Rev. | 96dedf6f5fc3057cb9f108cc969b5cca4b2ac78e |
大小 | 4,913 字节 |
时间 | 2014-07-19 11:08:38 |
作者 | umorigu |
Log Message |
// PukiWiki - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone.
// $Id: plugin.php,v 1.20 2011/01/25 15:01:01 henoheno Exp $
// Copyright (C)
// 2002-2005 PukiWiki Developers Team
// 2001-2002 Originally written by yu-ji
// License: GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version
// Plugin related functions
// Set global variables for plugins
function set_plugin_messages($messages)
foreach ($messages as $name=>$val)
if (! isset($GLOBALS[$name]))
$GLOBALS[$name] = $val;
// Check plugin '$name' is here
function exist_plugin($name)
global $vars;
static $exist = array(), $count = array();
$name = strtolower($name);
if(isset($exist[$name])) {
if (++$count[$name] > PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT)
die('Alert: plugin "' . htmlsc($name) .
'" was called over ' . PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT .
' times. SPAM or someting?<br />' . "\n" .
'<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=edit&page='.
rawurlencode($vars['page']) . '">Try to edit this page</a><br />' . "\n" .
'<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '">Return to frontpage</a>');
return $exist[$name];
if (preg_match('/^\w{1,64}$/', $name) &&
file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR . $name . '.inc.php')) {
$exist[$name] = TRUE;
$count[$name] = 1;
require_once(PLUGIN_DIR . $name . '.inc.php');
return TRUE;
} else {
$exist[$name] = FALSE;
$count[$name] = 1;
return FALSE;
// Check if plugin API 'action' exists
function exist_plugin_action($name) {
return function_exists('plugin_' . $name . '_action') ? TRUE : exist_plugin($name) ?
function_exists('plugin_' . $name . '_action') : FALSE;
// Check if plugin API 'convert' exists
function exist_plugin_convert($name) {
return function_exists('plugin_' . $name . '_convert') ? TRUE : exist_plugin($name) ?
function_exists('plugin_' . $name . '_convert') : FALSE;
// Check if plugin API 'inline' exists
function exist_plugin_inline($name) {
return function_exists('plugin_' . $name . '_inline') ? TRUE : exist_plugin($name) ?
function_exists('plugin_' . $name . '_inline') : FALSE;
// Do init the plugin
function do_plugin_init($name)
static $checked = array();
if (isset($checked[$name])) return $checked[$name];
$func = 'plugin_' . $name . '_init';
if (function_exists($func)) {
// TRUE or FALSE or NULL (return nothing)
$checked[$name] = call_user_func($func);
} else {
$checked[$name] = NULL; // Not exist
return $checked[$name];
// Call API 'action' of the plugin
function do_plugin_action($name)
if (! exist_plugin_action($name)) return array();
if(do_plugin_init($name) === FALSE)
die_message('Plugin init failed: ' . $name);
$retvar = call_user_func('plugin_' . $name . '_action');
// Insert a hidden field, supports idenrtifying text enconding
$retvar = preg_replace('/(<form[^>]*>)/', '$1' . "\n" .
'<div><input type="hidden" name="encode_hint" value="' .
PKWK_ENCODING_HINT . '" /></div>', $retvar);
return $retvar;
// Call API 'convert' of the plugin
function do_plugin_convert($name, $args = '')
global $digest;
if(do_plugin_init($name) === FALSE)
return '[Plugin init failed: ' . $name . ']';
// Multiline plugin?
$pos = strpos($args, "\r"); // "\r" is just a delimiter
if ($pos !== FALSE) {
$body = substr($args, $pos + 1);
$args = substr($args, 0, $pos);
if ($args === '') {
$aryargs = array(); // #plugin()
} else {
$aryargs = csv_explode(',', $args); // #plugin(A,B,C,D)
if (isset($body)) $aryargs[] = & $body; // #plugin(){{body}}
$_digest = $digest;
$retvar = call_user_func_array('plugin_' . $name . '_convert', $aryargs);
$digest = $_digest; // Revert
if ($retvar === FALSE) {
return htmlsc('#' . $name .
($args != '' ? '(' . $args . ')' : ''));
} else if (PKWK_ENCODING_HINT != '') {
// Insert a hidden field, supports idenrtifying text enconding
return preg_replace('/(<form[^>]*>)/', '$1 ' . "\n" .
'<div><input type="hidden" name="encode_hint" value="' .
PKWK_ENCODING_HINT . '" /></div>', $retvar);
} else {
return $retvar;
// Call API 'inline' of the plugin
function do_plugin_inline($name, $args, & $body)
global $digest;
if(do_plugin_init($name) === FALSE)
return '[Plugin init failed: ' . $name . ']';
if ($args !== '') {
$aryargs = csv_explode(',', $args);
} else {
$aryargs = array();
// NOTE: A reference of $body is always the last argument
$aryargs[] = & $body; // func_num_args() != 0
$_digest = $digest;
$retvar = call_user_func_array('plugin_' . $name . '_inline', $aryargs);
$digest = $_digest; // Revert
if($retvar === FALSE) {
// Do nothing
return htmlsc('&' . $name . ($args ? '(' . $args . ')' : '') . ';');
} else {
return $retvar;