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bashdb, kshdb, and zshdb are debuggers for Bash, ksh, and zsh scripts respectively. The debugger command interface is modeled on the gdb command interface. Front-ends supporting bashdb include GNU-Emacs and ddd.


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2010-12-11 08:13 Back to release list

调试器“名单”围绕一个中心,除非获得行命令开始和结束行号。用于非核心名单“名单>”。此版本已经过测试,工作bash的版本4.2。一些简短缩写的命令已被丢弃。使用“别名”来添加别名下降简短的命令。 “显示”命令更喜欢GDB的。 Emacs Lisp代码已被删除。请使用由多调试器的代码来代替。无数的小虫子是固定的。
标签: bashdb
The debugger "list" command centers around a line unless given a start and end line number. Use "list>" for a non-centering list. This version has been tested to work on bash version 4.2. Some short abbreviations of commands have been dropped. Use "alias" to add alias for dropped short commands. The "display" command is more like gdb. Emacs lisp code has been removed. Please use the multi-debugger code from instead. Numerous little bugs were fixed.

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