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AVLMAP is a key:data pair data mapping (associative array) library for C programming based on AVL balanced binary trees. Added features include ordered data retrieval forward or reverse, support for optional duplicate keys (e.g. an extra linked list not needed), and the ability to find the nearest member if an exact match isn't available. Both key and data types may be selected from a choice of C data types including string and array variations. One mapping always has one key type, but data types may be mixed within a mapping.


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2003-09-08 21:16 Back to release list

此版本更改的配置文件中使用相同的样式,在LIBH,增加了失踪头包括[政务]和alloca.h,并删除一些没有被gcc 3.3和一些映射来源没有处理的内联代码为string.h中。
标签: Minor bugfixes
This release changes to the same style of configuration file used in
LIBH, adds missing header includes for string.h [cs] and alloca.h, and
removes some inlines that were not handled by gcc 3.3 and some mapping
sources that had no code.

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