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git-info-bar is a ksh, bash, gitbash, and Git shell plugin that endeavors to provide a fast and pronounced view of various git attributes when you are under the umbrella of a git repository. Its main feature, the 'info bar' (information bar), displays the following information: current branch (in 'red' if on master); current cksum (in 'red' if there are uncommitted changes, and an 'uncommitted changes' message in the message area); and stash count in the message area if you have stashes. It includes an install script and removal scripts. It is currently only tested in Bash, GitBash and ksh93. It was previously named 'bash-git', but the name has been transitioned to 'git-info-bar', as a long-term goal is cross-shell compatibility using a Perl back-end.


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2012-03-08 21:35 Back to release list

添加了一个 Perl 版本插件 (需要 Perl 5.4.0 或更高版本)。目录结构是从 'bash git' 到' git-信息-栏 ' changef。ksh93 支持已添加。zsh 一体化开始。
标签: Stable
A Perl version plugin was added (requires Perl 5.4.0 or later). The directory structure was changef from 'bash-git' to 'git-info-bar'. ksh93 support was added. zsh integration began.

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