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frameworks-policies-base: 仓库概述


Recent Commits RSS

Rev. 时间 作者 Message
9fb8be5 2011-01-31 19:02:09 Patrick Ferguson froyo-x86 android-x86-2.2-r2 PhoneWindowManager: disable softkeyboard by default Chan...
2bd3214 2010-12-31 11:13:54 kwok android-x86-2.2 Check setting whether reboot needs confirmation
1cab31f 2010-12-20 16:37:38 kwok Check whether to show dialog/confirmation during power-of...
65f638e 2010-12-20 16:37:38 Check whether to skip screen lock Change-Id: Icd0f7de16d...
fd89ce4 2010-12-20 16:37:38 Jinho You PhoneWindowManager: allow wake up screen by a screen touc...
150b526 2010-12-20 16:37:38 Yi Sun move the power off and reboot the upper positions
acdcb52 2010-12-20 16:37:38 Yi Sun make nicer keyguard window for PC
277aca4 2010-12-20 16:37:38 Yi Sun Disable the provision check Sometimes, the value of prov...
c9878ce 2010-12-20 16:37:38 Yi Sun KeyguardViewMediator: fix a race condition There could a...
dc01610 2010-12-20 16:37:35 Kelly2.Blue enable softkeyboard

Recently edited Tags

名称 Rev. 时间 作者
android-x86-2.2-r2 9fb8be5 2011-01-31 19:02:09 Patrick Ferguson
android-x86-2.2 2bd3214 2010-12-31 11:13:54 kwok
android-x86-1.6 9aea7cd 2009-11-24 11:50:12 Chih-Wei Huang


名称 Rev. 时间 作者 Message
froyo-x86 9fb8be5 2011-01-31 19:02:09 Patrick Ferguson PhoneWindowManager: disable...
eclair-x86 730321a 2010-04-16 15:54:47 yisun move the power off and rebo...
donut-x86 474efbe 2010-03-15 16:15:34 Chih-Wei Huang remove nois...

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