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ezdevOS Spin:
ezdevOS is a Devuan based, Refracta built, eznixOS style respin. I used the Devuan ASCII release and added the usual eznixOS customizations. I built the release with the Refracta Tools and Refracta provides the installer. There are two ISOs, one for BIOS/MBR installations and one for UEFI systems - the filenames should be obvious which is which.

The bldezdev script is a semi-automated way I build ezdevOS. If you wish to use the bldezdev script, make sure the script and the bldezdevOS folder are in the same directory. The build-steps.txt file will guide you through the manual steps and you can choose to change any of the options you wish.

The live system has a user and password:
username: live
password: live


System requirement is not defined

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