b5f66d7d6122b82b8e53db32bccd26b (tree)
时间2018-02-22 21:47:05
作者takemasa <suikan@user...>

Log Message

Modified Doxygen comment.



--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/Inc/platform_defs.hpp
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/Inc/platform_defs.hpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace murasaki {
3131 * recommended to declare for the ease of reading.
3232 *
3333 * \code
34- * murasaki::Debug * murasaki::debugger;
34+ * murasaki::Debugger * murasaki::debugger;
3535 * murasaki::Platform * murasaki::platform;
3737 * \endcode
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ namespace murasaki {
5050 * The platform.logger member variable hooks a murasaki::AbstractLogger variable. In this example, murasaki::UartLogger
5151 * class variable is instantiated.
5252 *
53- * Finally, the debugger variable is initialized. The murasaki::Debug constructor receives murasaki::AbstractLogger * type.
53+ * Finally, the debugger variable is initialized. The murasaki::Debugger constructor receives murasaki::AbstractLogger * type.
5454 * \code
5555 * void InitPlatform(UART_HandleTypeDef * uart_handle)
5656 * {
5757 * murasaki::platform.uart_console = new murasaki::Uart(uart_handle);
5858 * murasaki::platform.logger = new murasaki::UartLogger(murasaki::platform.uart_console);
5959 *
60- * murasak::debugger = new murasaki::Debug(murasaki::platform.logger);
60+ * murasak::debugger = new murasaki::Debugger(murasaki::platform.logger);
6161 * }
6262 *
6363 * \endcode
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace murasaki {
7272 * This is a custom struct. Programmer can change this struct as suitable to the hardware and software.
7373 * But debugger_ member variable have to be left untouched.
7474 *
75- * In the run time, the debugger_ variable have to be initialized by appropriate \ref murasaki::Debug class instance.
75+ * In the run time, the debugger_ variable have to be initialized by appropriate \ref murasaki::Debugger class instance.
7676 *
7777 * See \ref murasaki::platform
7878 */
--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/abstractlogger.hpp
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/abstractlogger.hpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace murasaki {
2222 * \brief Abstract class for logging.
2323 * \details
2424 * A generic class to serve a logging function. This class is designed to pass to the
25- * \ref murasaki::Debug.
25+ * \ref murasaki::Debugger.
2626 *
2727 * As a service class to Debug. This class's two member functions ( putMessage() and getCharacter() )
2828 * have to be able to run in the task context. Both member functions also have to be the
--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/debugger.hpp
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/debugger.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
11 /**
2- * \file debug.hpp
2+ * \file debugger.hpp
33 *
44 * \date 2018/01/03
55 * \author takemasa
--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/murasaki_config.hpp
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/murasaki_config.hpp
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
6868 * \brief Size[Byte] of the task inside Debug class.
6969 * \details
70- * The murasaki::Debug class has internal task to handle its FIFO buffer.
70+ * The murasaki::Debuger class has internal task to handle its FIFO buffer.
7171 *
7272 * To override the definition here, define same macro inside @ref platform_config.hpp.
7373 */
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
8282 * \brief The task proiority of the debug task.
8383 * \details
84- * The priority of the murasaki::Debug internal task. To output the logging data as fast as possible,
84+ * The priority of the murasaki::Debuger internal task. To output the logging data as fast as possible,
8585 * the debug taks have to have relatively high priority. In other hand, to yield the CPU to the
8686 * critical tasks, it's priority have to be smaller than the max priority.
8787 *
--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/murasaki_ug.hpp
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/murasaki_ug.hpp
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
278278 #include "murasaki.hpp"
280280 murasaki::Platform murasaki::platform;
281- murasaki::Debug * murasaki::debugger;
281+ murasaki::Debugger * murasaki::debugger;
282282 *\endcode
283283 *
284284 * Both variable is declared in header file. Then, they have to be declared
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
294294 * murasaki::platform.uart_console = new murasaki::Uart(uart_handle);
295295 * murasaki::platform.logger = new murasaki::UartLogger(murasaki::platform.uart_console);
296296 *
297- * murasaki::debugger = new murasaki::Debug(murasaki::platform.logger);
297+ * murasaki::debugger = new murasaki::Debugger(murasaki::platform.logger);
298298 * }
299299 * \endcode
300300 *
@@ -453,13 +453,13 @@
453453 * message is already transmitted ( and lost ).
454454 *
455455 * murasaki can save this problem.
456- * By adding following code after creating murasaki::Debug instance, you can use history functionality.
456+ * By adding following code after creating murasaki::Debugger instance, you can use history functionality.
457457 *
458458 * @code
459459 * murasaki::debugger->AutoHistory();
460460 * @endcode
461461 *
462- * The murasaki::Debug::AutoHistory() creattes a dedicated task for auto hisotry function.
462+ * The murasaki::Debugger::AutoHistory() creattes a dedicated task for auto hisotry function.
463463 * This task watch the input from the logging port.
464464 * Again, in this User's guide it is UART.
465465 * Once any character is received from the logging port ( terminal ),
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
469469 * The auto hisotry is handy, but it blocks all input from the terminal.
470470 * If you want to have your own console program through the debug port input,
471471 * do not you the auto hisotry. Alternatively, you can send the previously transmitted mesage again,
472- * by calling murasaki::Debug::PrintHistory() explicitly.
472+ * by calling murasaki::Debugger::PrintHistory() explicitly.
473473 *
474474 */
--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/uartlogger.hpp
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/uartlogger.hpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace murasaki {
2121 * \brief Logging through an UART port.
2222 * \details
2323 * This is a standard logging class through the UART port. The instance of this
24- * class can be passed to the murasaki::Debug constructor.
24+ * class can be passed to the murasaki::Debugger constructor.
2525 *
2626 * See \ref MURASAKI_PLATFORM_GROUP as usage example.
2727 *